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Everything posted by mierlp

  1. @Sherzod Did you had time to investigate the issue?
  2. @wilton_radthe last one is the correct one for this problem not to be able to enable/visible a menuitem...or am i missing something ? The mainform contains a unitreemenu, a blue top container with the text iVentDesk
  3. @Sherzod Sorry...this is the correct one. testcase unitreemenu.zip
  4. Thanks See attachment with first solution, maybe i'm doing something wrong testcase unitreemenu.zip
  5. Hi Farshad, Maybe I am the only one, but I am experiencing some issues with the combination of uniTreeMenu and SourceMenu. 1. when you crate a submenu in sourcemenu and set it to visible = false the text of this menu item will remain available, the submenu lines will be gone. 2. set in runtime a menuitem in a sourcemenu to visible = false does not work and the menuitem remains visible 3. set in runtime a menuitem in a sourcemenu to enabled = false does not work and the menuitem remains enabled 4. assigning a different source menu at runtime does not work Tried points 2 and 3 with this code which i can't get working for what i need: Used the code form the link and created a separate procedure. Before calling the procedure i set a menuitem to visible = false and call the procedure. That doesn't work either and the menu option remains visible. I need to toggle menu items on or off in different places in my program based on the type of user. You will find many work-arounds but no concrete solution. You want to make a menuitem visible or enable, just like in a mainmenu or popmenu. Please improve the uniTreeMenu because there are more forum members having issues with it. I use Delphi 10.3.3. and Regards Peter
  6. Hi My uniTreemenu has a sourcemenu. When a set at design time a menu item.visible=false or menuitem.enabled=false and run the application the menuitems are still enabled or visible...why? Delphi 10.3.3. and uniGui
  7. Hi My uniTreeMenu has default a SourceMenu attached. When the user select a certain menu option there must be 'loaded' and show a other SourceMenu to the uniTreeMenu, so i use uniTreeMenu.SourceMenu:= uniMenu_Production. Now this new menu will be showed below the current menu....so which is not correct, and i try: UniTreeMenu.Items.clear UniTreeMenu.SourceMenu := UniMenu_Production; UniTreeMenu.Refresh; UniTreeMenu.Repaint; The first line(uniTreeMenu.items.clear) gives me a error message 'TUniCustomTreeView: Node not foud, Id:4' Which is the menuitems the user clicks...so that's explainable. Whats the correct way of switching sourcemenu's on runtime. I have looked on several topics, but non have the solutions Regards Peter
  8. Same thing here with devart mydac with last build unigui professional
  9. Hi Sherzod, it works, and a easy work-around...thanks. Hope this issue will be solved in a update Regards Peter
  10. Try the following.... from mainform click '''Add record using form WITHOUT dbgrid''' add 1-2 records from within this form close that form in the mainform click again '''Add record using form WITHOUT dbgrid''' see what happends... When you in this screen adding records is no problem that works correct. Only from within the mainform doing that...then it's going wrong This works always when using the button without a dbgrid'
  11. When clicking the button ''Add record using form WITHOUT dbgrid'' thats the correct behavior i need
  12. No Just use the buttons on the mainform to see the different behavior. When you click mainform.uniButton2 (WITH dbgrid) i must append a record and not set the focus to the dbgrid. In that case the append is canceld.
  13. Hi Sherzod, Attached a simple demo with: main form form1 (contains only dbedit) form2 (contains dbedit + dbgrid) How to test : on mainform click on button 'Add record using form WITHOUT dbgrid the record will be append and the focus goes to the dbedit on mainform click on button 'Add record using form WITH' dbgrid the record will NOT be append and the focus goes to the dbgrid Do code on the buttons is both the same, only points to the other form Regards Peter testcase - dbgrid and append.zip
  14. Hi I have a form with a dbgrid and button. This button calls a edit form AND appends a new record with this code: // Scherm aanroepen FormTableTypeAddressEdit.ShowModal; // Scherm aanroepen dmType.TypeAddress.Append; This works in all other 70 edit forms (these forms only have dbedits and no dbgrid). Now i have 10 forms which also contains a DBGRID (see attachment). When calling a form with a dbgrid using the code the focus automaticly goes to the dbgrid and there's NO record appended. When removing the dbgrid from this edit form it works.!!!! The button NIEUW is also for appending records, when i click this button the record will be append. Any suggestions? I use Delphi 10.3.3. / uniGui Professional
  15. That would be a nice and usefull component. Would it be part of unigui?
  16. I use the code below in the servermodule (thanks to d.bernaert) procedure ExploreWeb(page:PChar); begin ShellExecute(0, 'open', page, nil, nil, 1); end; procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit(Sender: TObject); begin if ExtractFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)))='.exe' then ExploreWeb(pchar('http://localhost:'+ IntToStr(port))); end;
  17. procedure TMainForm.UniMemoChange(Sender: TObject); begin uniLabel_Char.Caption := IntToStr(Length(StringReplace(StringReplace(UniMemo. Lines.Text, #10, '', [rfReplaceAll]), #13, '', [rfReplaceAll]))); end; sorry...wrong post
  18. Hi, You can use an onkeydown event from the editbox where the barcode is read. if (key = vk_return) then begin // Step 1: // Search the database using a filter or query and check the barcode // only occurs once with a record count // Step 2: // Now do what you want to do now that the barcode has been found // Step 3: // Clear the field and focus on the edit field end;
  19. Hi, Take a look at my example of sending text messages, I think that's what it is all about
  20. Hi I was wondering if someone has a small example of some kind of room scheduling (database-aware) and would like to share. What it must do: have a table with resources (roomID, Name, Seats) have a table users (which can make a reservation) calendar (calendarID, ResourceID, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, UserID, Subject, Visitors) view per resource, day, month view
  21. You can also setup a WordPress site + helpdeks ticket system (https://supportcandy.net/ WordPress hosting € 2,50 per month https://www.strato.nl/hosting/wordpress-hosting/ More Helpdesk systems here https://themeforest.net/search/helpdesk ticket
  22. Thank you Sherzod...works like a charm
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