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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. This is test case. I need to do this in the timer. test case.7z
  2. UniListBox1.ItemIndex := 0; with UniListBox1 do if ItemIndex <> -1 then JSInterface.JSCall('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', [True]); Ok, I've change code to this one. And issue still exists : JS Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'scrollIntoViewIfNeeded') What I'm missing?
  3. I've tried two methods found on the forum: with UniListBox1 do JSInterface.JSCall('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[' + ItemIndex.ToString + '].scrollIntoView', [True]); with UniListBox1 do JSInterface.JSCall('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[' + ItemIndex.ToString + '].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', [True]); or just 'getSelectedNodes()[0].scrollIntoView' I always get the same error: JS Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'scrollIntoViewIfNeeded')
  4. Осталось выяснить как это сделать 😁 Кинул TUniPopupMenu на модуль и.... Как эксплореру и/или унигую сказать, что это его новое дефолтное меню?
  5. А что смущает? Сейчас же есть везде дефолтное, браузерное, если его оставить включенным. Вот его хочется заменить.
  6. I have already tried, but in this case redirect doesn't works, the form still appears and afteter click on the form browser showed that session is finished.
  7. Thank you. I've try your method. Redirect works, but the desctop login form shows for 2-3 seconds. Maybe someone know how to fix this? var RedirectURL: string; begin if upMobile in UniSession.UniPlatform then begin RedirectURL := WebDataModule.SiteRoot; if (UniSession.ARequest.URI = '/HandleEvent') and (TRIM(RedirectURL) <> '') and (UniSession.ARequest.Referer <> RedirectURL) then begin //redirect UniSession.AResponse.ResponseNo := 308; UniSession.AResponse.ResponseText := 'redirected'; UniSession.TerminateAfterSecs(2); UniSession.UrlRedirect(RedirectURL); end; end; end;
  8. Issue is not about the security, but about ports binding. It's more convenient to bind only one port for us.
  9. Hi! I would to redirect all mobile users to anothe url. For example: user connected to the from mobile automatically redirects to the (this is not Unigui url).
  10. Проблема не в показать/не показать. Показывать нужно всем и всегда. Но! Не то меню, которое в браузере, а своё. У нас сотни и тысячи компонент по формам, и проставить руками везде какое-то контекстное меню и поддерживать постоянно непросто и грозит багами. Хочется как-то глобально заменить браузерное меню на своё.
  11. Now I have disabled right mouse in the options. It's not exactly a good solution, best will be the own context menu added to the all editors and so on. Maybe exists some way to do it?
  12. Yes it does, but CanSelect = False unfortunately does nothing: the cell is sucessfully selected.
  13. I've used the code: procedure TForm18.UniStringGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: integer; var CanSelect: boolean); begin CanSelect := ACol = 1; end; but it does not work corectly because this event does not fired on the fixed columns.
  14. Всем привет. В продолжение темы. Как корректно обработать параметры в пределах сессии. Допустим у нас есть ID сессии в эту сессию нужно передать какую-то команду, на стороне сессии, я так понимаю, в MainModule, команду принять и выполнить некоторое нужное действие. Например: открыть форму. Как вот это всё сделать простым Get запросом на рут унигуя? Я так понимаю что это вполне возможно.
  15. Oh, thank you! I'll look there. I could not find topic on the forum.
  16. что хоть было то? )
  17. Does it possible to add this kind of protection? Maybe someone know how to do it.
  18. Thanks for all. This topic helped me, all works as expected. The first row could be unselected in the end of all selection with fiorilli code.
  19. Unfortunately current UniGUI version cannot process correctly used ports. It just crash, and we if I understand properly could not intercept exception to do logs what is happens. It very inconvenient behaviour. In our 'main' web app we get maximum info to users what is happens while app started: info that port is already used and (under windows) wich app is used the port.
  20. mikromundo You are doing important work that many people need. You extend the functionality of the package and that's great.
  21. I think that responcive solution is usefull in about 20% cases. In all other cases much better to use absolutely different approach to the mobile and desctop interfaces. I've delelopped more than 100 forms and almost all have absolutely different interfaces.
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