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Everything posted by md9projetos

  1. O que vocÊ comprou será sempre seu,tanto o uniGUI quanto o EXTJS. hOHE DIA 19/08/16 seria a versão 0.99.96 e o EXTJS.4.2.5 Comprando hoje vocÊ teria direito as atualizações até o dia 18/08/17 suponhamos que neste período saíssem a 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 ,1.4 vocÊ teria direito a todas elas. e poderia utilziar a 1.4 pelo resto da vida. Se quiser o que sair depois de 18/08/17 vocÊ terá que renovar por mais um ano,no unigui ,não se foi estabelecido ainda percentual de uma nova licença que será cobrado pela renovação anual. Marcello
  2. Eu recomendo a todos o último do Cary Jensen sobre ClientDatasets. Mas hoje em dia o maior livro do mundo se chama Internet,acho que por isto tanto desinteresse em lançar novos livros. O que é ruim para os principiantes na linguagem,acho que por isto a Embarcadero esta dando uma cópia do Essential Pascal junto com o Delphi Starter.
  3. I think probably its going to happen only when uniGUI starts to use Extjs 6 where it was unified with the Sencha Touch.
  4. Architectural considerations and questions? First,I´m a beginner in unigui,so I´m allowed to say stupid thing,and have silly doubts. I have seen really fast uniGUI applications like the samples,and also the Falcons Soft Financeiro,but since I have promoted uniGUI in Brazil very much. I have seen two not so fast ones also(not in production ,just people asking for help) ,in my opinion propably due to not understanding how na Ajax application work,e fact that they´re probably using the trial version . Also I have seen many different architectural and coding styles here in the forums, So since I´m always looking for performance, user experience improvement and also some scalability. So, first one have to understand what kind of software he wants to do with uniGUI, in my caseTailored not multitenant ERP, the vast majority of times I´ll try to convince my costumers to host the Dll and the Database in internal servers.I really think that for Erp Market, the cloud is being over estimated, and that ERP never should be multi-tenant. I really don´t like to write client side JavaScript code for some reasons:Delphi code is easy to keep,to debug, less phrone to introduce bugs(Since the server side and the client side will be allways with the same state) ,server side code is protected ,so I think we should threat clientside code as as exception,not a rule. So here start the questions: .By using only Delphi code,in a multi-user environment do you feel any kind of slowness? At least I think client side code should almost never be used to make things faster,we allways should make things faster by using architectural solutions like using a VPN,hosting the Dll internally, load balancing, exclude Extjs library’s from the Anti-Virus software and so on, and of course applying all the best practices that are valid for Delphi and Sql it selves. At least in the samples things are really fast, without using EXTJS code,since the samples seems to be in Ankara and I´m in São Paulo that´s really a good sign. I prefer the style proposed by PerjanBr of a Desktop instead of using several tabs in a screen ,I like to see two screen opened at the same time,and I think the user will probably policy itself not to open too many tabs(although it could have be restricted),the two slown apps I´ve saw used tabs with hundreds of componentes and several master details relationships in a single tab . So the question are :Should I disable the Ajax listeners when a Tab is not focused? or a screen is minimezed?Does it have any advantage? just folowing the rules stated here are enough:https://unigui.wikispaces.com/How+to+improve+loading+time For me Unigui is hundreds of years ahead of solutions like DevExpress or Telerik where IDE is used mainly to drop components ,and you almost use only Client Side JavaScript to do things, they probably “scales beter”,stateless servers allways do, but I think scalability can be reached using load balance and should never come before user experience and even code maintanability. Marcello
  5. Not here. Is it http://aslanhayri.com/demo/UniSpecialDemo.dll ??
  6. Yes,Client side will allways be some miliseconds faster ,but I think harder to debug and keep. Imagine someone else have to keep the code. For instance( a very silly example) ,if you change teh caption of a label using Extjs Code you´ll see that in the screen ,but it wont be the value in the server,imagine someone using it in a if statement? Of course its not a DLL with 500 users in,but the samples that are in Ankara(using only Delphi code), are very responsive. EXTJS 6 will bes even faster,and 6.2 or 7 will be a complete turn around. Also Unigui itself can be optimized,everything can. Your and others Extjs code are pretty helpfull,and for today they´re the only one thing that can be done. Also If I have to keep the DLL in a internel dedicated server,have more Dlls,its a price that I think pretty reasanoble for the kind of software I produced,tailored not multi-tenant ERP. But I really think the goal should be Doing everything using only Delphi code,specially because the main audience of uniGUI are Delphi programmers willing to reuse their Delphi code,most of them thinking of using a parser/importer,something that probably won´t be possible based in EXTJS code. An this Delphi code you provide would be a function that could be reused many time trought the system.
  7. I hope it comes a day where We can do Everything writing Just Delphi. FMSoft is doing an oustanding Job,if comparing to DevExpress or Telerik where you write more Javscript than C#. But I really love when I do everything using only Delphi.
  8. Thank you Tim. The problems I had were only in Chrome last version,with CTR+ ,but only magnFying to an unrealistic ratio. Asked just for curiosity. I think this problem of speed due to an enourmous number of components its not related to Unigui itself,but to Ajax,Extjs suffers from that,and also Polymer,but sencha Site has a lot of literature explainig how to improve that. Also React.Js introduced some changes,that were copied from Polymer(they created a tool called Vulcanize),and I´ve read in Senchas Forum that they´re looking to do something about,So I expect the next version of EXTJS to be a big one. While studying polymer they gave several design tips,like divinding your tabs as much as you can,and give something the users to look at, while the other stuff is being loaded. Also this thread can help. https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?33072-SOLVED-Why-extjs-is-soooo-slow-gt-Extremely-fast!/page3 But I think just doing whats stated here do exactly what Polymer Vulcanize do https://unigui.wikispaces.com/How+to+improve+loading+time So I think Extjs people discovered it before google. https://unigui.wikispaces.com/How+to+improve+loading+time Marcello
  9. The link is down,Can´t try. By the way.Are you 100% from the car crash? Thanks, Marcello
  10. thanks,I´m using avg here. Also very strange,since evrything that is uploaded to 4shared is automatically tested with Macafee. I´´m checking now with windows defender. Update:I´ve downloaded it from 4shared with windows defender on,and no virus were Found. Can anyone test it?
  11. http://search.4shared.com/q/CCAD/1/jaud
  12. Hi People, Basicly its has much functionality from Perjanbr Desktop3,themes selection,Material design Buttons that open popupmenus that call Actions. I Would like some CSS master to include some kind of effect in the Images that are pretending they´re buttons. If someone likes it, feel free to use,fork it and add new functionality. I´ll provide a link from some storage site ,since the zip files has icons and the size is too big for my quota. Regards, Marcello
  13. It used to have a weird limitation that your company could not earn more than u$ 1.000,00 Good for students,and while you´re preparing your first system,and have nothing to sell yet.
  14. Forget about the size,I was trying to attach a too bigger image to this forum. I´m attaching it now. What I want to know if there is an easy way to add a Shadow to a TuniImageButton,or any kind of effect if somebody rovers an image. Thanks Marcello
  15. Hi all, I´ve made a menu with some material design buttons,not so bad ,I just call a TuniPopupMenu when somebody clicks in the TUnimage( see attached file). I would like to know if it is possible to add shadow or a rool over effect in the buttons images. Thanks, Marcello
  16. In fact this is the best one for material design buttons. http://bitdroid.de/Android-Material-Icon-Generator/
  17. Bootstrap button generator http://bootsnipp.com/buttons
  18. Also good,and free!!!!!! https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html#foreground.type=clipart&foreground.space.trim=1&foreground.space.pad=0.15&foreground.clipart=res%2Fclipart%2Ficons%2Faction_accessibility.svg&foreColor=fff%2C0&crop=0&backgroundShape=square&backColor=4caf50%2C100&effects=shadow
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