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Everything posted by irigsoft

  1. Hello, You must set uniMainModule -> RecallLastTheme = True. This will reload selected theme !
  2. Yes, I created mutex and it works for me, but are there any features integrated into uniApplication ?
  3. Hello @Sherzod, Can You tell me Is it possible to check if Port is in use when project starts. Standalone or Service. You must to know: I set Port on BeforeInit from SettingsFile
  4. Hello, the name is Kanban View https://support.insight.ly/hc/en-us/articles/115014372528-What-is-the-kanban-view- https://kanbanview.app/ https://asana.com/uses/kanban-boards?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIocn_5vi18gIVSOh3Ch1pYQD3EAAYASAAEgI1mPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://webix.com/kanban/ https://www.syncfusion.com/javascript-ui-controls/js-kanban-board Some examples for use. Here is a search result: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/search/&q=Kanban&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  5. Hello, You can use ClientEvents for components, or CSS hover efect.
  6. Why You want to start something on client side. By security reason , I think that is forbidden.
  7. Yes, I use this to start Phone call on mobile device or send Email : uniLabel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents function click(sender, eOpts) { window.location='tel:0444888123456'; } or uniLabel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents function click(sender, eOpts) { window.location= 'mailto:mymail@yahoo.com' }
  8. Did You try with if SelRowsList.Count > 0 then begin SelGrid.DataSource.DataSet.First; while not SelGrid.DataSource.DataSet.EOF do begin if SelRowsList.IndexOf (IntToStr (SelGrid.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo)) > -1 then SelGrid.SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True; SelGrid.DataSource.DataSet.Next; end; end; SelRowsList.Clear; SelRowsList.Free;
  9. But does anyone know "How to check if uniServerModule.Port is already in use" I found solution for me with mutex, but If uniApplication have own method, will be good to I know that.
  10. Super and Thank You. I will try to compile Service, but if I have one service starting on port 8078 and another on port 8079 How to Install this two Services, with different names or must use IIS ?
  11. Insignificant. The project had to start due to an existing client and this required working with the first possible one. I didn't want to create several projects just to be able to test with one and the other to work (Service or ISAPI). Of course, now there is a need to create a Service, but the project has grown a lot and it is difficult for me to transfer it to a new one. For example, I tried to create a service module using directives to create everything in one (StandAlone and Service), but I understand that I have to copy everything from uniServerModule to UniServiceModule. I may be wrong.
  12. Can you tell me what restrictions will be expected from StandAlone (I know all the security, etc., I will have to do myself, but what else) ?
  13. At this moment i make only StandAlone (I have some troubles to Service and IIS). But already work on production development and must make some user friendly procedures.
  14. Hello, I'm trying to protect the launch of multiple StandAlone applications on a single server port. The Case: 1. Start StandAlone server with uniServerModule with Port = 8078. 2. Try to start application again (but it crash with message "port is in use", that is OK) I want to check when application start if port is opened and show message , after that close application. I use this in uniServerModule.BeforeInit function PortAvailable (Port:STring):boolean; var svr : TTCPBlockSocket; begin svr := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; try svr.Bind('',Port); svr.Listen; result := svr.LastError = 0; Svr.CloseSocket; finally svr.Free; end; end; begin if (not PortAvailable (SistemSettingsList.Values ['WebPort'])) then begin UniServerModule.Terminated := True; exit; end; end; Procedure works and the application displays a message and closes, but first one Application starts showing errors when accessing local resources such as uniImage.LoadFromFile, etc. After starting the second application, the first one no longer works properly.
  15. Thank you Sherzod, on the proposal here : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2500500/reset-element-color-to-default-stylesheet-color-jquery-javascript , I use this to return back to default color: uniSession.AddJS ('document.getElementById("[TBitBtn_NewPriem_jsID]").style.background = "";') Your proposal did not help me, but it helped me find my solution !
  16. Yes, but must Usin uniSession.AddJS to change to default color. If I use this to set my color. uniSession.AddJS ('document.getElementById("[TBitBtn_NewPriem_jsID]").style.background = "red";') how to return to sender.originalBGColor
  17. Hello, can I add question with this theme. I have javascript function and when I click on button this change background-color to desire color, that is OK I whant, when click on other button, first button change color back to theme color (by default) but I dont know what was this color . Is it possible to use some "back to default color" ?
  18. I hope this will help to You: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/search/&q=X-Frame-Options&quick=1
  19. @Fred Montier, can I ask You , why You want to restart Your Application ? Is there a need for that ?
  20. But You must to know. Some times is not work. may server didn't restart, may be problem is in consumed memmory or somthing else but didn't restart.
  21. I try this on MainForm onBtnClick and realy close Application.
  22. Hello, As temporally solution I have bat file to restart application on Some Errors or in exact Time of the day. I Use this when I want to restart StandAlone. I Use unitimer and in 21:00 every day I call from Server with shellexecute this File: Restart_application.bat
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