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Everything posted by skafy

  1. is it possible to change button background color on runtime?
  2. I'm wondering if I could create node without subnodes and would be able to expand this node without subnodes.
  3. skafy


    We did. If you mean to integrate TMS Workflow Studio it is better to create your own workflow (create your own database with logics. This is what we did)
  4. I see. So could you please take the first example. DBCombobox is not connected in that case and filled with static data. the result is the same as when connected to DB,.
  5. I'm using latest version 1.5 build 1479. Here is an example. Button adds items to DBCombobox.Items UniGui example.zip
  6. Ok, So I've added records to DBComboBox like so: FDQuery1.Open; ShowMessage(FDQuery1.RecordCount.ToString); while not FDQuery1.Eof do begin UniDBComboBox1.Items.Add(FDQuery1.FieldByName('NAME').AsString); FDQuery1.Next; end; FDQuery1.Close; ShowMessage print 35, whitch shows that query returned data. Still no DownArrow at right site of the control.
  7. DataSource connected DataField selected ReadOnly - NO Items sould get filled automaticly when query become active? If I treat DBCombo as usual ComboBox and filled it staticly like so: dbcombo:= TUniDBComboBox.Create(Self); dbcombo.ReadOnly:= False; dbcombo.Enabled:= True; dbcombo.Items.Add('ad'); dbcombo.Items.Add('aad'); I also don't see down arrow at the right site of the control.
  8. Hi, I'm trying to create dbComboBox on the fly, but having a problem with proper display. Here is my code. Also have FDConnection, FDQuery & DataSource all connected correctly dbcombo:= TUniDBComboBox.Create(Self); dbcombo.Align:= alTop; dbcombo.AlignWithMargins:= True; Now when I run the program there is Combobox without down arrow (where would I click to select a value from dropdown list). DBCombobox is presented as UniEdit. I'm missing drop arrow.
  9. Hi, Could you please tell me how to fill column of unimdbgrid with selected values. In mobile version there doesn't seem to work if I do the folowing: gridDelilnik.Columns[2].Editor:= unimSelect; //unimSelect is TUnimSelect with filled Items property OR gridDelilnik.Columns[2].PickList:= unimSelect.Items; //unimSelect is TUnimSelect with filled Items property What is the correct way to fill grid columns with wanted values from code. It seems I cannot access Column EditorItems from code.
  10. I'm using build 1.0.0 build 1410
  11. I have. same result. popup menu show in upper left corner.
  12. IE 11.1007
  13. Hi, I'm having trouble with Popupmenu in IE. When I call TuniPopup.Popup(X, Y) inside procedure TniDBGrid1CellContextClick(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; X, Y: Integer) I get X & Y value of 0. So popup menu shows in top left corner in IE. in Firefox this is OK and popup show as expected. Best regards.
  14. DD this solution works. Thank you.
  15. Have you tried it yet?
  16. I left .exe file inside. Now should be OK. UniGuiTestCase.zip
  17. ok I0ve made it. http://wikisend.com/download/785338/UniGuiTestCase.zip just add another record and you'ill see
  18. Enyone tried it ?
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