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Darth Florus

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Everything posted by Darth Florus

  1. Pals: For this kind of scalability I recomend to use a DataSnap Server to manage database connections plus bussiness logical and make your UniGui app as a ThinClient of this server. This will help you for example to be a same layer of validations/connections for your Web App and your Web Mobile App or else kind of app your need. Y use something like that to generate pdf/exel files from ReportBuilder reports. This method eases load of work from UniGui to a other thread. And because a Delphi App does not manage very well a load on a multiple-processor system I think this way of work is very usefull. This kind of work allows to execute a process in other server than the UniGui app runs.
  2. I hope Embarcadero/IDERA correct directions a allow UniGui Apps to work on Linux.
  3. Hi Everybody: As a bigger project I want to make a form editor and a report editor with UniGui. I see the example of drag and drop components and I like it. There is a resize box I can use to do that? There is a way to implement snap-to-grid? Thanks a lot for any information. Best Regards to all.
  4. Hi Everybody: I need to do a WebApp that when press a button download a word file template, start up Microsoft Word, and replaces template tags with his correspond values. Any one have a idea how to do that with UniGui. I know a way to do that but I dont like it. Maybe a better way to do. I will thanks a lot to any who have a idea to do that with a web way.
  5. Your example is fantastic.....good to be transformed on a TUniMultipleUpload component.
  6. Help Farshad to make UniGui the best Web development framework for Delphi

  7. Olá á uma tecnica muito chata pra façer o que vocé ta presisando. Uma vez que voçe abriu o seu projecto vai na lista de pacotes e ativa os que precisa e desactiva os de do otro framework. Abre o otro projecto do otro framework e faz o mesmo. Por agora nao vai poder ter ativado os dos frameworks ao mesmo tempo. Uma melhor saida acho eu e ter uma maquina virtual com o delphi dentro con o otro framwork instalado. O pode falar para o Farshad para facer com o SysEdit o mesmo que ele fez con o Indy. Abraços...
  8. The problem is that a component suite (or framework) released on Lazarus MUST have this source code. This situation avoid the release of commercial products, til the developers buy the full product with source code. If they have a commercial patent of some HTML engine or somewath this type of develop platform is not feasible because the developer must get the source code of the software.
  9. uses ExtPascal; procedure TfrmMain.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); var l_userAgent : String; begin { Check client browser } if UniSession.Browser in [brUnknown, brIE, brKonqueror] then begin l_userAgent := UniSession.RequestHeader['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; { Different message for IE } if UniSession.Browser = brIE then begin if (Pos('MSIE 8', l_userAgent) > 0) or (Pos('MSIE 7', l_userAgent) > 0) or (Pos('MSIE 6', l_userAgent) > 0) then UniSession.AddJS('alert("Probablemente Ud. está utilizando una versión ' + 'de Internet Explorer muy vieja.\nSi continúa utilizándolo, ' + 'el Sebaot Web puede llegar a experimentar comportamientos inadecuados.\n' + 'Recomendamos que actualice su Internet Explorer a una versión más nueva\n' + 'o utilice otro navegador como ser, el Firefox o el Chrome ' + 'para usar el Sebaot Web en este equipo.");'); end else UniSession.AddJS('alert("Probablemente Ud. está utilizando un navegador ' + 'que no es compatible con las funciones necesarias para utilizar el ' + 'Sebaot Web.\nSi continúa con su uso, el Sebaot Web puede llegar a ' + 'experimentar comportamientos inadecuados.\nRecomendamos que utilice ' + 'otro navegador como el Firefox o el Chrome.");'); end; // if end; I hope this can be usefull for You...best Regards.
  10. Thanks Mr. Farshad.....It works! Best Regards
  11. Mr. Farshad: I almost finish my migration to new UniGui. In this version I be forced to put in my frames a base background panel within with no border. Otherwise in many of my screen UniGui raises a "TUniPanel class does not exist" error sometimes. Time ago I haven't the need of use a panel, I only put TUniForm.InsertComponent() directly onto the form. But in this versión this don't work very well. My preocupation (concern) is that every panel has to grow the javascript packet from server to client browser. In some of my customer in some time of the day I reach the bandwidth limit and the comunications fall. With much more visual component (javascript code) to use, it grows my bandwidth need and this is preocupant to me. My customer will be complain if I say them that need to grow this bandwidht only because I upgrade my development tool. You understand me! Ok! I only want to tell You my problem before I report it as a bug. Best Regards
  12. Mr. Farshad: 1) Is possible to incorporate a message that appears centered on the dbGrid when is empty? 2) Is possible to draw the empty rows of a dbGrid? Will be usefull because when the session is themed the empty rows are showed with default clBtnFace color and is confuse for the user. Best Regards
  13. Mr. Farshad: In the enterprise I'm working, there is used a programme technique where on the application startup a global form is created when a session is created to. Is like a visual data module issue. In the form are a lots of utility methods and visual controls to do common tasks. Where I have to migrate win32 programs to UniGui have of great help to do my work if I can reproduce this feature with UniGui. Actually I can't do it because when with UniGui you create a window MUST be showed or a error message appear. There will be cool if these error message can be hidden. Attached a short example where for now You can see the error message wath appears. Best Regards Oscar Flor Sebaot
  14. Mr. Farshad: I try to implement web mobile apps using UniGui. I see how Raudus do it and he simply have a table of scale depending on device and change forms scale on demand. I copy his table and try to implement on UniGui but ScaleBy method of TWinControl is not implemented. Can You implement it, please? I know that the right way is to use Sencha Touch, but until this framework is implemented on UniGui I can emulate touch functionality using standard ExtJs.
  15. Yo lo utilizo de esta forma! {$IFDEF APACHE} library SebaotWeb; {$ELSE} program SebaotWeb; {$ENDIF} uses {$IFDEF SERVICE} SvcMgr, ServiceModule in 'ServiceModule.pas' {UniServiceModuleCP: TUniGUIService}, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF APACHE} uniGUIISAPI, {$ELSE} Forms, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} ServerModule in 'ServerModule.pas' {UniServerModule: TUniGUIServerModule}, MainModule in 'MainModule.pas' {UniMainModule: TUniGUIMainModule}, Principal in 'Principal.pas' {frmPrincipalSebaotWeb: TUniForm}, . . . {$R *.res} {$IFDEF APACHE} exports GetExtensionVersion, HttpExtensionProc, TerminateExtension; {$ELSE} begin {$IFDEF SERVICE} if not Application.DelayInitialize or Application.Installing then Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'Sebaot Web'; Application.CreateForm(TUniServiceModuleCP, UniServiceModuleCP); {$ELSE} Application.Initialize; TUniServerModule.Create(Application); Application.Title := 'Sebaot Web'; {$ENDIF} Application.Run; {$ENDIF} end.
  16. Otra opción es utilizar una máquina virtual dentro de linux que ejecute alguna versión de windows.
  17. La principal diferencia es que un free form puede ser utilizado en un paquete (.dpk) porque no tiene enganchado al UniApplication. Es algo que yo había pedido a Farshad porque mi sistema se estructura via paquetes. Fuera de eso los free forms no tienen la rutina de auto-creación de formularios así como los otros tipos de forms. Los free forms deben ser creados al estilo clásico de Delphi. Los otros simplemente con hacer referencia a su nombre ya son creados implicitamente. Si señor UniGui soporta herencia, aunque suele tener algunos bugcillos medio molestos, pero Farshad esta matándolos de a uno mientras nosotros le informemos y le presentemos programas de ejemplo como para que él pueda solucionarlos.
  18. Darth Florus


    Saludos amigos desde Asunción, Paraguay!
  19. See on spanish forum: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/forum/23-spanish/
  20. Miralo aquí: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/forum/23-spanish/
  21. Yes, it works to. Only a few changes on ServerPath variables to properly locate files
  22. Miralo aquí: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/forum/23-spanish/
  23. Hola Amigos: Me preguntaron cómo hacer la impresión PDF con UniGui. A grandes rasgos les puedo decir lo siguiente: 1) Configurar la herramienta de reportes para que exporte el informe a un archivo PDF. (sin que el usuario tenga que interactuar para conseguir esto. Cada herramienta de reportes tiene su forma de hacerlo sin utilizar la vista previa) 2) Colocar el archivo generado en una de las carpetas del UniGui (ej. Files) 3) Utilizar un visor UniURLFrame e indicarle que muestre el archivo generado referenciandolo en formato URI (ej. http://localhost:8077/files/archivo.pdf). Si el cliente tiene instalado un plug-in de archivos pdf (ej. acrobat reader/foxit) el propio explorador lo muestra dentro de su propia ventana. Advertencia: Esta técnica no funciona bien con IE10, no se porque. Más detalles no puedo decirles porque es copyright de la empresa donde yo trabajo. Saludos
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