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Everything posted by gerardocrisci

  1. I would like to know if my request can be considered, thanks
  2. it does not work but it does not appear to me .x-treelist-item-tool ...and x-treelist-item-text has left and right margins
  3. The label "Email" is a node that I would like to disable and move to the left. I created the menu with this test of mine procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure AddMenuItems(AMenu: TUniMenuItem; TreeNode: TUniTreeNode); var I: Integer; Node: TUniTreeNode; begin for I := 0 to AMenu.Count - 1 do begin Node := UniTreeMenu1.Items.Add(TreeNode); Node.Text := AMenu[I].Caption; Node.Visible := AMenu[I].Visible; Node.ImageIndex := AMenu[I].ImageIndex; Node.Action := AMenu[I].Action; if (TreeNode=nil) and (AMenu[I].Count=0) then begin Node.Text := '<div style=" font-size: 10px; color: #888; text-transform: uppercase; left:-10px">'+AMenu[I].Caption+'</div>'; Node.ImageIndex := -1; Node.Enabled:=false; end; if not Assigned(Node.Action) and Assigned(AMenu[I].OnClick) then begin Node.OnClick := AMenu[I].OnClick; end; AddMenuItems(AMenu[I], Node); end; end; begin UniTreeMenu1.Images:=UniMenuItems1.Images; AddMenuItems(UniMenuItems1.Items, nil); end; I do not know if using the node as a label is right.
  4. I made some attempts as you can see from the attachment. I can not disable a node and move it to the left, I would need a style for the nodes-labels. In micro: view the space or watch this tamplate http://demo.interface.club/limitless/layout_1/LTR/default/index.html this displays 3 points and not the space.
  5. I have a folder in the "files" path that contains the icons used in the program. I do not want to load all these files into UniNativeImageList as images, creating a big dfm. I would like UniNativeImageList to only store the relative urls, or file names, as it does with IconCls. I think it is more convenient to have icon files in a folder than to include them in the compiled program. Everything so that Images.GetImageDefaultUrl (FImageIndex) returns the stored url and not the url of the cached icon. In addition, add a property such as FornatUrlIconPath. that in order for the GetImageDefaultUrl result to be formatted. example: an item with the file name "Home" and with FornatUrlIconPath = "/ files/32x32/%s.png ' result: = format (FornatUrlIconPath, [item url])> "/files/32x32/Home.png '. I wish I could do it and do not disturb but even if I paid the "uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition" version I do not have the source of uniImageList.pas to be able to create my TUniImageListUrls Thank you
  6. Is it possible to add fixed labels in a TUniTreeMenu? Or have a property for the Node that adds a style like cls? Thank you
  7. how to set the background with a project when the UniserverModule is set as MainFormDysplayMode = mfPage. I can give a background image to the MainForm .... in css Best regards.
  8. I did not think anyone was using my component and so I did not publish the changes. you try this attached version _UniDBComboBox.zip
  9. How can I create an api rest (GET POST and authentication) service in an unigui project? thank you
  10. 49 years, I started with the legendary Commodore VIC 20, trying to modify a program in GWBasic, then my first AMSTRAD pc 8086 with the turbo Pascal .. 20 years with Delphi
  11. See the example estjs4 http://www.objis.com/formationextjs/lib/extjs-4.0.0/docs/api/Ext.form.field.File.html It seems more simple and beautiful with added Label ... example: 'Photo:'. Unigui is great Thanks!!!
  12. Hi, Delphi Developer Is it possible to customize the form? submit button? position? other label? Best regards. Thanks
  13. in upload demo: if you change the message (BrowseText) ...writing other characters UniFileUpload1.Messages.BrowseText := 'browse your computer s folders' the button goes out the window. Unigui is great Thanks!!!
  14. you can put the hours on the horizontal axis ?
  15. can you create the horizontal? as : http://www.bryntum.com/examples/scheduler-latest/examples/kitchensink/#examples/configuration Thanks
  16. You can create a demo where a grid interacts with a chart? click bars <=> select row. Does anyone know how to do? How you can use the events of the grid and the graph? Thank you look at this example extjs 4: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.0/extjs-build/examples/charts/FormDashboard.html Dynamic Form, Grid and Charts Showing companies information in a grid. Selecting a row will highlight the bar corresponding to that company and fill in the form with the company data. A radar chart will show the company information. You can update the information in the form to see it change live in the grid, bar chart and radar charts
  17. thank you UniLabel1.JSName+'_id' It is a safe definition of the name unigui components to javascript? but I used in ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Strings = ( function mouseout(sender, eOpts) { MainForm.UniLabel1.getEl().setStyle("font-weight","normal"); } function mouseover(sender, eOpts) { MainForm.UniLabel1.getEl().setStyle("font-weight","bold"); } } his name defined in the editor... MainForm.UniLabel1.
  18. What is the easiest way to update a UniLabel to display the time the client side. (No UniTimer) Some examples, please.
  19. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6686-tunidbcombobox-with-itemsvalues/
  20. you can get a combo you call a s = getimageURL to write directly <Div style = "background-image: url (/file/image/25.png)" class = "x-combo-list-item-icon-ux combo-item"> and not use a / handleEvent? and not use a TMemoryStream for the image? Thank you
  21. I think that the staff of UNIGUI will not be difficult to create integrated components with ExJs 6
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