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Harry Rogers

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Everything posted by Harry Rogers

  1. Solved Not to worry,setting background color as part of the same style sheet entry - found it in the Sencha docs - I have ended up with this : Many thanks for your help - all the best UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSCallGlobal( 'Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#' + UniDBGrid1.JSName + '_id .x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell-inner { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: white;}', UniDBGrid1.JSName + '_css]);
  2. Many thanks Hayri That puts a border round each cell of the selected row - but it still colors each selected row as well, is there a way to not shade the row ? Cheers
  3. I'm displaying images from a table in a dbgrid When the user clicks a row I want to draw a border around the selected row rather than colour the whole row as dgRowSelect does. How to achieve this? Thanks
  4. How to change the hint text for the system tray icon of a Standalone Server at runtime ? I would like to display some details from the command line / ini file to aid in distinguishing various instances. Thanks
  5. You would need to resolve Sencha licensing for such a product ? (Embarcadero / Idera may change the licensing model as they now own it)
  6. Harry Rogers


    The TMS cloudpack has a barcode component that is easy to use. It's basically a wrapper around the barcodes4.me Restful API. - which is free [ http://www.barcodes4.me/apidocumentation ] - But you can use the Tunimage component as it stands and simply populate its url property like so you don't even need to encode the url http://www.barcodes4.me/barcode/qr/google.png?value=http://www.google.com works just fine! (can't find a way to stop this editor compressing the full url ) the above will result in your form displaying the QR code for 'http://google.com'
  7. Current Delphi / RAD studio come with two Embarcadero frameworks - VCL and FireMonkey these allow you to build Windows (VCL) and 'cross platform' (FireMonkey) applications. Additionally you get a version of Intraweb (a third party extension) which allows you to build web apps - it's been around a longtime and some do build impressive stuff with it but it has never found that much traction - It's original architecture predates latest methods in Web development, though has worked hard to update in recent years. UniGUI is another third party tool for Delphi / RAD studio. It is without doubt the most productive environment you will find for producing Web Apps for someone that knows Delphi and quite possibly outside that arena also. Whilst it might look like an expensive club to get into you will get results that are hard to realise in other tools without knowing a lot of different technologies. It is a genuine paradigm shift in ease of production!
  8. It depends what you want to do. Many of the components are simple wrappers for a particular web api, they don't have a visual aspect - they work fine in unigui.
  9. This is interesting. However I'm not getting the same result with UniGui Ver Edge and IE both give "Access denied: favicon&" Chrome (ver 58.0.3029.110) also does not load the page and reports ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR
  10. Try here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6667-font-underline/
  11. This is how I have it set up. The user-visible form has a button, its click creates a filename and invokes the execute method of the SME Export which is on the MainModule. procedure TfrmSQLRes.btn2ExcelClick(Sender: TObject); var fname : string; begin fname := makeFilename('.XLS'); // construct an appropriate filename // NB this is the initial unigui-server copy before sending to users machine unimainmodule.SMExportToXLS1.filename := fname; unimainmodule.SMExportToXLS1.Execute; end; The properties of the export component are object SMExportToXLS1: TSMExportToXLS AnimatedStatus = False DataFormats.DateOrder = doDMY DataFormats.DateSeparator = '/' DataFormats.TimeSeparator = ':' DataFormats.FourDigitYear = True DataFormats.LeadingZerosInDate = True DataFormats.ThousandSeparator = ',' DataFormats.DecimalSeparator = '.' DataFormats.CurrencyString = #163 DataFormats.BooleanTrue = 'True' DataFormats.BooleanFalse = 'False' DataFormats.UseRegionalSettings = False KeyGenerator = 'Some String thast describes your app' Options = [soUseFieldNameAsCaption, soColLines, soRowLines, soAutoCloseStatistic] TitleStatus = 'Exporting...' Statistic.CurrentRowHeight = 0 OnAfterExecute = SMExportToXLS1AfterExecute Columns = <> Bands = <> DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = -11 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DataSet = QRYGen <<<<<<< This is the TDataSet we wish to export ColumnSource = csDataSet FileName = 'c:\exfiles\exp1.xls' << from memory I think it did not like an initial blank entry? AddTitle = True CharacterSet = csUnicode DetailSources = <> ExportStyle.Style = esNormal ExportStyle.OddColor = clBlack ExportStyle.EvenColor = clBlack UserName = 'Harry' Left = 168 Top = 72 end To allow the user to save the result to their own machine use the afterexecute method: procedure TUniMainModule.SMExportToXLS1AfterExecute(Sender: TObject); begin //offer the user the smExportToXLS1 Result UniSession.SendFile(smExportToXLS1.filename); end; All the best
  12. I too use Scalabium and am very happy with it.
  13. If it's read only and potentially thousands of sessions need to view it then one approach that could use minimal resources maybe to create an image of the data you wish to display (draw on a bit map canvas and save it as a jpeg) in an external process and then simply show users the picture?
  14. Thanks Farshad With build (XE8 32bit) setting a value for ExtendTimeOut does result in the next OnTimeout being fired at an interval equal to that value.
  15. I get the event fired with ver on XE8 32bit I've captured the time of day at each onTimeOut for various Sesion timeouts and extend values. and it looks like the extend value is not used Session Extend Actual Timeout value interval 10,000 60,000 15,000 20,000 60,000 22,000 30,000 60,000 30,000 60,000 70,000 60,000
  16. The latest update to my AVG business edition (ver has started to block a UniGui App with 'General Behavior detection' as the reason. Excluding the location of the implicated exe from scanning solves the issue - Heuristic scanning can be a bit over zealous. Luckily I have not had to convince a client's skeptical IT department with this as yet! - it's bound to happen sooner or later.
  17. Hi You can use the SessionTimeout event of MainModule. where bExtend in this example is a Boolean controlled by what ever logic you need to allow or disallow the timeout. procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleSessionTimeout(ASession: TObject; var ExtendTimeOut: Integer); begin if bExtend then extendTimeout := 60000; //or whatever period you need before rechecking if a timeout is appropriate end;
  18. Here is the original Delphi Unit. http://tinyurl.com/GAdotPas I'll chop out the code I've got in an app to make a simple demo implementation - if you give me a couple of days. Cheers
  19. I think the confusion is around what constitutes a 'webpage'. In UniGui you can have a pretty much unlimited number of forms (subject to server resources). These can be created/populated/manipulated/destroyed and displayed by server events, client side processing and user actions - From a users perspective these are effectively different webpages.
  20. This Delphi ( & JS ) socket library is certainly worth a look. http://www.esegece.com/websockets/#wsfeatures
  21. The above code works for me on FF(v50), Edge(v38), Chrome(v55) but not IE (V11.447..)
  22. I run some lightweight processes from the servermodule - I call external processes with a few parameters derived from the servermodule with a timer. So far this has not presented any issues. One Ttable derivative on the server module filtered at intervals using a timer on the servermodule - no other processes/sessions access it.
  23. Hi You could perhaps use a different mechanism to place the files in a known location (i.e. somewhere the Server can get at them). e.g. FTP (such as ICS from http://www.overbyte.beor Indy) Websockets (See http://www.esegece.com/websockets/for a great library), Dropbox Google etc, TMS components amongst others Tonido (http://www.tonido.com/) allows you to map to space on your own internet based server as if it's a windows drive obviously it's all depending on your particular situation.
  24. I also use the SMExport suite. I've not had any issues with it. My export routine is pretty much as above the dataset in my case is an Advantage Tdataset descendant. If you add a designtime TXLSExport to a datamodule and set its properties can you run the execute method (right click on the component) in the ide?
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