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Everything posted by araujoadanr

  1. Hello everyone, I have an application that installs all my components, or updates it without having to do it every time I break my IDE or change my laptop. I recently added UniGUI to it, but I have a problem compiling from the command line. Basically I execute the content of the bat file that is included in the installer on the command line. call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bin\rsvars.bat" msbuild "C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniTools\uniTools28.dproj" /p:Configuration=Release Anyone have any idea what the problem might be.
  2. I post in Feature requests. A search option
  3. Lastversion of fastreport if your PDF is generate from fastreport. https://www.fast-report.com/en/blog/show/pdf-digital-signature/
  4. Hi everyone, Has anyone an example of a Tree in a Combo https://forum.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?469892-Tree-Combo-in-EXTJS-6
  5. Hello everybody, I have a trouble with UniMap, I need show the location after show propup map, but i get this error.. Someone has some tip. Map.zip
  6. Dear community, some has similar trouble I need use property value on CreateForm I have a Base Form (this form has Toolbars, menu and option), but sometime I need Hide some button, or dont create via javascript. I have trouble with javascript runtime control, and toolbuttons on the form. the zip is a test case. Create.zip
  7. Im use Fast Report + XData Unigui is the option, real RAD develop More application, less time
  8. Hello everyone, I have tried all commercially available components, for example SMImport, EMS Advanced Data Import Component, TMS Flexcel, and various other solutions. (including importing directly from SQL Server with Access Database Engine). They all work similarly and well, except when you have sheets of thousands and thousands of records. (50,000 and more records) I developed a series of applications for the health authority of my country, where some files have that many records, and I did a lot of tests until I was successful. In the latter case, the only one that passed the test is TMS Flexcel.
  9. Yes.. in this property.. is right?
  10. I have 2 projects in diferents port use with Hyperserver, ##<VirtualHost *:80> ##ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host2.example.com ##DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/dummy-host2.example.com" ##ServerName dummy-host2.example.com ##ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host2.example.com-error.log" ##CustomLog "logs/dummy-host2.example.com-access.log" common ServerAdmin me@example.com DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs" ServerName example.com:81 ErrorLog "logs/example.com-error.log" CustomLog "logs/example.com-access.log" common ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> <Location /nomina> ProxyPass http://localhost:8074/ connectiontimeout=5 timeout=300 ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8074/ </Location> <Location /almacen> ProxyPass http://localhost:8077 connectiontimeout=5 timeout=300 ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8077 </Location> ##</VirtualHost>
  11. I have tried the new version, but I get the same problem. Does anyone have experience with reverse proxy?
  12. Hello everyone, I am trying to mount my applications behind a reverse proxy. Use the ServerModule.UrlPath property (as mentioned in another thread). Original App http: // localhost: 8074 Apache (reverse proxy) port 81 / {context} I have some problems 1- I get a Method: '/ HandleEvent' not found message What could be the cause of this? 2- To work the reverse proxy, and that not only the message "Loading" appears, copy the folder extroot and uniroot where the executable is located. I've tried modifying the ServerModule.UniRoot and ServerModule.UniExt property to a custom folder, but it ignores.
  13. araujoadanr

    tms xdata

    You won't regret using Xdata, I've been using it for a few years. 1- It is very fast 2- It has a very short learning curve 3- It has great support It is an Excellent combination between UniGUI and XData. I migrated all my applications from Datasnap to XData and I have better results.
  14. Millions of thanks. You are a genius.
  15. Do you have an example? I don't know much about client side events.
  16. Hello, thanks for answering. In my production project I use SDAC, But not everyone uses this component, that's why I prepare the test case with ClientDataset, but I can prepare with another data access component, which seems more appropriate. 1- Button 1 creates the dataset in memory 2- Buttons 2, try to add the text using two methods that I found in the forum.
  17. I am trying to save the text written in the TinyMCE in a Dataset, but I am not succeeding. I have downloaded some examples, and prepared an example. Somebody could help me? This example use ClientDataset. TinyMCEdemoDB.zip
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