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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. I found the problem. If the dataset is opened before dynamically create the grid, the DBGrid assumes the settings of the first opening of the dataset, ignoring subsequent settings. first created the dbgrid and fixed wireless problem
  2. I'm uam difficulty. When I create dynamic DBGrid if closing the dataset and reopen again. The column definitions created in runtime are lost and are shown all dataset columns without any previous attributes. This is a bug? Fields in Dataset (ID,Nome, etc); with DBGrid.Columns.Add do begin FieldName := 'id'; Title.Caption := 'ID'; Width := 80; end; with DBGrid.Columns.Add do begin FieldName := 'nome'; Title.Caption := 'Nome'; Width := 80; end; After closing and opening all columns are shown
  3. Adjusting the Draggable property of components, you can move them on the screen. Would any other property or sample code that allow modify the component size? Similar to example http://delphi.about.com/library/weekly/aa110805a.htm What I want to do, you can move and size the components. procedure TMainForm.NodeMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); const minWidth = 20; minHeight = 20; var newPos: TPoint; frmPoint : TPoint; OldRect: TRect; AdjL,AdjR,AdjT,AdjB: Boolean; begin if FNodePositioning then begin begin with TUniControl(Sender) do begin GetCursorPos(newPos); with FCurrentNodeControl do begin //resize //....................******************************************** Here is where is the problem and can not solve******************************** frmPoint := FCurrentNodeControl.Parent.ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos); OldRect := FCurrentNodeControl.BoundsRect; AdjL := False; AdjR := False; AdjT := False; AdjB := False; case FNodes.IndexOf(TUniControl(Sender)) of 0: begin AdjL := True; AdjT := True; end; 1: begin AdjT := True; end; 2: begin AdjR := True; AdjT := True; end; 3: begin AdjR := True; end; 4: begin AdjR := True; AdjB := True; end; 5: begin AdjB := True; end; 6: begin AdjL := True; AdjB := True; end; 7: begin AdjL := True; end; end; if AdjL then OldRect.Left := frmPoint.X; if AdjR then OldRect.Right := frmPoint.X; if AdjT then OldRect.Top := frmPoint.Y; if AdjB then OldRect.Bottom := frmPoint.Y; SetBounds(OldRect.Left,OldRect.Top,OldRect.Right - OldRect.Left,OldRect.Bottom - OldRect.Top); end; Left := Left - oldPos.X + newPos.X; Top := Top - oldPos.Y + newPos.Y; oldPos := newPos; end; end; PositionNodes(FCurrentNodeControl); end; end; project1.zip src110105.zip
  4. I'm having trouble defining events in runtime. I saw in another post that the definition of the event must be made before the creation of the form, but the components are created dynamically, so you can not use the definition of code in the form creation. The code below works perfectly put in the form of creation, with the component already created. However when I create the component and attribute the event, it does not work. The event is for the UniEdit only accept numbers. Is there any other way to do it? All my form components are dynamically created. Exemple 1: component existing === OK!! procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniEdit1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['keypress']:='function keypress(sender, e, eOpts) {var allowed = "0123456789"; var c = e.getCharCode(); if (allowed.indexOf(String.fromCharCode©)=== -1) {e.stopEvent(); } }'; end; Exemple 2: component not existing === NO!! procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var Edit:TuniEdit; begin edit := Tuniedit.Create(self); edit.Left := 8; edit.Top := 8; edit.Parent := self; edit.Visible := True; edit.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['keypress']:='function keypress(sender, e, eOpts) {var allowed = "0123456789"; var c = e.getCharCode(); if (allowed.indexOf(String.fromCharCode©)=== -1) {e.stopEvent(); } }'; end; how to proceed ? Project1.rar
  5. I'm having trouble in assigning TriggerEvent when we created the component at runtime. The award of the event simply does not work. But if the event is already assigned to a component already created, it works. What should you do following example? Tengo problemas en la asignación de eventos TriggerEvent cuando creamos el componente en tiempo de ejecución. El premio del evento no funciona. Pero si el evento ya está asignado a un componente ya creado, funciona. ¿Qué debo hacer? procedure TMainForm.UniComboBox1TriggerEvent(Sender: TUniCustomComboBox;AButtonId: Integer); begin ShowMessage (IntToStr (AButtonId)); end; with TUniComboBox(InsertControl(TUniComboBox.Create(self))) do begin Left: = 100; Width: = 300; Top: = 200; OnTriggerEvent: = UniComboBox1TriggerEvent; end;
  6. Is there any example in the demos, demonstrating that use?
  7. Please, You have to post the example of this lookup with multiple columns
  8. I can not make the component work when I create it at runtime. This only occurs with creation at runtime, does anyone have any ideas? If you also add some TriggersButtons at runtime, there is an ajax error Unexpected token, O62=new Ext.form.field.Trigger({id:"O62_id",cls:"",emptyText:"",fieldLabel:"",labelPad:5,labelAlign:"top",labelSeparator:"",labelStyle:"white-space:nowrap; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight:normal; color : rgb(0 ,0 ,0); padding-bottom:5px;",labelWidth:5,width:250,minLength:0,maxLength:0,trigger1Cls:"x-form-Search-trigger",itemId1:"myteste",onTrigger1Click:function() { var Button = this.itemId1; ajaxRequest(MainForm.,"Triggerclick",["Buttons="+Button]);},name:"O62",enableKeyEvents:true,tabIndex:12,width:250,x:408,y:344});O62.nm="O62";_cdo_("O62_C",O62,null,MainForm);O8.add(O62);O13.tabIndex=13;O13.addToTab(130);O17.tabIndex=14;O17.addToTab(140);O1B.tabIndex=15;O1B.addToTab(150);O1F.tabIndex=16;O1F.addToTab(160);O27.tabIndex=17;O27.addToTab(170);O2B.tabIndex=18;O2B.addToTab(180);O2F.tabIndex=19;O2F.addToTab(190);O33.tabIndex=20;O33.addToTab(200);O37.tabIndex=21;O37.addToTab(210);O47.tabIndex=22;O47.addToTab(220);O4B.tabIndex=23;O4B.addToTab(230);O62.addToTab(120);
  9. Estoy empezando y tengo algunas dudas. Cómo lo están haciendo sus proyectos? Algún tipo de formas moduralização? Se están creando dinámica? Realizada en BPL? O están compilados con el proyecto en un único archivo ejecutable? Y cuando tienen que actualizar el cliente, ya que hacer?
  10. if values = 1 then Attribs.Font.Color := clRed else Attribs.Font.Color := clYellow; Apenas pinta a célula, quero pintar toda a linha. Como faço?
  11. Please help me Does anyone know how to accomplish this with Unigui Tanks
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