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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. What I need is the browser to disable the keys especias F1..F12, but want the onKeyDown event of the form to continue to function. This does not happen when I activate monitoredkey property either in form or in mainmodule.
  2. Not at all, you've helped a lot just because give me attention. This is much more important than the solution itself, since there is worse than not find a solution, is not having anyone even resposanda our longings.
  3. I believe you have not understood the real functionality of it, or there is a problem in this method. Because for example I want the browser is prevented from utilizasr for example the standard keys F3 or F5. However I want to be able to onkeydow for example check if the user used a key that I am monitoring and run something. Apparently, if I active monitoring, onkeydown response of the form disappears.
  4. From what I understand, whenever I turn on monitoring keys, the form onkeydown for work.
  5. I have great difficulty in understanding this process. I need to disable the browser function keys (F1..F12) Using the option in MainModule (monitoredkeys) got the result. But some things do not work as expected. When active keys monitoring mainmodule, onkeydow the forms stop working. If active KeyenabledAll, onkeydown works, but editing components not, like the Edit. All that is entered simply is not shown. How should I use it? How the operation of properties? MonitoredKeys.rar
  6. Friends, how do so by clicking a button via keydown appears the existing screenmask in it? Running this way: if (key = vk_f8) and (btnConfirmar.Enabled) then btnconfirmar.Click; It runs the existing code on the button, but does not display the screenmask. This gives the feeling that the user is not running anything, when there is a lengthy process.
  7. Was there any possibility or way to change the parent of a form created dynamically? form := TUniFormClass(FindClass('TUniForm1')).Create(UniApplication); form.Parent := UniTabSheet1; form.Align := alClient;
  8. Was there any way to know the keys pressed on onkeydown in a frame? I need to know if the user precionar certain key example F4. In maimform I'm monitoring the onkeydown and through reference to the frame. It happens that when there dbgrid and the focus is the same, the event is run in duplicate even being precionado only once. The onkeydown in FormMain runs 2 times. procedure TMainForm.UniFormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); type TmyKeyDow = procedure (var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState) of object; var MyKeyDow:TMyKeyDow; Routine: TMethod; begin if FrameSelecionado <> nil then begin try classe := FrameSelecionado.ClassName; Routine.Data := Pointer(FrameSelecionado); Routine.Code := FrameSelecionado.MethodAddress('KeyDown'); if Routine.Code <> nil then begin MyKeyDow:=TMyKeyDow(Routine); MyKeyDow(key,Shift); end; except end; end; end; ------------------ frame: Public published procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure TfrVenda_Mercadoria.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if key = vk_f4 then edtQtde.SetFocus else end;
  9. Hello friends. Necesito call showmask via JS code in situations which do not own visual component that will trigger by a user click. Does anyone know tell me how could run it.
  10. Have you tried using the property showblankdate
  11. When the application is running a process that is taking a while. a message that has failed in the connection appears. However there was no failure, the process is still running. And when the process ends the application thaws. What can we do so that there is not.
  12. Hello friends. I took the examples and developed a component to generate graphs. The following example and sources. Improvements and suggestions, we will share. unigui_highcharts_Demo2.rar
  13. Yes perfect, I understand that. Only if there is any way you can get around this. After the operator keep clicking with mause in the cell to edit, it is not the best option to work with a grid.
  14. This issue has been resolved? Could post the solution
  15. I am using the navigation applied in mainmodule using Enter to navigate the components. But when I'm in a grid, I would not want that to happen, taking the focu of it and jumping to another component. So that when you press the enter on the grid edit the cell and press again close the issue. Estou utilizando a navegação aplicada no mainmodule, utilizando o Enter para navegar nos componentes. Contudo quando estou em uma grid, não gostaria que isso ocorresse, tirando o focus da mesma e pulando para outro componente. Para que ao pressionar o enter na grid edit a célula e ao precionar novamente encerre a edição.
  16. Testing the hybrid application, I realize that including the main form mobile, the application already performs beautifully for this environment. I have an application where the main form is created because of some policies according to the business profile that answer the customer. That, in some cases, intend to provide some resources to mobile. My question: Is it possible to control this automated process between browser / modile? That is, it would be possible even I have the main form Mobile and login mobile in my application, which in some cases it is not implemented? --------------------------------------- Testando a aplicação hibrida, percebo que incluindo o main form mobile, a aplicação já se comporta maravilhosamente para este ambiente. Tenho uma aplicação em que o main form é criado em razão de algumas políticas de acordo com o perfil de negócio a que atendo o cliente. Nisso, em alguns casos, pretendo disponibilizar alguns recursos para mobile. Minha pergunta: É possível controlar esse processo automatizado entre browser/modile? Ou seja, seria possível mesmo eu tenho o main form mobile e login mobile em minha aplicação, que em alguns casos ela não seja executada?
  17. I'm dynamically creating TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit component, yet strangely even making reference to the units uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Data.DB, MemDS, DBAccess, Uni, System.Types, Xml.XMLIntf, System.StrUtils, uniImageList, uniButton, uniBitBtn, uniSpeedButton, datamodel.types, system.Contnrs, FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Param, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.DApt.Intf, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, FireDAC.Comp.Client, uniEdit, uniDBEdit, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIForm, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniPanel, uniGUIRegClasses; However I am getting the error message. She only be resolved with the inclusion of autoNumeric file in custom files on the server. I thought it might be due to some component of UniSpecial of Hayri Aslan. However since I treated topic with him, and told me that is not related to your component. The strange thing is that it has created a new application, and add the component, do not have this problem. But in my current application, I have this error.
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