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Skepsis IT

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Everything posted by Skepsis IT

  1. Why VPS Server must be on your country, and not in a foreign country?
  2. Do you think a solution for retrying it?
  3. Unfortunatelly no, only the original is what I have, because I reformat my VPS. What do you have in mind?
  4. Hi Ulugbek, firstly i've answered to http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1328-can-i-run-dll-in-apache2-in-linux/ thread, try it and answer me if you have a problem, BUT, after a lot of "lost" experimenting hours, I realize that is not worth it because there are cheap and reliable windows vps solutions. Is there a specific reason that you need this?
  5. Hi, it's been a long time but I will try, I try it on Ubuntu 12.04 Firstly install wine then you must install apache for windows using wine, wine msiexec -i apache.msi, then you place extjs folder and your application the same way like iis. Unfortunately, I abandoned this solution because I've got this problem http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3475-icons-on-isapi-dll/?hl=apache and never found a solution.
  6. for I := 0 to Grd.Columns.Count - 1 do begin inc(labelcnt); SetLength(labels,labelcnt); labels[I]:=TUniLabel.Create(self); labels[I].Parent:=FldsPanel; labels[I].Top:=top-19; labels[I].Left:=left; labels[I].Caption:=Grd.Columns[I].Title.Caption; if (Grd.Columns[I].Field.DataType=ftDate) or (Grd.Columns[I].Field.DataType=ftDateTime) then begin inc(datecnt); SetLength(datearray,datecnt); datearray[datecnt-1]:=TUniDateTimePicker.Create(self); datearray[datecnt-1].Name:=Grd.Columns[I].FieldName; datearray[datecnt-1].Parent:=FldsPanel; datearray[datecnt-1].Width:=150; datearray[datecnt-1].Left:=left; datearray[datecnt-1].Top:=top; datearray[datecnt-1].TabOrder:=I; end else begin inc(editcnt); SetLength(editarray,editcnt); editarray[editcnt-1]:=TUniEdit.Create(self); editarray[editcnt-1].Name:=Grd.Columns[I].FieldName; editarray[editcnt-1].Name:='UniEdit'+inttostr(editcnt); editarray[editcnt-1].Parent:=FldsPanel; editarray[editcnt-1].Width:=150; editarray[editcnt-1].Left:=left; editarray[editcnt-1].Top:=top; editarray[editcnt-1].TabOrder:=I; end; left:=left+156; inc(fldcnt); if fldcnt = 5 then begin top:=top+56; fldcnt:=0; left:=16; end; end; // end of for I end;
  7. Yes my friend exactly! Some things are in front of your eyes, but you can't see them.
  8. Oops I found it! I use variable I as index to all arrays!!! Firstly thanks for your help and sorry for your loss of time!
  9. Lema, I started a test case and I realize that all the uniedit objects that are created after unidatetimepicker objects cannot be deleted. I paste a piece of code for better understanding if (Grd.Columns[I].Field.DataType=ftDate) or (Grd.Columns[I].Field.DataType=ftDateTime) then begin inc(datecnt); SetLength(datearray,datecnt); datearray[I]:=TUniDateTimePicker.Create(self); datearray[I].Parent:=FldsPanel; datearray[I].Width:=150; datearray[I].Left:=left; datearray[I].Top:=top; datearray[I].TabOrder:=I; end else begin inc(editcnt); SetLength(editarray,editcnt); editarray[I]:=TUniEdit.Create(self); editarray[I].Name:='UniEdit'+inttostr(editcnt); editarray[I].Text:=inttostr(editcnt); editarray[I].Parent:=FldsPanel; editarray[I].Width:=150; editarray[I].Left:=left; editarray[I].Top:=top; editarray[I].TabOrder:=I; end;
  10. Hi, and thanks for your replies! lema, I'll try to prepare a test case for upload. Delphi developer, I have already tried nil before posting in the forum and I got a Fatal Error: Control can not be constructed with a nil Owner, actually nil not proper for controls on a form. I've made a procedure that destroys the object, firstly I call this procedure at forms OnClose event, but for test purposes I add a button that calls it. Same results.
  11. Hi everybody, I face a very strange problem, I create some components dynamically using dynamic array using the same way for all of it (unilabel,unidatetimepicker and uniedit). For example: datearray[I]:=TUniDateTimePicker.Create(self); datearray[I].Parent:=FldsPanel; datearray[I].Width:=150; datearray[I].Left:=left; datearray[I].Top:=top; of course, above code goes in a for loop... I free all of them the same way For example: for cnt := Low(datearray) to High(datearray) do begin datearray[cnt].Free; datearray[cnt] := nil; end; The strange thing is that unidatetimepicker and unilabel array free up ok, uniedit array don't and of course I have an error when I close the form that contains them. Do you have any clue? Tip: when I debug, I see that when I create components on the other arrays gets value (eg. $xxxxxxxx) but on tuniedit array gets nil.
  12. Skepsis IT


    are there any patches or something?
  13. Skepsis IT


    Hi Modammad, also at firefox v24 pdf preview does not work. Is this a known bug?
  14. Found it. Didn't put drawchart(); on show form. Thanks anyway.
  15. Hi, and firstly thanks again Modammad. I see charts v2 demo, I've made the same thing on another project but when after UniSession.AddJS(tmp); nothing happened, no error but no graph. I test the tmp data that i sent in your project and it is working. The only think I cannot check is the "5. in js file add 'var' to store1:" because there is no screenshot anymore. Please if anyone can suggest something. Thanks for your time
  16. Mohammad I've found it at sample projects! Thanks a lot!!!
  17. Hi mohammad, did you finaly post a demo on how to create a chart? Thanks for your time
  18. Skepsis IT


    I use Contabo three months now and it is perfect. No problem at all.
  19. Hello everybody, I have a strange problem, when I start the apache server the icons on the application shows ok. After a day when I load the app, icons turns to gray or transparent. If I start and stop apache, then everything has colors again. Does anyone have a clue what's going on?
  20. Just for closing the case. The problem was that lookup fields type was String. Convert them to WideString and everything work ok!
  21. On the server module did you setup correct the ext path. for example I load the path from an ini file at the startup of the application (e.g. ext-4.4.1a\).
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