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Everything posted by maher

  1. Hello Frashad, I hope that the unigui chart will support: * Customize colors and gradients for bars (each). * Click event in single bar. * Customize bar width. * Save the chart (server side) for reports. * Enable/Disable Legend click. * Enable/Disable animation. * Hints for displaying 'Y' values on mouse over. thank you
  2. Hi, Is there any future plan to add new options to the UniChart , like colors .... and save option ( to Image options ),,, http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-2/extjs-build/examples/charts/Column2.html Thanx Maher Ahmad
  3. Hi, when update to the last ver of unigui I had a problem with GRID !!!! and find out that The index of columns in the "ExtEvents" begin from "0" not "1". // Index = 0 to columns.length-1 in the Previous version was Index = 1 to columns.length
  4. Hi, I suggest 1- (purchase ) Standard version (Without source) 2- (purchase) Pro version (With source) 3- (purchase) update from ver 1.xxx to ver 2.xxx
  5. Hi Oleg Thank you it's working now
  6. Thank you patmap , شكرا it's work , but i have another problem, I used the "onbeforeunload function" to confirm Exit, window.onbeforeunload = function{ retrun "Are you sure you want to leave My system? The system will Terminate!"; } where i can put the code ajaxRequest(sender, 'SessionClosed', [] ); Thank you
  7. Hi, All It's work just when MainFormDisplayMode = mfWindow !!! it's not work with MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage !!! How can I implement it on MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage ? Thanx Maher
  8. Hi 2. Put the code in UniServerModule.CustomMeta , to confirm reload , close ,refresh the browser <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- window.onbeforeunload = bunload; function bunload(){ dontleave="Are you sure you want to leave the system? The system will Terminate!"; return dontleave; } //-->
  9. Hi Is the uniGUI license will includes a Ext JS license in the future ? Whether to purchase a license Ext JS or wait to purchase a uniGUI license that includes Ext JS ? Thanx
  10. Hello, I have a DBGrid which linked to a datasource when I call form.Show; it tooks a few sends where you see the form with empty grid and after that the grid is filled with data (I know that the grid is loading data...) but how can I display a screenmask while it's loading data... Thanks...
  11. Hi, I have add a "free form" to my application and I use this code to display the form: procedure TMainForm.btn_testClick(Sender: TObject); var frm:TUniForm1; begin frm:=TUniForm1.Create(UniApplication); frm.Show(); end; I want to free (delete) this form after closing it, How can I do that? ** I wonder: when the form been closed the system free it automatically?!!
  12. Hi, Thank you , it's working now ! There was a problem with our server Thank you Maher
  13. Hi, I mean UNIGUI application . I create a new "UNIGUI" project as Windows Service Apllication. I run : "myUNIGUIApp.exe /install" but "myUNIGUIApp" did not added to the Services List ! Thanx Maher Ahmad
  14. Hi, Thank you for Repy, Everything working in standalone The problem when install the Service it Not in the Services list ?!?!?! Can you give me a samples of UniGui appication that work as Service Thank you Maher.
  15. Hi, How i run my application as Windows Service Apllication? I create a new project as Windows Service Apllication. I run : "myApp.exe /install" but "myApp" did not added to the Services List ! Thanx Maher Ahmad
  16. I also need to use charts and choose specific colors.
  17. Hello, I tried this to add image to my unidbgrid but I don't know how 1. calculated fields !!?!! I don't know how to start !! 2. OnGetText !!?!! I also don't know how to implement this !! Any one could giv me sample project or explain to me step by step how to do it? I use UniDac to connect to mysql (query and datasource). Many thanx to u all
  18. Hi, I think you should think about resources: computer performance + bandwidth (internet connection).
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