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Thiago Moraes

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  1. Yeah, it's totally possible to detect screen orientation in a UniGui app on a smartphone. You can use JavaScript to check the window.orientation property, and then take action based on the value (0 for portrait, 90 for landscape, -90 for landscape in the other direction).
  2. I've dived into Hyperserver docs myself, and getting it to play nice with Apache and Linux isn't too tricky. First, ensure Hyperserver's installed on your Linux server. Then, for Apache, you'll want to configure a virtual host for your Hyperserver app and set up proxy settings—how exactly depends on your Apache version. In your Hyperserver app, double-check config settings, especially the port it's running on. Test the setup, and if you hit snags, dig into those error logs. And of course, don't forget security, like setting up SSL/TLS for HTTPS and beefing up server security.
  3. Instead of using "&nbsp", try using the "Margin" property if it's available for TUniCheckBox in your theme. You can increase the margin to create some space between the box and the caption.
  4. For DDoS, check out guides on setting up firewalls or using services like Cloudflare. SQL injection and HTML injection have plenty of tutorials with examples to help you grasp the concepts and prevention methods. And for JavaScript injection, look into securing your web apps against cross-site scripting (XSS). When it comes to discussions and forums, there are some great online communities like Stack Overflow or Reddit's r/netsec.
  5. You can play .mp4 videos with UniGUI. You need to tweak the setup a bit. Typically, you'd use a media player component or integrate a video player into your UniGUI app. I've tried a few tools for this and find Movavi pretty solid. It's easy to use and has some neat features. If interested, check out https://www.movavi.com/learning-portal/free-video-cutter.html for more info, including the free trial.
  6. You can use JavaScript to detect the screen orientation in your UniGui application running on a smartphone. Just grab the 'window.orientation' property, and you'll know if it's in portrait or landscape mode.
  7. Make sure the path you're using to reference the JavaScript file in your HTML code is correct relative to your Delphi project's root directory. Also, check your browser's developer console for any error messages that might give you a clue about what's going wrong. It could be a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issue if the JavaScript file is hosted on a different domain. If all else fails, you can try using an absolute URL for the JavaScript file in your HTML code to see if that resolves the problem.
  8. Instead of using "&nbsp" for space, you can try using the "Padding" property in the CSS or styling options for your TUniCheckBox. Adjusting the padding should give you the space you need between the box and the caption.
  9. What worked for me was making sure that the "dgMultiSelect" property was set to "True" for both grids. Then, I was able to select multiple rows by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking.
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