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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. 10-20 secs on a local LAN is not normal at all! On a LAN page load must be almost instantaneous. The bottleneck must be somewhere else. Try testing with a project containing only a blank form and see the load time.
  2. OK I will look at it. We will not implement this as a new component. I will try to show you how to integrate it into your application.
  3. UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniPanel1.UsuId=123;');
  4. There are five included in uniGUI: XP, Blue, Gray, Standard and Vista. I'm sure there are many themes out there for Ext JS, but some changes are needed to make them fully compatible with uniGUI. With some knowledge of JS and CSS plus some artistic skills everyone can create his own custom theme.
  5. You can not add a number to an object: MainForm.UniPanel+usuid Instead you can use below syntax: MainForm["UniPanel"+usuid].body.....
  6. I don't see anything related to Calendar in above link.
  7. Not sure if it is a good idea. In my Browser a right-click pops FF popup + Ext JS popup which both overlap.
  8. Font for Menus can not be changed. They're taken from CSS theme.
  9. Well, I will not add a full featured Google Maps component. It is beyond our scope. In future we may add such components but for now we need to take care of more important tasks. Google maps is one of hundreds of things that can be done on client side using Ext JS and client events. I will try to create a demo and leave the rest of exercise to the developers.
  10. That's an Ext JS 4 example but I'll look at it. Thx
  11. I will try to demonstrate general usage of Google maps. Developers should explore Google maps API for advanced usage and possible interaction with uniGUI elements.
  12. I next build I will add a Google maps demo based on TUniHTMLFrame.
  13. Yes, in uniGUI events are only sent when Form is created. Actually, there is no need for an invisible label. Just declare a new property for the Ext JS objects. JavaScript allows you to dynamically add new properties to an existing object. function OnAfterCreate(sender) { sender.myProperty=false; } function onclick(sender) { if (sender.myProperty==true) { } } In general there is no need to dynamically add or remove events. The correct method is to develop proper internal mechanisms which will enable/disable client side events.
  14. You can't do it directly from Delphi. Currently it can be done only using JS code. To remove a previously defined event: UniSession.SendResponse('MainForm.UniButton1.un("click", MainForm.UniButton1.OnClick)'); To add it again: UniSession.SendResponse('MainForm.UniButton1.on("click", MainForm.UniButton1.OnClick)');
  15. Form border can not be removed. For MainForm you can try setting ServerModule->MainFormDisplayMode -> mfPage. PS: Please send image attachments in a compressed format: (JPG, GIF, PNG, ...)
  16. "document" is a global browser property and can be accessed from all events. We may arrange an event editor for it. Logged #1096
  17. You should handle this event in TUniDateTimePicker.OnAjaxEvent handler. I'm not sure if there is a way to call another button's click. Below code may work but I didn't test it: ajaxRequest(MainForm.btnRefresh, 'click');
  18. There are no Ext JS events for this. Google for window.onbeforeunload DOM event and put a proper script in MainForm.Script.
  19. I will log an issue for this so in future this will be handled in uniGUI. #1094
  20. uniGUI (Ext JS) doesn't emit static HTML so I'm not sure to what level it can be validated. In Ext JS all DOM and HTML content are created dynamically. Ext JS recommends using Quirks mode. In Strict mode some components such as CalnedarPanel doesn't render properly. I played a lot to find best the DOCTYPE for unigui apps, but unfortunately only Quirks mode seems to work best.
  21. You can't call click method of a button. function OnKeydown(sender, e) { if (e.getCharCode()==13) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'MyClick'); } } Monitor ajax event on server side.
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