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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. and add below to MainForm.Scripts: if (typeof window.event != 'undefined') { /* IE */ document.onkeydown = function() /* IE */ { var kc=event.keyCode; return (kc != 9); } } else { document.onkeypress = function(e) /* FireFox/Others */ { var kc=e.keyCode; return (kc != 9); } }
  2. Something like this: function doNextTab(sender, e) { var c=null; var a=e.getCharCode(); if (a==9) { c=sender.nextSibling(); while (c && !c.events['keypress']) { c=c.nextSibling(); } } if (c) c.focus(); } For each Editable Control add below to OnKeyPress client event: function OnKeypress(sender, e) { doNextTab(sender, e); }
  3. You can try applying same logic we used for up/down key. See below example: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1133-version-0860/page__view__findpost__p__3777
  4. You can say that. Currently we can't prevent browser from tabbing thru visual elements until we implement our own special tab key handler which is planned but not for a near future.
  5. Can't say thing for now. You can add request for this in our survey. There will be a version dedicated to new stuff but I can't say the exact version no.
  6. Tab navigation is handled by browser and the only control we have over it is changing the order of tabbing.
  7. Yes, I was about to post this. Recycling Application Pool in IIS 7will unload the dll.
  8. I'm not aware of any other solution. I update my dlls this way.
  9. Closing browser doesn't terminate sessions. Even if you terminate all sessions IIS will not unload DLL module until you manually do this. Another question, why my dll file work in virtual folder, but it doesn't work in the main floder(C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Project33.dll), why? IIS doesn't allow this. Another question, can we throw off it's the name of the file dll?(I set it by default for visit, but it doesn't work) so we can visit by www.exemple.com Shown as picture2: For this you need some URL rewriting. I don't know the details but you can search web for IIS and URL rewriting.
  10. Purpose of this survey is simple. I want to shape version 1.0 of uniGUI according to developers' actual real world needs. We already did a similar survey before and we do this again to assure that we won't miss any important feature. Please specify the most important features for you that you'd like to see in version 1.0 of uniGUI. You can write as many as features you want and please write them in order of importance with most important feature at top. Thanks.
  11. Good. I will analyze your workaround and try to integrate it in framework if possible.
  12. A dll can be displayed inside a html iframe tag or TUniURLFrame. But I'm not quite sure if this will work for you.
  13. Already logged as #911 Setting hints at runtime.
  14. Frames instances aren't kept internally. They are like other visual controls and can be access through their Owner object.
  15. Hint can only be set before component is displayed. You can't change it after form is displayed. If I understand your question you want to change hint at run time?
  16. Not sure what can be done about it. Gregorian date is used internally by both Ext JS and Delphi and this can not be changed. You must convert date when it is displayed but all these must be implemented in JS. i.e. you need a JS code which converts Gregorian date to Persian date. Also date must be converted back to Gregorian when it is sent back to the server.
  17. To MainForm.Scrpits add: Ext.override(Ext.DatePicker, { initComponent: Ext.DatePicker.prototype.initComponent.createInterceptor(function() { this.plugins = [Ext.ux.JalaliDatePlugin]; return(true); }) }); To ServerModule.CustomFiles add files\Jalali\Jalali.js files\Jalali\JalaliDate.js files\Jalali\JalaliDatePlugin.js files\Jalali\JalaliDatePlugin-fa_IR.js This will change all DatePicker instances in your app to jalali calendar.
  18. Yes, there are many files that never used!
  19. Yes, event is only called for MainForm.
  20. Hi, Are those events regular Delphi events. What is the mechanism you use to propagate events between sessions? In uniGUI you should be able to register events like you do in a VCL app. When event is received this does not automatically refresh DBGrid. You must call UniDBGrid.Refresh yourself. However, UniDBGrid.Refresh should be called only in a browser generated event. For this you need to use a UniTimer which will poll server once a while (say once per 30 secs). When trigger is called you must set an internal flag. When timer event is called, if flag is True you will clear the flag and call Grid.Refresh. This method is not very efficient because it will call refresh only on each timer tick not sooner.
  21. Seems to be related to issue #0000882
  22. OK. I will test this case. Logged #1114
  23. Does it happen only when number of rows in detail does not change? I mean when you navigate from one master row to another detail data changes but number of rows remains the same.
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