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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Shared hosts can not be used to run ISAPI apps.
  2. What is type of your server. It must be a dedicated or a virtual server to run ISAPI apps.
  3. XE is the most stable version in my view. XE2 is not as stable but a very good version too. Addition of 64-bit is a major feature in XE2. I haven't played with FireMonkey stuff as I don't need them. Neither do I need OS X stuff. I think it is better to wait a few more months and buy XE3.
  4. Then you need to use OnEnter event for each field on the form.
  5. OnEnter is only meaningful for controls which can accept focus. Panels can not be focused hence OnEnter is meaningless.
  6. I can't reproduce this. In my IDE everything is OK after I press YES.
  7. OnEnter for a Panel? How do you "enter" into a panel?! We have OnMouseEnter/Leave for UniPanel.
  8. I know nothing about wwDBlookupCombo component.
  9. I tried to get a trial account but couldn't succeed.
  10. I uploaded the project in samples forum.
  11. This project was originally developed in early 90s for a course homework. It was developed in Turbo Pascal 4.0. I ported it to Delphi a few years ago and recently ported again to uniGUI. I haven't touched the original code much. There was no Internet at that time and no online access to code samples or algorithms for computer graphics. All algorithms including shading and rendering algorithm are purely my own work. Warning! Spaghetti code ahead!!! Online demo is here: http://prime.fmsoft....emo/curve3d.dll Curve3D.rar
  12. So deployment must be identical to VPS deployment.
  13. I looked at Azure plans but couldn't see how they actually work. Do they offer dedicated virtual machine plans?
  14. Ext JS Grid doesn't natively support this feature.
  15. There is no default DOC when you call an ISAPI dll. http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/ucdemo.dll What is the URL you use to start your web site?
  16. Hello, I can't say the exact time for a non-beta release because it is very hard to predict. Current version is 0.89.0 and starting from version 0.90.0 to 1.0.0 product will take its final shape. This will include licensing details, price, documentation and source distribution policy. I know that it is difficult to create new component without docs and looking at source, but before we release those details we must make sure that internal architecture will not change anymore. My goal is to make all necessary changes wherever needed and finalize the internal architecture of the product in version 0.90.0.
  17. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1894-version-0890/page__view__findpost__p__8251
  18. Another thing: In web mode DoOnEnter and DoOnExit aren't called unless user event handlers are assigned. Solution: constructor TUniEditText.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); PersistentEvents := PersistentEvents + [evEnter, evExit]; end;
  19. In uniGUI method names are: procedure DoOnEnter; virtual; procedure DoOnExit; virtual;
  20. You already answered your question.
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