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  1. Another Ribbon sample: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5319-ribbon-menu/
  2. Maybe this section is more appropriate: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5319-ribbon-menu/?p=27224
  3. Hi, Alternative method: UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGridName.JSName + '.headerCt.forceFit=true;'); (Set OnCreate or OnShow event)
  4. Hello everyone, I am sharing my version of Ribbon Menu (such as Office) and created from various internet examples with ExtJS 4. I have received several requests over time and I apologize for not having found the time to build something that could be easily understood (my first version was in ExtJS 3 and created from a complex code, out of uniGUI) . I hope you enjoy, and be involved in the evolution of this example. (This sample was made with Delphi XE7 and uniGUI Pro RibbonMenu.zip
  5. Is there any way to detect the version of the framework that is installed? We have units with shared among different projects using version 0.89 and version 0.95 features in different machines. For example, in previous versions we used ObjName.ExtControl and the latest version is the syntax ObjName.JSControl and with {$IFDEF} we can treat these cases. Thanks
  6. What is your browser? I´m using google chrome frame inside IE and applications runs fast up. http://www.google.com/chromeframe
  7. Hi Farshad, I´m setting this code on OnCreate event of a frame: FormRegion.ExtControl.JsCode ('autoscroll: true'); This provide a great option to design pages with scroll funcionallity inside the main form loading frames inside it. But It is possible to provide the AutoScroll property on a TUniFrame at design time to build frames with size larger than the screen? Acctualy i need to maximize form at design time to show the all form components, because the scroll functionally is not allowed. This can permit for example to develop a login page inside a frame before show the main form (that can reside in another frame) and allow developer to design larger forms like traditionall web pages. Ps.: i´m using mfPage model. Thanks! ScrollPage.zip
  8. Not a component, but I'll see if I can turn it into one. As it is, I call several methods and events to build it.
  9. Hi KingOrmon, I developed this toolbar in my application uniGUI manually using the extension "Ext.ux.Ribbon.js." I'm still using ExtJS 3 and do not know if something changed to version 4. It was a bit tricky, but if you want I can help you build yours. I'm posting a picture.
  10. Pra ser sincero, não acredito muito que deva parar. É um ótimo projeto e acho que em breve ele deve anunciar algum investimento externo (Embarcadero, por exemplo) ou reestruturação do time de desenvolvimento da sua empresa (ou até fazer um anúncio de uma versão comercial). Seria uma pena que este excelente framework fosse descontinuado.
  11. KingOrmon, This is not the best way to solve this, but while Mr. Farshad don´t indicate the best solution you can try this to force resize again: procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniImage3.Picture.LoadFromFile(GetModulePath(HInstance)+'\SunSet.png'); Width := Width + 1; Width := Width - 1; end;
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