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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. I logged issue #1373 to show the Delphi name of component in error window. What your code does after login window is closed?
  2. Show me how you call the ajaxRequest. BTW, why do you use an ajaxRequest to pick ComboBox value?
  3. OK. You can do the same with DBLookupCombo. Just leave the DataSource and DataField blank.
  4. I'm preparing the roadmap. Hopefully I'll publish it today or tomorrow.
  5. You need to leave the field to reflect changes to the Dataset. In future we will add a new future so dataset will be set in edit mode as soon as you change the field.
  6. You will not be able to edit a readonly column. The editor won't be activated in a readonly column.
  7. What functionality a UniLookpCombobox would offer?
  8. In uniGUI only MainForm, MainModule and user DataModules are automatically created when session started. Other forms are created on demand.
  9. URL variable will point to a restart link for same app.
  10. You can use Columns[x].ReadOnly property.
  11. Modify code as below: if Assigned(RegionParent) then Self.ExtPanel.AddTo(RegionParent.ExtPanel.Items);
  12. Debug source code of component to see where the issue is.
  13. I can't reproduce this issue after say, 10-20 times. Of course, I'm using it with Ext JS 4 maybe it is an Ext 3 issue.
  14. You need to set the parent region property
  15. Why not use TUniRegionPanel component from PatMap: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1233-region-slider-panel/page__view__findpost__p__4313 object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'MainForm' ClientHeight = 421 ClientWidth = 707 Color = clBtnFace OldCreateOrder = False MonitoredKeys.Keys = <> PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object UniRegionPanel1: TUniRegionPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 707 Height = 421 Caption = 'UniRegionPanel1' Align = alClient Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] Color = clBtnFace TabOrder = 0 Regionable = False RegionSplit = False RegionFrame = False RegionTitleCollapse = False RegionCollapsible = False Region = rgCenter object UniRegionPanel2: TUniRegionPanel Left = 1 Top = 1 Width = 185 Height = 419 Caption = 'UniRegionPanel1' Align = alLeft Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akBottom] Color = clBtnFace TabOrder = 1 Regionable = True RegionSplit = False RegionFrame = False RegionTitleCollapse = False RegionCollapsible = True Region = rgWest RegionParent = UniRegionPanel1 end object UniRegionPanel3: TUniRegionPanel Left = 185 Top = 1 Width = 522 Height = 419 Caption = 'UniRegionPanel3' Align = alClient Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] Color = clBtnFace TabOrder = 2 Regionable = True RegionSplit = False RegionFrame = False RegionTitleCollapse = False RegionCollapsible = False Region = rgCenter RegionParent = UniRegionPanel1 end end end
  16. There is nothing special for XE2 or other delphi versions: package UniRegionPanelDXE2; {$R *.res} {$IFDEF IMPLICITBUILDING This IFDEF should not be used by users} {$ALIGN 8} {$ASSERTIONS ON} {$BOOLEVAL OFF} {$DEBUGINFO ON} {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX ON} {$IMPORTEDDATA ON} {$IOCHECKS ON} {$LOCALSYMBOLS ON} {$LONGSTRINGS ON} {$OPENSTRINGS ON} {$OPTIMIZATION OFF} {$OVERFLOWCHECKS OFF} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} {$REFERENCEINFO ON} {$SAFEDIVIDE OFF} {$STACKFRAMES ON} {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} {$VARSTRINGCHECKS ON} {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} {$MINENUMSIZE 1} {$IMAGEBASE $400000} {$DEFINE DEBUG} {$ENDIF IMPLICITBUILDING} {$IMPLICITBUILD ON} requires uniGUI16; contains UniRegionPanel in 'UniRegionPanel.pas'; end. I successfully complied and ran the example under XE2 using above DPR file.
  17. No, because modal forms aren't blocking in web mode. That said, in future we will add callback support for Show/ShowModal.
  18. I have no experience with IIS for doing this task. There are other tools like http://www.octagate.com/ which is a load balancer. For IIS I found this which may be helpful: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/486/http-load-balancing-using-application-request-routing/
  19. We will have a huge issue fix release after 0.90.0. 0.90.0 will mainly focus on Ext JS 4 only so I can't promise for 0.90.0.
  20. You can create it only for MainForm by setting ServerModule->MainFormDisplayMode->mfPage It is same for Delphi and C++
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