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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/21 in Posts

  1. Peity JQuery are small dynamically generated graphics with values you can set that easily integrate with uniGUI controls. It is so easy to use and easy to integrate with many caption properties of the controls available. Even more, you can animate making small histograms in real time. Watch the demo and be happy! http://www.uniguiexpress.com Demos Cetera (68 Projects) See more and get this pack at https://www.uniguiexpress.com/Promopack04.htm Our group at Telegram: https://t.me/uniguiexpress Content in English Pack 01 - Interface http://www.unigui.com.br/dwpack01.html Pack 02 - Projetos DB e Mais complexos http://www.unigui.com.br/dwpack02.html Pack 03 - Geolocalização Brasil (Only Brazil !!!) http://www.unigui.com.br/pack3/pack3.html Pack 04 - Demos Cetera (68 Projects) https://www.unigui.com.br/democetera/pack4.html uniGUIPeityJQuery.webm Project available only in the pack Silver at https://www.uniguiexpress.com
    2 points
  2. Thanks, found!! Mil gracias, funciono!!!
    1 point
  3. @cdev I tried to reproduce with RadCORE the model you posted. Sorry about my bad English.
    1 point
  4. One of the benefits of RadCORE is the dynamic responsive settings that I created that can be extended very easily and create "new usage situations". I can "ask RadCORE" to adjust my components according to the device x resolution. We can reduce / expand according to the resolution or the content of the container. We can hide on a certain device. Adjust font size ... - Dynamic alignment : It is possible to "link" one object to another to dynamically adjust its positioning, centering, scale, etc. We can "interact" with uniDBGRID and also apply responsive features such as hiding or setting the width of a column in a given situation and still apply masks or "conditional" css classes to the field content without using a "field editor". RadCORE is constantly evolving by listening to users and applying improvements and new features every month. I always thank Farshad for creating UNIGUI. And what I do with RadCORE is to increase (in the simplest way) the firepower of the unigui. Much still to be done !!! But the results are these: - Responsiveness with default components ( or third party ) for any device - THEME CONTROL - TRANSLATION
    1 point
  5. I suggest to Unigui team to include the following in the “Deployment Area” So, just to resume what to do to deploy a ISAI DLL code with IIS 10 do the following: Suppose that the physical path of the dll is C:\webswd\webswd.dll (see the figure in this post) a) Create the DLL in Delphi IDE “commenting the first line of the code”. b) Do the settings of IIS 10 using EXACTLY the steps of http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/iis_7_0.htm c) After the last step go to the IIS in the area “RESTRICTIONS of CGI / ISAPI doing the following https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-BR/troubleshoot/iis/http-error-402-webpage which translated means Configure the constraint on the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions page to allow the requested ISAPI resource or the requested CGI resource. Follow these steps to resolve this issue: Select Start, type Inetmgr in the Start Search box, and then select Inetmgr from the Programs list. If you are asked to request an administrator password or confirmation, enter the password or select Continue. Locate the level you want to configure. In the Features view, double-click ISAPI and CGI restrictions. Right-click the constraint that restricts the requested ISAPI resource or requested CGI resource and select Allow.(Enable) d) After the last step it should work if you type in the browser, http://localhost/webswd/webswd.dll e) If you wish to type a shorter name Enter IIS and select webswd and, in the middle of the pag,e select Standard Document Click on it and "Open Resource" will appear on the right Click on it and then Add will appear. Click Add and type the name of DL Lwebswd.dll From here you can just type http://localhost/webswd
    1 point
  6. Hi Bresler, Actually, my previous post was the example You just have to create a new component (as usual in Delphi) and put my code in the unit of your component. Then you can use this component with LiveBindings as any VCL or FM component.
    1 point
  7. Here is the way to make TUniEdit observable by LiveBindings : unit UniObservableEdit; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniEdit, WinApi.Messages, WinApi.CommCtrl, Data.Bind.Components; type [ObservableMember('Text')] { identifies the control value name for TUniObservableEdit } TUniObservableEdit = class(TUniEdit) private procedure ObserverToggle(const AObserver: IObserver; const Value: Boolean); procedure DoSetRemoteValue(AIndex:Integer;Value:String);override; protected function CanObserve(const ID: Integer): Boolean; override; { declaration is in System.Classes } procedure ObserverAdded(const ID: Integer; const Observer: IObserver); override; { declaration is in System.Classes } public published end; procedure Register; implementation function TUniObservableEdit.CanObserve(const ID: Integer): Boolean; { Controls which implement observers always override TComponent.CanObserve(const ID: Integer). } { This method identifies the type of observers supported by TUniObservableEdit. } begin case ID of TObserverMapping.EditLinkID, { EditLinkID is the observer that is used for control-to-field links } TObserverMapping.ControlValueID: Result := True; else Result := False; end; end; { The override for DoSetRemoteValue is where TUniObservableEdit calls the observable interfaces to notify LiveBindings components when the user types something. This override is sufficient to monitor user input to TUniObservableEdit. TLinkObservers.ControlChanged is a utility method that does most of the work. You can find the implementation in System.Classes. } procedure TUniObservableEdit.DoSetRemoteValue(AIndex:Integer;Value:String); begin inherited; TLinkObservers.ControlChanged(Self); end; procedure TUniObservableEdit.ObserverAdded(const ID: Integer; const Observer: IObserver); begin inherited; if ID = TObserverMapping.EditLinkID then Observer.OnObserverToggle := ObserverToggle; end; procedure TUniObservableEdit.ObserverToggle(const AObserver: IObserver; const Value: Boolean); var LEditLinkObserver: IEditLinkObserver; begin if Value then begin if Supports(AObserver, IEditLinkObserver, LEditLinkObserver) then { disable the uniEdit if the associated field does not support editing } Enabled := not LEditLinkObserver.IsReadOnly; end else Enabled := True; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('uniObservableComponents', [TUniObservableEdit]); end; initialization Data.Bind.Components.RegisterObservableMember(TArray<TClass>.Create(TUniObservableEdit), 'Text', 'DFM'); finalization Data.Bind.Components.UnregisterObservableMember(TArray<TClass>.Create(TUniObservableEdit)); end.
    1 point
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