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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/21 in Posts

  1. Hi Marlon . I use yor components and they are great. I have still missing a doubt on changing color of a chart series. Tgis is something I was used to do very easily with VCL. Can you please tell me if it is possiible to do what I indicate in this figure ?
    1 point
  2. Hi Claudio, That's great to hear. Thank you for your response.
    1 point
  3. Hello Sergio, in additional to what was said by Peter (MierlP), here is a small explanation to transactions. Transactions is a long story. When we worked on the past on 1 PC, all was OK : No need to isolate transactions from others users. Now, when we work with many users, each user modify online data, we have to take care on the isolation writes. this is done by the transactions mechanism. In short, you can see here an example (with PostGresSQL / DevArt ). In the example below, a global transaction is started, and if all is OK it will commit the result (write on disk) . This transaction is by default ReadCommited. You can googled this for further informations. procedure TForm1.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin PgConnection1.StartTransaction; try //==================== Do_SommeOperations; //==================== PgConnection1.Commit; except on E: Exception do begin PgConnection1.Rollback; showmessage(E.Message); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Do_SommeOperations; var MyQuery:TPgSQL; Query_Select:TPgQuery; MyNumber:integer; begin //1. Retreiving somme values Query_Select:=TPgQuery.Create(Nil); try Query_Select.Connection:=PgConnection1; Query_Select.SQL.Clear; Query_Select.SQL.Add('Select MyNumber From MyTable1 where (ID=100)'); Query_Select.Open; if Query_Select.IsEmpty then MyNumber:=-1 else begin if Not VarIsNULL(Query_Select.Fields[0].AsVariant) then MyNumber:=Query_Select.Fields[0].AsInteger else MyNumber:=-1; end; finally Query_Select.Free; end; //2. inserting values MyQuery:=TPgSQL.Create(Nil); try MyQuery.Connection:=PgConnection1; MyQuery.SQL.Clear; With MyQuery.SQL do begin Add('Insert into MyTable2'); Add('('); Add('ID,'); Add('MyNumber'); Add(')'); Add(' VALUES '); Add('('); Add('1,'); Add(':MyNumber'); Add(')'); end; MyQuery.Execute; With MyQuery.Params do begin ParamByName('MyNumber').DataType:=ftInteger; ParamByName('MyNumber').aSinteger :=MyNumber; end; MyQuery.Execute; finally MyQuery.Free; end; end; Best Regards
    1 point
  4. I am answering this topic myself for the benefit of users who may have a similar question. In the IIS manager, the basic setting of the application contains an alias field. In my case, it is "hello". If my application's name is xyz.dll, calling up the application locally will require me to type the following URL in the web browser:- localhost/<alias>/xyz.dll where <alias> is hello. If I do not want to type xyz.dll each time, I can add xyz.dll as a default document of the application. My URL will then be:- localhost/hello If you are calling the application over the Internet, replace "localhost" with the IP address or domain name of the host. If over a network, replace "localhost" with the network address of the host.
    1 point
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