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Everything posted by SergioFeitoza

  1. Hi Golbafan Thank you very much . It seems to be great I will study how to implement. Having a simple test case using Unigui would be great
  2. Hi Golbafan Thank you very much . It seems to be great I will study how to implement. Having a simple test case using Unigui would be great
  3. Thanks Sherzod. The quiz will bre created statically as a single . No problem with the login but I will not use it for complex things. It will be for teaching some engineering things in short words. If someone what to vote just click without login. 1 QUIZ = 1 PAGE called by a mainPage I think I can create without problems but if I find some demo ready will facilitate me . If I do not dind i will create Please clarify me the sentence "you can use the js library that was created for this case and use HTMLFrame for example". Created where ? Regards and thanks again
  4. Thanks Marlon I wanted to know if it iscurrently possible or not. The interesting thing is that it is so easy to do in VCL like here if timeHorizontalAxis <= TIME1 then seriesVerticaAxis.AddXY(trunc( timeT/60 ), strToFloat(edAmp1.text), '', clGreen); else seriesVerticaAxis.AddXY(trunc( timeT/60 ), strToFloat(edAmp2.text), '', clRed); Mychart.Repaint; Regards
  5. Hi friends . Any suggestion here ? At least an Unigui demo more or less in the same context ?
  6. Hi Abaksoft Thanks I am trying again with this good example. Really is not a simple thing.
  7. I am trying to find a demo using Unigui + Delphi to create a code to do a single QUIZ like in the bottom part of this my site http://www.cognitor.com.br/ Do you know any?
  8. Thank you very much again Mierlp. Tomorrow I will go again to the code and adjust it removing DBnavigator. Actually it was without it before and I inserted to do a trial because it was not working well due to the absence of the field UserID in the table of Values. Your solution for NIEUW, BEWAREN ,ANNULEREN buttons is good and I will use it. By the way, after being sometimes in Arnhem, Delft and other places ih Netherlands I can recognize some few words but need to go to the translator to be sure. Thanks again
  9. Hi Mierlp. Thank you very much for the very clear didactic explanation and example. Now I see that what I was missing is only to include the recordID (unique number) in the table with the VALUES. I already have a USERS table (username + password) filled when they register. It is working well. However my Values table does not have a recordID to identify the user Using the unique recordID as a parameter within a query to filter the table the user will only be allowed to see his own records (and CREATE, EDIT, DELETE and SAVE). So simple but I forgot to think on this. Well understood for the OnNewRecord event. I need only to include th recordID in the values table.) and I I will adjust all this. Now I will go back to the issue of the question 1 of the post. I am wandering if the reason for not saving properly in the MySql database, for my Unigui code, is related to some inconsistency because I did not not include the recordID in the (big) table of Values. Thanks again for the great help
  10. Dear Abaksoft. Thank you very much. I am skilled with engineering but very limited in Unigui details. I have learned based on trying several times to get it right and with the help of this forum I think I understood your points except "Start a global transaction (Read Commited"). Please give more details on this. Also , expalin a little bit more what you mean with "commit this transaction" I wrote just above in the reply to Newbie a text to better explain my main doubt. Could you please look on them and comment also? As a suggestion for the future, it would be great to have that DBdemo code amplified to include a MySql (or MSAcess) database and giving some light in the issue of multiple users. Regards and thanks again
  11. Thank you very much Newbie. Let me focus in the first line of your comment. I wrote the text below to explain better my doubt Suppose this is the initial table of the app made by me before anyone used the app service. Suppose this is the unique table which is associated with the deployed code (and not a local table) ID USERNAME ValueA ValueB 1 Sergio 10 12 2 Sergio 8 6 Then suppose a new user John register and starts to use the app. Suppose that it is permitted by the code and that John CREATE a new line in the table. The table will become like . I know that I can do the code in such a way that people can not add lines but instead only modify them ( in a session ? in definitive ?) ID USERNAME ValueA ValueB 1 Sergio 10 12 2 Sergio 8 6 3 John 5 3 Then a new user Mary register and starts to use the app. Suppose Mary CREATE a new line in the table ID USERNAME ValueA ValueB 1 Sergio 10 12 2 Sergio 8 6 3 John 5 3 4 Mary 1 5 MY MAIN DOUBT IS Suppose it is permitted by the code that a user create new lines. So, when Mary goes to the app can she see the record which was inserted by John ? Or all the users see all the records of anyone ? This is the first time I am creating a service. I was imagining that when a user does something in a certain session some internal thing in Unigui is done to create a separate table which is visible only to that user. If it is not like this my service can be used only without permitting to save changes. This is because two competitors could see what the other is doing. In this case is much better that users have only a VCL version of the code which is installed in its own computer. My Unigui app could still be useful as an online tool but not permitting to save. The use could edit things in a session but they would not be saved in the deployed database. This is what I need to understand to define. Maybe I was with a wrong expectation of what is possible with my code. THE IDEAL THING, THAT I AM STARTING TO THINK THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE, WOULD BE THAT When John access the service what appear in his table is only what he created or edited and saved. So would be a table like this ID USERNAME ValueA ValueB 1 Sergio 10 12 2 Sergio 8 6 3 John 5 3 When Mary access the service what appear in her table is only what she created or edited and saved. So would be a table like this ID USERNAME ValueA ValueB 1 Sergio 10 12 2 Sergio 8 6 4 Mary 1 5 Any comment is very welcome.
  12. Hello Farshad Thank you for the answer . Lets forget MySql for the moment and speak only about a generic database as in the good Unigui DBdemo in C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\DBDemo There we have the fishes database. If I understood well the database is a clientdataset. If I change a value and save the modifications got to a xml file or something like this. So, I imagine that If I change the value of the first field (see figure) and save-post it in the unidbnavigator it should be saved. I did this operation as in the figure. After this I closed the program . Then I opened again but the changed value was not recorded in the database. I lost the change I did. My first doubt is why was not saved ?. The second doubt is the following. Suppose that the changed value was correctly saved. If I deploy the code as a DLL and two different users do the same operation ( two seessions) where would be the values of each user be saved. I imagine that when we refer to "session" both users can save their own values . Is it like this ?
  13. I have a conceptual doubt with the use of Unigui when many different users are using the same database . I need your help to understand this. Sorry for the long text. I have a calculation code deployed and working as a free service. The link is at the bottom if anyone wish to see it. It was made with Unigui + Delphi + a small MySql database. I use MyDac components in the MainModule. In the VCL version, for individual use ,everything work . If the use change a value or delete a line of a table or create a new line I need only the MyDac components. I do not need to write – in addition - Mysql queries as below. The MyDac components do all the work. If I change a value and click the post button in the dbnavigator the value is saved in the MySql database. In my Unigui equal code this is not sufficient. If I change a value it is changed in the screen , work well - I think in the memory – but when I close the code the is not saved in the MySql table. To solve this I wrote queries like below editrecClick(Sender: TObject); When I click the edit button in the UniDBnavigator it calls editrecClick(self); and the new value is saved in the MySql table . So, the fact of using editrecClick(self); is equivalent to click the button APPLY in the MySql Workbench. QUESTION 1: why this editrecClick(self) is not necessary in the VCL version which uses exactly the same database ? There I just click the unidbnavigator without needing this extra code QUESTION 2 (the conceptual doubt ). Suppose I have two different users and they do their own calculations. One of the edit and save their values and the other do something like but with other values. As I have just one database , where are the values of each one saved ? If they use and days after go back to use again the values they saved will be there ( for each different user) ? Where are they saved ? In the MySql general database ? I If my doubt is not clear please tell me and I will try to rewrite it. Thanks in advance ( ** ) access to the service – just need to register an email. procedure TMainForm.editrecClick(Sender: TObject); var i, test,max,Nregisteredusers:integer; NuserX : string; myDate, Ndate : TDateTime; NSITE,NINSTA, NLINK,NLINKFOR,ASSE:integer; begin uniMainModule.USERS.IndexFieldNames:='DATEREGISTER'; Nregisteredusers:=uniMainModule.USERS.RecordCount; NDATE:= unimainmodule.USERS.fieldByname('DATEREGISTER').AsDateTime; NUSERX:= unimainmodule.USERS.fieldByname('LOGIN').AsString; NSITE:= unimainmodule.USERS.fieldByname('SITECOGNITORVISITS').AsInteger; changeUSERSitem := TMyQuery.Create(nil); try changeUSERSitem.Connection := uniMainModule.MyConnection; changeUSERSitem.SQL.Clear; changeUSERSitem.SQL.text:='UPDATE USERS SET SITECOGNITORVISITS =:NSITE …’ + ' WHERE LOGIN=:NUSERX AND DATEREGISTER=:NDATE'; changeUSERSitem.Params.ParamByName('NSITE').AsInteger := NSITE; changeUSERSitem.Params.ParamByName('NUSERX').AsString := NUSERX; changeUSERSitem.Params.ParamByName('NDATE').AsDateTime := NDATE; changeUSERSitem.ExecSQL; finally FreeAndNil(changeUSERSitem) end; end;
  14. Thanks Sherzod I am t trying to find how could be this algorithm. This is what I do not know how to do
  15. I still do not understand well the logics of some events in my UNIGUI code. I used some of them suggested in some posts but I want to understand how they work. So, first, please suggest me a text / link to read the differences between for UNIGUI. I have an example that I need to solve now. I am using a UniFSKendoUI chart workell but I need to make the line to become RED instead of BLUE if the value of the Xaxis variable is higher than 1200. Inside the code the name of the variable is varX ( if varX<1200 then BLUE else RED) I thing that the code of the event is like below The 2 questions are: 1) How should I write the code below to indicate that (instead of point.value > 1) for point.value > varX=1200 the curve becomes RED ? 2) Where, exactly should I insert the text of the code below ? This the main doubt. At ServerModule > CustomFiles? At ServerModule>CSSevents? ? Any other way ? <div id="chart"></div> <script> $("#chart").kendoChart({ series: [{ data: [1, 2], color: function(point) { if (point.value > 1) { return "red"; } // use the default series theme color } }] }); </script>
  16. I am trying to do something that maybe was already done by some of you. I have in my site a single counter that indicate the number of accesses (see the figure). If I open the page clicking http://www.cognitor.com.br/ the counter is at the right-bottom side. What I want to do is to create a code, to insert in my Unique working code, that go to my page daily, open the link above and get (by recognition like a OCR scanner) the number in the counter. I will use this number inside my code. Any idea as a start points?
  17. Hi friends Is there any esay way ( like a component) to include a counter of acesses to the Unigui MainPage already deployed ?
  18. Thank you Mohamed . I will check how to do this. Possibly is one of the possibilities detailled in the link above posted by x11
  19. Thank you very much There are several possibilities here !!!
  20. My Unigui code is running as a service i tne web. It uses a small MySql database . How to do a code to backup dayly the database, for example a a *.sql file ?
  21. Thanks Lets wait the tests. If I succeed to implement the 3D module it will be great. I will present doubts more ahead
  22. Dear Andyhill Please read this and thanks for your help
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