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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/18 in Posts

  1. Добрый день, Попробуйте этот Custom CSS, UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: .x-grid-cell-inner { white-space: initial; }
    1 point
  2. From the "infamous" series, "All about...", we got together 4 examples of animated backgrounds for LoginForms. A foreground LoginForm (with some tricks and a soft gradient) that can be easily included in minutes to you project for a "quick facelift" and voilá . Different solutions with only one goal: All formatted to be used in LoginForms because "it's all about the looks my dear"... With the examples provided you can easily adapt any animated JavaScript background to your projects and get an extra bang to user attention. There are lots of animated jscripts , particules, elements in codepen and other Jscript resources websites that you can use the same tools and solutions here. Since we are almost at Christmas and Festivities days, SnowFlakes JavaScript Animated background is here for direct download. Additional projects with nice effects and ready-to-use is downloadable from the link below. Visit www.unigui.com.br (use the google translation control at the top - soon in english) and download the other examples and material. Project Packs, Books (in Portuguese only for now but coming soon in english) and resources exclusive to uniGUI Framework. Happy festivities, Christmas and a prosper new year. Cheers, Fred. PS: you can write me in english for more info and support. "No problemo.. "
    1 point
  3. Добрый день, Попробуйте это решение: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ClientDataSet1.Locate('Id' ,90, []) then begin //UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){' + UniDBTreeGrid1.JSName + '.getView().getNode('+ UniDBTreeGrid1.JSName +'.uniRow).scrollIntoView()}, 500)'); UniDBTreeGrid1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.defer(function(){'#1'.ensureVisible('#1'.getSelectionModel().getSelected().getAt(0))}, 100);'); end; end;
    1 point
  4. Hi, How to change the background color for a unitreeview? I tried the property color , or parent color, but always stay in white color. exactly the same error with font size. whang changing the font on design time it does not change in run time. any idea? thx eric
    1 point
  5. Hi, We will check this issue. For now, can you try this approach ?: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6146-unitreeview-background-color-old-issue-1016/ Best regards,
    1 point
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