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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/18 in Posts

  1. Tudo bem, olha ai, www.uniscript.com.br:8077/?app=samples www.uniscript.com.br:8077/?app=dashboard1 www.uniscript.com.br:8077/?app=dashboard2 www.uniscript.com.br:8077/?app=jquery tudo script .pas e .dfm, um único executavel vai rodar vários projetos.
    1 point
  2. Under a typical scenario maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections can only be a few hundreds. However, concurrent connections should not be confused with number of active sessions. You need an active HTTP connection only when a request is pending. You may have thousands of sessions, but only need 100 active connections to serve all those sessions. uniGUI internally implements pools for threads and transport handles to smartly manage OS resources. We have stress tested our own customer portal application with HyperServer in a dedicated test server with up to 2.000 concurrent sessions. As long as your server resources allow, you can increase number of sessions to 10.000 or more. The only concern here is database connections which must be pooled using pooling techniques provided by your data connection library. For example, if you are using FireDAC then you must enable database connection pooling if you plan to have more than 500 concurrent sessions.
    1 point
  3. ok .. found a solution for chrome, egde, safari, opera ... i changed to https://greensock.com/tweenmax and i animate my things with : Panels: UniSession.AddJS('TweenMax.to('+UniContainerpanel.JSName+'_id,0.4,{left:'+inttostr(x)+'});'); Forms: UniSession.AddJS('TweenMax.to('+self.WebForm.JSName+'_id,1,{autoAlpha:0});'); Works fine :-) Greetings Erich user_interface.webm
    1 point
  4. Hello, No, You can use this version without hyperserver too, as previos versions, for configuring: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/installing-and-configuring-hyp.htm
    1 point
  5. Hello, You can try these actions: 1. UniDBGrid1 -> Options -> dgDontShowSelected = True 2. UniDBGrid1 -> OnAfterLoad event: procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1AfterLoad(Sender: TUniDBGrid); begin with UniDBGrid1 do begin CurrRow := 5; CurrCol := 5; end; end;
    1 point
  6. Hi, Who needs change this property: UniDBGrid->LayoutConfig->Height = 100% Best regards
    1 point
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