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  2. We have a system that can work on a private VPN and over the internet. The problem is that we use the RemoteAddress property of UniApplication to do several things but if, for example, the user is connected thru the VPN with IP and for some reason the VPN is closed, the automatic reconnections will work but the remote address will be different. The problem is that Unigui does not update the property so the IP on the RemoteAddress remains the same dispite the change on the physical IP address of the user. How can we solve this ?
  3. Hi Marlon. I could be interested in purchasing your components package: may you confirm me if you have some samples about dashboard building capabilities? Any chance to download or test online a demo? OK, Just found https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/... Thanks for your answers. Marco
  4. Try this: function chart.redraw(sender, eOpts) { var chart = sender; var store = chart.getStore().getDataSource(); chart.getSeries().forEach(function(s) { if (chart && store && store.getAt(0).get('LL') == '' && store.getCount() == 1) { s.setHidden(true) } else { s.setHidden(false) } }) }
  5. I make a new empty application. I don't place the component and lauch it. But, I meet the following.... I cant meet the empty mainform. I use Delphi 11. Regards,
  6. I did that but in the TUniLineSeries control, the artifact still shows. There are 3 TUniLineSeries controls in the TUniChart that I have.
  7. Sherzod, How do I get the above code to work for the TUniLineSeries control?
  8. Your guess is right. (delete the trial version and install new commercial version) After I open and laucn the C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\AllFeaturesDemo\mdemo.exe, I also meet the "loading..." message only.
  9. Hello, Thank you! I assume that you have removed the trial version and installed a new edition, and you want to run the project on the developer's machine. Have you changed paths? https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/adjusting_paths.htm
  10. I test the uniGUI using FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.95.0.1580_Trial.exe (Win 11). I purchase the Professional edition and install the FMSoft_uniGUI_Professional_1.95.0.1583.exe in my Win11 PC. But, when I compile the standalone application, I meet the following. I just meet the "Loading..." message. I reference the https://unigui.com/resources/installation-instructions also. Please let me know what i missing... Thanks.
  11. Hello, Try this trick as a workaround for now: function chart.redraw(sender, eOpts) { var chart = sender; var store = chart.getSeries()[0].getStore().getDataSource(); if (chart && store && store.getAt(0).get('LL') == '' && store.getCount() == 1) { chart.getSeries()[0].setHidden(true) } else { chart.getSeries()[0].setHidden(false) } }
  12. When the TUniBar3dSeries (or TUniLineSeries) control has no data, an artifact is still displayed in the chart. How do I hide it? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  13. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin grdSystem.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin grdSystem.Hide; end;
  14. Используете UniMap?
  15. Hello, Can you please specify first which edition of uniGUI are you using?
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