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  1. Yesterday
  2. I can't find this icon. Should it be added to the IconCls list? If yes, how should it be added to IconCls?
  3. I made a test app, and it worked perfectly on it. The difference I found was the property 'ButtonVisible,' when it's 'false,' it doesn't work. So I understand that the whole problem was only this: the 'ButtonVisible' must be 'true'. Thank you very much for your help.
  4. for Developers who need the complete code with size check below With FileHTMLFrame.HTML Do Begin Clear; Add('<!doctype html>'); Add('<html> '); Add(' <body> '); Add(' <button id="BtnFileHTMLFrame" style="color:black;font-size:16px;" onclick="selectFile()">Aguarde o envio do Arquivo...</button>'); Add(' <script> '); Add(' async function selectFile() { '); Add(' let file = await fetchFile() '); Add(' let filename, fileData '); Add(' let filetype = ''Unknown'' '); Add(' if(file){ '); Add(' filename = file.name '); Add(' filetype = file.type '); Add(' let reader = new FileReader(); '); Add(' reader.readAsDataURL(file); '); Add(' reader.onload = function() { '); Add(' fileData = reader.result '); Add(' let params = {"filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "filedata": fileData} '); Add(' params= JSON.stringify(params); '); Add(' top.ajaxRequest(top.Form_UploadFileWeb.FileHTMLFrame, ''selected_file'', [''file_info=''+ params]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' reader.onerror = function() { '); Add(' let params = {"filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "filedata": fileData} '); Add(' params= JSON.stringify(params); '); Add(' top.ajaxRequest(top.Form_UploadFileWeb.FileHTMLFrame, ''selected_file'', [''file_info=''+ params]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' } else { '); Add(' let params = {"filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "filedata": fileData} '); Add(' params= JSON.stringify(params); '); Add(' top.ajaxRequest(top.Form_UploadFileWeb.FileHTMLFrame, ''selected_file'', [''file_info=''+ params]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' } '); Add(' const fetchFile = async () => { '); Add(' return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { '); Add(' const el = document.createElement(''input''); '); Add(' el.type = ''file''; '); Add(' el.style.opacity = ''0''; '); Add(' el.accept = "' + Ext + '"; '); Add(' el.addEventListener(''change'', () => { '); Add(' const file = el.files[0]; '); Add(' const fsize = file.size; '); Add(' const Tamfile = Math.round((fsize / 1024)); '); Add(' if (Tamfile >= 8096) { '); Add(' Ext.MessageBox.show({'); Add(' title: "Informação", '); Add(' msg: "Arquivo muito grande escolha menor que 8mb", '); Add(' icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO, '); Add(' buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); '); Add(' document.body.removeChild(el); '); Add(' resolve(undefined); '); Add(' } else { '); Add(' document.body.removeChild(el); '); Add(' resolve(file); '); Add(' }}); '); Add(' document.body.appendChild(el); '); Add(' el.click(); '); Add(' const onFocus = () => { '); Add(' window.removeEventListener(''focus'', onFocus); '); Add(' document.body.addEventListener(''mousemove'', onMouseMove); '); Add(' }; '); Add(' const onMouseMove = () => { '); Add(' document.body.removeEventListener(''mousemove'', onMouseMove); '); Add(' if (!el.files.length) { '); Add(' document.body.removeChild(el); '); Add(' resolve(undefined); '); Add(' } else { '); Add(' resolve(el.files[0]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' } '); Add(' window.addEventListener(''focus'', onFocus); '); Add(' }); '); Add(' } '); Add(' </script> '); Add(' </body> '); Add('</html> '); End;
  5. Hi Farshad / Sherzod I have upgraded to RAD 12.1 and UniGUI Professional V I have successfully installed UniGUI v1583, but when I compile my C++ project (previously compiled with RAD 10.4), I get an error: Ambiguity between Idtcpclient::TidTCPClient and Uidtcpclient:TidTCPClient I have a RAD IdTCPClient component on my UniGUi form and this seems to be clashing with the TCPClient used by UniGui framework. How do I resolve this ambiguity?
  6. Hi Farshad Thank you for your adivce, I resolved that problem. However I have one error left: Ambiguity between Idtcpclient::TidTCPClient and Uidtcpclient:TidTCPClient I will create a new thread for that error.
  7. Hi, How can I display the unimbutton caption in two lines? My caption is << and Last month. I want << to be in the first line and the last month in the second line. Regards.
  8. Adding the following does nothing to format the labels. I must be missing something. function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { //axisY config.axes[0].renderer = function(s, v, a) { a.attr.canvasAttributes.strokeStyle = 'green'; a.attr.canvasAttributes.lineWidth = 1.5; // return v // or using number formatting return Ext.util.Format.number(v, "#.00"); }; //axisX config.axes[1].renderer = function(s, v, a) { a.attr.canvasAttributes.strokeStyle = 'blue'; a.attr.canvasAttributes.lineWidth = 1.5; // return v // or using number formatting return Ext.util.Format.number(v, "#.00"); }; }
  9. @Alexandre Storti @asapltda Can you make a simple testcase to check?
  10. +1 Good morning doesn't work for me either, as used in 1. frame, form, movile Thank you
  11. Sorry for my difficulty in understanding. I believe I did the review but it hasn't had any effect yet. I send an image of the source code and css to try to improve visualization.
  12. .Btn_Redondo .x-btn Please pay attention to dots and spaces.
  13. We will try to check. But this post may also help you:
  14. Good morning. I made the changes as indicated but the TUniFileUploadButton did not have a circular shape. Could I have done something wrong? In other words, I want the UniFileUploadButton to be in a circular format, what is the best way to do this? CustomCSS: Btn_Redondo.x-btn { border-radius: 50%; border: 0; padding: 0; cursor: pointer; transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background: rgb(15, 36, 65)!important; }
  15. I could try it with and I have the same problem.
  16. I dont know what You mean when say "instantly", but with this code , I stop session at the moment when change is detected: 3. procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleHandleRequest(ASession: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); begin if (mInnerSessionID <> sInnerSessionID ) then begin Handled := True; TUniGUISession(ASession).Terminate ('Session is closed'); end; end;
  17. Hi, Sometimes linked libraries are saved in project files and it looks for wrong library. You need to check your project library settings.
  18. Hello, Can you update to the latest version?
  19. Hello, I am using unigui professional version I get ajax error: O1A is not defined Steps: 1. click the "set editor" button and open the selected row's idVal edit dropdown 2. select the first row, click the "set editor" button and open the selected row's idVal edit dropdown 3. select the second row, click the "set editor" button and open the selected row's idVal edit dropdown What is the right way to change the editor in runtime? uniguiGridEditorTest.zip
  20. Thank you for your answer. It does not help me, though. The TestCase.rar contains a project with only a timer. And your code doesn't actually show how to end a session instantly, it only shows your way of asking the user if they are still there.
  21. I have looked at different topics on how to end a session in this forum and found those ways: - set a timeout - BrowserClose event / MainModuleDestroy event - Session.Terminate / Session.TerminateAfterSecs However, they all have one thing in common: they don't actually end the session. They merely set the Terminated flag to True, to signal the session that it should come to an end. So how can i end a session instantly?
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