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  1. For logout... UniMainModule.ServerMessages.TerminateTemplate <script> document.location = document.location; </script> I haven't tried for UniMainModule.ServerMessages.InvalidSessionTemplate, but should work.
  2. change timeout to 100 or something bigger
  3. I've found some issues too, it's buggy. You can find the same issue in the sample https://www.swarmonline.com/Ext.ux.TouchCalendar/examples/Ext.ux.TouchCalendar.html, when you scroll down the day view, the other views scroll down too. I know it's uggly but after "setView" do this... setTimeout(function(){ frmBitacora.touchCalendar.view.innerElement.setStyle({transform:""}); },50); //increment if you need to populate i'm doing this... procedure TfrmBitacora.calendarPanelAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var date1,date2:String; jsonString:String; begin if eventName='periodchange' then begin date1 := copy( params.Values[ 'date1' ], 4 ); date1 := copy( date1, 7,2 ) +FormatSettings.DateSeparator +copy( date1, 5,2 ) +FormatSettings.DateSeparator +copy( date1, 1,4 ); date2 := copy( params.Values[ 'date2' ] , 4 ); date2 := copy( date2, 7,2 ) +FormatSettings.DateSeparator +copy( date2, 5,2 ) +FormatSettings.DateSeparator +copy( date2, 1,4 ); dataSet.close; dataSet.ParamByName('date1').AsDate := strToDate( date1 ); dataSet.ParamByName('date2').AsDate := strToDate( date2 ); dataSet.Open; jsonString := ''; while not dataSet.Eof do begin jsonString := jsonString+'{' + 'event:"'+dataSet['event']+'"' + ',start:"'+formatDateTime( 'yyyy-mm-dd',dataSet.FieldByName('fech').asDateTime )+'"' + ',end:"'+formatDateTime( 'yyyy-mm-dd',dataSet.FieldByName('fech').asDateTime )+'"' + '},'; dataSet.next; end; uniSession.AddJS( 'frmBitacora.touchCalendar.view.eventStore.setData([' +copy(jsonString,1,length(jsonString)-1) +'])' ); end; end;
  4. updated sample https://mega.nz/#!HkUS1ZQJ!PUrPygw1mFnM5E-TYnCh7LmkQht6tKjSYrr8FoVX28c
  5. to change the view ... frmBitacora.touchCalendar.setViewMode('month'); //month, week , day to populate the store... frmBitacora.touchCalendar.view.eventStore.setData( [ {event:"text1", start:new Date(), end: new Date()}, {event:"text2", start:new Date(), end: new Date()}, ... ] );
  6. I would say "selectionchange". calendar.on('selectionchange', function(calendar, newDate, oldDate){ console.log('selectionchange'); console.log(calendar); }); I've not tried all of them but you can see more events here https://github.com/SwarmOnline/Ext.ux.TouchCalendar/blob/master/examples/Ext.ux.TouchCalendarEvents.html .
  7. Once i had to deal with legacy and custom libraries for serial communicaction, so i was forced to use "sleep", just avoid the use of "Application.ProcessMessages".
  8. Sorry, I forgot to mention that, but as far as i know sencha-touch is not included in 1.10., and till now i haven't found a "plug&play" theme, that's why i'm still using sencha-touch. Maybe is just a matter of include it. Moreover, i thought that in 1.10 there is no difference between mobile and desktop (!?).
  9. I needed a "CalendarPanel" in mobile, so i took Ext.ux.TouchCalendar (https://github.com/SwarmOnline/Ext.ux.TouchCalendar) and merged in my sencha-touch project. I can't upload this sample so i'm gonna leave this here, maybe can help to someone. https://mega.nz/#!P0sgXbIQ!jsTHKaMMb7AzNCImIcQU1MmmQurbXN1ZEb0L8tO4td0 Tips: calendarPanel.uniEvents.afterCreate dpDate.extEvents.change dpDate.uniEvents.beforeInit dpDate.uniEvents.afterCreate procedure TfrmBitacora.calendarPanelAjaxEvent
  10. what if you use dbgrid.ondblclick instead ?
  11. //mainmenu with UniGUIServerForm.ServerForm.File1 do begin add( TMenuItem.create( UniGUIServerForm.ServerForm ) ); items[ Count-1 ].Caption := 'my MainMenu option'; end; //try icon with UniGUIServerForm.ServerForm.popup do begin items.add( TMenuItem.create( UniGUIServerForm.ServerForm ) ); items[ items.Count-1 ].Caption := 'my popupMenu option'; end;
  12. Nop, for some reason it didn't work for me in server2008, so i was forced to run the service as administrator, but never mine, it's working. I'm glad I helped .
  13. The embarcadero post refers to another post that summarizes posible workarounds for the excel issue. I tried myself without success, but maybe can help. http://troyvssharepoint.blogspot.cl/2012/07/stumbled-upon-interesting-one-today.html
  14. Hi, A couple of days ago i've found the same issue editing an excel workbook. It was related to the access grants for the user assigned to run the windows service. In my case i've found a workaround in windows 7 creating the folder c:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop (the write access for the SYSTEM user is inherited), If yours is a 32 bits service running under a 64bits environment check the same but with c:\windows\syswow64\config\systemprofile\Desktop. In my case the production server is a win2008 and it didn't work, so i was forced to run the service as administrator. References: https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?threadID=252184 https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dataaccesstechnologies/2012/12/19/error-microsoft-office-excel-cannot-access-the-file-while-accessing-microsoft-office-11-0-object-library-from-ssis/ Good luck.
  15. Hi, you can try this: https://github.com/PKISharp/win-acme/wiki/Basic-usage https://github.com/PKISharp/win-acme/wiki/Apache-2.4-Basic-usage It creates a windows task that automates the renew. I've tested it with IIS and it works like a charm. Please tell us your result with Apache.
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