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  1. Hello, I hope you can help me out to resolve the issue with locking TUniDBGrid columns in runtime when the end user using browser zoom. When the end user uses Google Chrome zoom 100%, 150%, 75%, 80%, 90% the program works fine, but if user set another zoom like: 110%, 125%, 67% and etc.. The program blows up without showing any error in the debug mode it's just screen stalls and you have to restart it. It could be replicated if you run in the debug mode (stand alone) or if the program is deployed on IIS server. I have developed the complex PLM system and noticed that issue when system was developed using FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1560.exe version. That time it worked fine on browser zoom: 100%, 75%, 125%, 150%. I implemented the function that catch the user browser zoom and if the zoom is a list (100%, 75%, 125%, 150%) the system locks the columns, but if other zoom is used, the system doesn't lock the columns. That solution wasn't ideal, but it was difficult to create the test case as the system is complicated and the functionality is loaded based on a lot of parameters and conditions, so that time I did not reported this issue to you. Recently, our customers reported that the system stopped working on zoom 125% as well (system was developed using software FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1565.exe that time). I have installed the latest version FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.95.0.1575.exe, but the issue still exists. We can't keep saying to the customers that now is the other valid zoom list. We really need the issue to be resolved. I have created the test case based on FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.95.0.1575.exe software (the latest one). Brief explanation how to replicate the issue: 1. Build and run the ZoomError.dpr: Then, please click on "Create Frame and Load Grid" button. If you select a Google Chrome zoom 100%, 150%, 75%, 80%, 90% It will create a frame without any issue, please see screen below. The grid will have locked "PRODUCTCODE" and "DESCRIPTION" columns. I have implemented two methods to lock columns: 2.1 when "Lock columns using JS" checkbox is unchecked, it uses code inside procedure TUpdateGridFrame.BuildDBGrid; …… if not FLockcolumnsUsingJS then begin ColumnDB.Locked := True; end; ……. 2.2 when "Lock columns using JS" checkbox is checked, it uses code: procedure TUpdateGridFrame.DoLockProductDescription; var grid: TUniDBGrid; begin grid := UniDBGridUpdateGrid; with grid do begin Columns[0].Locked := True; Columns[1].Locked := True; TExUniCustomDBGrid(grid).DoConfigureJSColumns(grid.DataSource.DataSet); grid.JSInterface.JSCall('view.refresh', []); end; end; Those data will be loaded from Data folder, file MemTBValues_zoom.json: Those two methods fail when browser zoom is not in this list: 100%, 150%, 75%, 80%, 90% Here is testcase: ZoomError.zip We really need your help to sort it out. Thank you in advance. Kind Regards. ZoomError.zip
  2. Hi all, How to disable zoom in/out with dual touch on Iphone - Safari. On Android is no problem. I am using UnimMap and instead of zooming map, all app zoom in zoom out. already add to Server Module/meta <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" /> also try to add to mainmForm (I do not know which event is right one - after render is not on list) document.body.addEventListener('touchmove',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); },false); On Android works fine. Am I miss something? using: Delphi RIO, latest Unigui release. Thanks in advance. Br, Marko.
  3. This example is great for demonstrating product images in detail by enlarging the specific area or displaying an enlarged image in a separate area. It does not use two images to produce the effect as many libs do. I have separated the functions in such a way that you can easily choose the one that best suits your project. See External JS file to Magnify and for Zoom function, see Mainform script. I do not see any use of using this feature in mobile as there is already a pinch movement to enlarge images on the platform. Either way, it works the same. Examples posted here are free of charge to uniGUI Subscribers only. Don't ask me to send to you. That's uniGUI forum's rule. Visit http://www.unigui.com.br or http://unigui.express (soon to go live) to purchase our material. Credits: Example from w3schools.com. Telegram Group https://t.me/uniguiExpress Project available at https://unigui.express
  4. How can I change the Scale (zoom) of a TUnimImage in code ? Please advise.
  5. Can someone please show me how to implement Gestures for TUnimImage:- Pinch (zoom in/out) Pan Thanks in advance
  6. Hi i was wondering how can display multiple images on carousel in mobile with a TUnimImage on each page but with the possibility to zoom the images in and out? i tried many libraries and plugins online but i failed to make them work with unigui mobile. Even if that failed, ow can make zooming mobile form itself enabled like desktop applications? I tried that code but no luck: <meta content='True' name='HandheldFriendly' /> <meta content='width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=2.0; user-scalable=1;' name='viewport' /> if (document.body) { document.body.addEventListener('touchmove',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); },false); } Please help me in either zoom the whole window or image. Thanks in advance
  7. Hi all, I am trying to test having a carousel in mobile app with pinch to zoom functionality. I found this amazing example: https://github.com/SunboX/ST2_ImageViewer https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?197903-Pinch-Image-with-carousel-and-working-fine But I can't get it to work with unigui mobile or desktop I changed files paths in .js or html to correct "files/..." to work correctly with unigui, also added this code to BeforeScript property in UnimHTMLFrame1: Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.ux': 'files/ux' } }); Ext.define('Demo.Viewport', { extend: 'Ext.Carousel', xtype : 'my-viewport', config: { items: [ { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/images/Desert.jpg' }, { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc : 'files/images/Hydrangeas.jpg' }, { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/images/Chrysanthemum.jpg' } ], listeners: { activeitemchange: function(container, value, oldValue, eOpts) { if (oldValue) { oldValue.resetZoom(); this.getActiveItem().resize(); } }, resize: function(component, eOpts) { this.getActiveItem().resize(); } } }, onDragStart: function(e) { var scroller = this.getActiveItem().getScrollable().getScroller(); if (e.targetTouches.length === 1 && (e.deltaX < 0 && scroller.getMaxPosition().x === scroller.position.x) || (e.deltaX > 0 && scroller.position.x === 0)) { this.callParent(arguments); } }, onDrag: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length == 1) this.callParent(arguments); }, onDragEnd: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) this.callParent(arguments); } }); Ext.define('Demo.ViewportPanel', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', xtype : 'my-viewport-panel', config: { fullscreen: true, layout: 'fit', items: [{ xtype: 'titlebar', docked: 'top', items: [ { text: 'ZoomIn', listeners: { tap: function() { Ext.getCmp('myCarousel').getActiveItem().onZoomIn(); } } }, { text: 'ZoomOut', align: 'right', listeners: { tap: function() { Ext.getCmp('myCarousel').getActiveItem().onZoomOut(); } } } ] }, { xtype: 'my-viewport', id: 'myCarousel' }] } }); Ext.application({ name : 'ImageViewer Carousel Demo', views : [ 'Ext.ux.ImageViewer' ], launch: function() { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'my-viewport-panel' }); } }); or this for single image viewer Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.ux': 'files/ux' } }); Ext.application({ name : 'Simple ImageViewer Demo', views : [ 'Ext.ux.ImageViewer' ], launch: function() { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/desert.jpg' }); } }); All I get is the "loading..." the carousel radio buttons are working but images are not sliding and the two buttons on the top panel (zoomin/zoomout) are working too. Sorry to bother you guys but I am not good with html/css or js so i can fix this on my own Any help will be appreciated Thanks in advance
  8. Hi, I couldn't find zoom-in, zoom-out and reset-zoom in TUniChart. Could you please add these three features? Thanks.
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