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  1. Components Delphi for uniGUI https://store.falconsistemas.com.br 💙 [01] - iGrowl (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [02] - KendoUI (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API do KendoUI) [03] - Edit Mask (Web) - (Edit com alteração de mascara em tempo de execução) [04] - Button (Web) - (Componente de Botão personalizável) [05] - Google Maps (Web e Mobile) - (Google Maps) [06] - ColorPicker (Web) - (Componente de seletor de cores) [07] - Edit (Web) - (Edit com suporte a força de senhas) [08] - Toggle (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Toggle personalizável) [09] - Menu Button (Web) - (Componente de botão com menu) [10] - ComboBox (Web) - (ComboBox com suporte a ValueID) [11] - CalcEdit (Web) - (Componente de Calculadora) [12] - Google Charts (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API Google Charts) [13] - Theme (Web) - (Componente de temas para o uniGui) [14] - Toast (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [15] - Confirm (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [16] - Popup (Web) - (Componente de Popup) [17] - QrCode (Web e Mobile) - (Gerador de QrCode) [18] - Keys (Web e Mobile) - (Secret Keys para os componentes da Google) [19] - MultiUpload (Web) - (Componente de Upload e MultiUpload) [20] - Signature (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de Assinatura - Signature Pad) [21] - Pix (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Gerador de QrCode PIX em Delphi) [22] - HighCharts (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API do HighCharts) [23] - Camera (Web) NEW - (Componente de acesso a câmera (webcam) compátivel com o Google Chrome) [24] - QrCodeScanner (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de leitura de QrCode, Barcode e mais 15 formatos) For support send e-mail to suporte@falconsistemas.com.br Components for Delphi | uniGUI, IntraWeb, FMX, VCL : https://components.falconsistemas.com.br
  2. Hello! This example shows how to scan any supported 1D/2D code with ZXing javascript library from the device video camera... This is an approximate implementation and may need to improve the code The main scan implementation is taken from here: https://zxing-js.github.io/library/examples/multi-camera/ You also need to add the files: libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll and pem files to the root directory... UniServerModule -> CustomFiles: files/zxing.min.js BarcodeScannerZxingJS.rar
  3. Hello, I am creating set of components. Feel free to send me javascript libraries to make them an UniGUI component and add to this package. You can find good libraries from this web sites : https://www.javascripting.com http://www.bestjquery.com/ https://bestofjs.org/ https://awesomerepos.com/javascript # Changelog ## [10 Sep 2019] - UniOSPaypalButtons Link ## [11 Apr 2020] - UniWebCam and UniVideoPanel Link ## [09 Jul 2020] UniFlowChart and UnimBarcodeScanner Link ## [18 Aug 2020] UniQZ Link Please change this based on your delphi version. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Compiler_Versions UniGUIOS.dpk
  4. QrCode Reader for uniGUI That's is my new series (old "All about x topic") and now inspired in Chelsea DOES Series... (lol) here we go. This is the first experimental project for our future Pack 4 commercial/biz automation. The final version will have several other features as well as QrCode generation capability etc. This code is free and based on several JavaScript libs linked and adapted. This project design is hybrid. Restrictions: Chrome only allows WebRTC access via https or localhost. Safari ONLY https. FireFox is the most compatible of all. This is an HTML5 feature that has not yet been implemented in most browsers and many users have old versions. So check the browser version of your device and test with others browsers. Website that shows what each browser supports https://caniuse.com/#search=getUserMedia Mobile Compatibility with HTML5 http://mobilehtml5.org/ https://webrtc.github.io/samples/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API How to use: Copy the / files folder just below where you want to place your ISAPI or StandAlone. And let's rock ! Live Demo: https://lojasms.com.br/qrcode/qrcode.dll More Information, Resources, Books, and Project Packs visit http://www.unigui.com.br (the Brazilian portal to uniGUI). ' Enjoy... and have a good one! Sorry: but I'm experience some health problems today... tomorrow I'll post version with English Interface. Project available at https://unigui.express
  5. Hi: I'm developing a application (mobile components) with a barcode reader attached via bluetooth. Because no way to read a barcode directly caching by form events keypress, etc...(like vcl). My solution (if there is any better, please shared ;.) ) is read the code via tunimedit. The problem is when then tunimedit is focused, the device shows a keyboard (but is not needed in this scenario). There is any way to hide/unhide the keyboard by code?. Thank you!
  6. Back on tracks ! This examples shows how to create "on-the-fly" a QrCode for on-line use. Very useful for products access , info. etc... The main and innovative difference to uniGUI community is that only uses a very small and practical JavaScript Lib to create a QrCode image associated to an uniCanvas that can be placed in position on your screen. Size and content is very easy to adjust. See code sample. As always you can download from https://t.me/uniguiexpress See Channel files... Or you may visit http://www.unigui.com.br and see other code packages and products. Project available at https://unigui.express
  7. Is anybody aware of a component, or is it possible with a uniGUI mobile app to scan/read a barcode? Thanks.
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