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Everything posted by likemike

  1. Hello! I've tried to change my programming from UnimFileUploadButton to UnimFileUpload, but the popup-window of UnimFileUploadButton looks much better and if you chose one item, you are directly for ex. in the camera mode (and not in an "ugly" file upload window). So it would be very nice, if I could integrate the microphone capture in the menu of UnimFileUploadButton. BTW: none of both ways show the possibility to use the microphone on Apple smartphones. Is there a solution? Regards Mike
  2. Yes - I have, but the UnimFileUploadButton is smarter. Where is the code, which defines the function and apperance of the popup menu? Do we have access to the code or is it part of Sencha?
  3. Hello! When you press an UnimFileUploadButton you get this menu: I'd like to know, if it's possible to add a voice recorder for speech message to this menu - and if so, how. Regards Mike
  4. Here it isUnigui.rarUnigui.rar If you start it, some panels and memos will be created. Because of the painted-function in ExtEvents the height of the scrollbox ist exactly what is necessary to fit all objects. If you press the button, 2 more objects are added. If you scroll down, now there is a blank space at the bottom (because here the painted-function has no effect). So I need to call the function "painted" after inserting new objects.
  5. Hello Sherzod! Here you helped x11 with an UnimScrollbox: Especially this part: function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.bodyElement.dom.setAttribute('style', 'overflow-y:auto !important'); sender.bodyElement.select('.x-dock .x-dock-vertical').setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto'); if (sender.floating) { sender.floating.element.setStyle('height', 'auto'); } } I need this too, but the problem is, that I add objects on the scrollbox at runtime and the "painted" script doesn't fire. After that the problem comes back. I've tried to call this after adding objects, WITH UnimScrollBox1.JSInterface DO BEGIN JSCode(#1'.bodyElement.dom.setAttribute("style", "overflow-y:auto !important");'); JSCode(#1'.bodyElement.select(".x-dock .x-dock-vertical").setStyle("overflow-y", "auto"); '); JSCode('if ('#1'.floating) {'#1'.floating.element.setStyle("height", "auto");}'); END; but there is a syntax-error in the 3rd line (Unexpected token '.'). I'm sure, you'll see my fault immediately! Regards Mike
  6. Hello! I've tried this with my Uni(m)Scrollbox, but I get an error message. Is there a solution for mobile, too? with UnimScrollBox1.JSInterface do JSCall('getDragEl().applyStyles', [JSObject(['background-color', 'transparent', 'frame', 'false', 'border', 'none'])]); Regards Mike
  7. I've got the solution: ALTER TABLE "T_Table" ALTER COLUMN TEXT_FIELD TYPE VARCHAR(8192) CHARACTER SET OCTETS COLLATE OCTETS The “trick” is to use character set OCTETS. Because OCTETS is a special character set that blindly stores only what you poke into it—without transliteration—it is ideal for making the character codes neutral with respect to code page.
  8. Yes - but that's for the whole database. I don't want Unicode for the whole db. I only need Unicode to store the Emojis. And that's in a single field. In Firebird you can define the character set for each field seperately, but as I said - it doesn't work. So this is more a FireDAC problem, than a problem with UniGui.
  9. I've tried it with character set UTF8, but with the same result: Emojis are working, characters between chr(20) and chr(127) are working, but not characters above.
  10. I use FireDAC. I need the Unicode character set only for one field.
  11. Unfortunately the change of the character set ends in an [FAC]: "Malformed string"-exception when national characters like "ä", "é", "ñ" etc. are used. Any suggestions?
  12. Yes! That's it. SQL: ALTER TABLE "T_Table" ALTER COLUMN TEXT_FIELD TYPE VARCHAR(8192) CHARACTER SET UNICODE_FSS COLLATE UNICODE_FSS But you have to delete existing data, because it's not compatible.
  13. It has something to do with Unicode and the character set of the database field. I use Firebird 3.0.3 and I've changed the charcter set - actually without success. I keep searching...
  14. Hello! Does anyone knows a way how to save Emojis, which are entered in an UnimEdit to database and to display them later f.ex. in an UnimMemo? When I use an UnimEdit, you can insert Emojis on Smartphones. When I save the UnimEdit.Text in a database field and load it back to a memo field there are ???? displayed instead of the emojis. I figuered out, that the Emojis are represented by 2 hex values each. When saving it to a database field the hex pairs are replaced to ?-signs. Regards Mike
  15. If nothing else works, I do that, but I think this is a bug - so would you please open a ticket?!
  16. @Sherzod: Here you helped pro_imaj with a similar problem: I tried this with UnimScrollBox instead of UniFieldSet, but this doesn't work: JSInterface.JSCallDefer('items.items.sort', [JSInterface.JSStatement('function(a, b) {a = a.uname;b = b.uname;if (a === b) {return 0;}return a < b ? -1 : 1;}')], 5, UnimScrollBox1.JSControl); JSInterface.JSCallDefer('updateLayout', [], 10, UnimScrollBox1.JSControl); What do I wrong?
  17. Hello Mohammed,



    it seems, that you've offered erich.walker a solution. But now there is only an "hi". Is your solution still available? I need to create some UnimMemos on runtime and I want, that the height of the UnimMemo depends on the height, the text needs to display.


    Best regards


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sherzod


      It was for UniMemo.

    3. likemike


      OK! And how can I do the same thing with UnimMemo? 

    4. Sherzod


      Don't know yet, especially if you'll use server side alignment.

      Need to investigate. Because it seems to me that Sencha does not provide such a configuration for mobile component.

  18. Hello! I create some memos and panels during runtime in a Unimscrollbox (parent) - Server-side-alignment. Unfortunately the order shown is not the same as the creation order. I've tried this workaround But it has no effect. I've attached a testcase! Regards Mike Unigui.rar
  19. Hmmm... I've tried to create a testcase - but there it works. I can't found any css or script which causes that - I'll search. Thx.
  20. Hello! Thx - it works, but as u see, the text area doesn't match with the border angle: So I need a JS snipet to change the text area border angle too. Best regards
  21. Thx Sherzod, but I've forgot to mention, that the UnimMemo are created during runtime. I've tried this, but it has no effect: s:= 'painted=function painted(e, eOpts)'#13#10 + '{ e.inputWrapElement.setStyle("border-radius", "20px"); '#13#10 + ' e.inputWrapElement.setStyle("border-color", "clGreen"); } '; unimMemo.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(s);
  22. Hello! I'm wondering how to get a TunimMemo with rounded corners and without frame. I've tried this: unimMemo.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.bodyElement.dom.style.setProperty("border-radius","20px");'); unimMemo.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.bodyElement.setStyle("border-radius","20px");'); The result is a frame, which has a nice rounded corner and the text area with a different and smaller angle. So I don't need a frame, but the text area with higher degrees of rounding. Another question: Is it possible to get TUnimMemo transparent? Regards Mike
  23. The problem is the new behaviour of iOS. Apple replaced the doubleclick by a tripleclick. I open the UniSweetAlert by choosing a line in an UnimDBGrid. The doubleclick don't work here anymore - so the user has to tripleclick or use the "hold"-function. Both methods remove the focus from the UniSweetAlert input field.
  24. Sorry, but I don't know how to set focus to the input field of an UniSweetAlert...
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