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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Can you fully uninstall and install again?
  2. Seems you have reinstalled UniGUI incorrectly
  3. Which edition did you use before, trial?
  4. Where are you generating this? How will you distinguish between these links?
  5. Hello, I couldn't reproduce Can you make a simple testcase?
  6. Can you try to use this config?: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniBitBtn1.JSInterface.JSConfig('textAlign', ['left']); end;
  7. Ясно Возможно на данный момент, как вариант, Вам стоит посмотреть на TinyMCE ?
  8. Добрый день! Используете ActiveX или что-то другое?!
  9. Can you please make a simple testcase for this?
  10. Try with defer: ... rgOrdem.Items[1] := 'By Code Desc.'; rgOrdem.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.defer(function(){'#1'.radioGroup.items.getAt(' + IntToStr (2) + ').setDisabled(true)}, 100);'); ...
  11. Hi, Can you explain? If I understand you correctly, you can do it in OnClick event
  12. Hi, I'm fine, thank you. How are you? OK I will check.
  13. Hi, Sorry, can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?!
  14. Sherzod

    Printing PDF

    Anyway, can you please open a ticket in support portal?
  15. Sherzod

    Printing PDF

    Hi, Which version of IE are you using?
  16. Sherzod

    Printing PDF

    Hi, Can you please explain in more details, what problem do you have? Which browser are you using? Just tested on Chrome, It seems everything is OK
  17. CustomCSS полностью не проанализировал, простите Но как решение попробуйте этот код UniPanel -> ...: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender.getEl(); me.setTop(me.getTop()-12); }
  18. Hello, Sorry, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  19. Надо проанализировать, Вы используете CustomCSS...
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