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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. The way you did it puts progress like this: 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, ..., 10%, 10.5%, up to 100% I wanted it to be from 1%, 2%, 3% ... 10% to 100% without having the decimal place, got it?
  2. That's right, but it's still showing 0.5 in 0.5. Can you show from 1% to 1%?
  3. I wish if the total was 1000 progress would show from 1 to 100% if it was 10,20,30,500 or etc. progress showed from 1 to 100%
  4. How do I use ShowProgress if the total value is over 10? Can do a test with the folder example C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ Demos \ Desktop \ ShowProgress and change the total value from 10 to 100 for example.
  5. I would like to delete a certain column from my grid at runtime, but I already did. Thank you!
  6. How to delete dbgrid columns? Is this correct? dbgrid.Columns . Destroy;
  7. It worked, my problem I think was the way I created the index, I had a composite index. Thanks a lot for the help.
  8. unidbgrid.JSInterface.JSCall('view.features[0].collapseAll') => collapse all groups I put the code in a button and the error happened: Cannot read property '0' of undefined O589.view.features[0].collapseAll();
  9. How to expand and collapse dbgrid groups via code?
  10. I also need this, since it's been a long time since I've been asking for this and nobody answers. Unfortunately...
  11. Honestly, I give up asking for that. Thank you for your help!!
  12. Ok, como você obtém o número de conexões ativas, igual ao selecionado na imagem usando o Hyperserver.
  13. Unfortunately it does not work for me, I will have to be giving select x in x time in the bank to know if there are users logged in? The unigui itself when we put http: \\ app \ server it already shows the amount of users logged in, even using the Hyperserver it shows. So why can't I monitor the amount of users logged into my system?
  14. I already use this way, and when there is a sudden fall of the internet evebnto is not triggered and the user gets stuck in the table.
  15. In Firefox the same thing happens, I sent you a demo, just download it and test.
  16. When collapsing the menu clicks on charts, you will see that no other sub menus appear
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