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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. If I knew how this was happening I would try to correct it myself, since there are errors in Unigui that occur randomly. How can I find the object with the name O1CE6?
  2. What is the reason for this error happening, can anyone tell me? Thank you! Event:click, Object: O1CE6 not found in session list. It could be timed out, refresh page and try again
  3. But how do I add a FastReport file with the FR3 extension? The problem is in mime_0_type, I don't know what to put in it.
  4. I need to download an FR3 file (FastReport) and a bank file with the extension .REM (Text file), I'm using Hyperserver + IIS, and I can't download it, does anyone know why?
  5. If I change the MainForm in that part MainForm.UniEdit1.setValue (sender.codeEditor.selection ()) and put a Frame works too?
  6. It can be on the server side, I wanted to take the selected text and execute a command in the bank with it
  7. I have a UniSyntaxEdit component and I would like to get only the selected text, would I have it?
  8. I am available, my contact eduardosuruagy@gmail.com
  9. I also have the same problem and haven't updated it yet!
  10. I make a backup of a bank and then restore it in another folder and still have some more processes. I'm automating the process of registering a new customer. I also make a copy of a specific folder on my server and I create it in another folder of my new client then this whole process crashes my system, I tried to put a Timer even then still tarve.
  11. Over time this can vary, I'm not sure. Will increasing the time UniServerModule.AjaxTimeout influence anything?
  12. I try to deal with all errors and sometimes this is inevitable and I would not like to show these errors to my client.
  13. How can I run a long process in Unigui without the message appearing in the image?
  14. It would be number and characters
  15. Good morning, I use this code in an edit to accept just numbers: UniDBEdit1> ClientEvents> UniEvents> beforeInit function beforeInit (sender, config) { sender.maskRe = / [0123456789] /; } I would like my edit to accept letters and numbers, how do I do it?
  16. These JS codes are passed on by you guys from support, I'm not sure if these codes are causing the error. Errors are caused randomly.
  17. Grid.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add( 'pagingBar.beforeInit=function pagingBar.beforeInit(sender, config) {config.displayInfo = true;}'); Grid.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add( 'store.afterCreate=function store.afterCreate(sender)'#13#10'{'#13#10''+ ' sender.setRemoteSort(false);'#13#10'}'); Grid.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( 'afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' var me = s' + 'ender;'#13#10' if (me.pagingBar) {'#13#10' me.pagingBar.getCompone' + 'nt("refresh").handler = function() {'#13#10' ajaxRequest(me' + ', '#39'_refresh'#39', [])'#13#10' }'#13#10' }'#13#10#9#13#10'}'); I have a unit where I pass the name of the dbgrid and add these options.
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