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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. UniEdit's OnExit is hindered when used with TUniSweetAlert. I have an edit and a code in the onexit event of that edit, if the edit does not have the data I want I send a message to the user through TUniSweetAlert and give an abort, after clicking on the ok of TUniSweetAlert the onexit event of edit is looped. An example of the code inside onexit: if edit.text = '' then begin edit.SetfFocus; SAPquestion.Execute; Abort; end;
  2. Yes it worked, explain the difference between onActivate, onShow and onReady? Because at the beginning I did the test on onShow and it didn't work.
  3. Example error C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FMSoft \ Framework \ uniGUI \ Demos \ Desktop \ GridGrouping - Dynamic When I leave the option UniDBGrid1.Grouping.Enabled: = False and I run the system then I try to enable grouping via code and it doesn't work, it simply does nothing. This error I had posted before.
  4. What is this soTerminateOnSession option for?
  5. Is there any way to find out the reason for this error? Unfortunately I don't know where the error happens. Erro: Config Option: O 120B ->uniFMask:{beforeclose:true} is refering a previous request, it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler. Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. Erro: Config Option: O 121E ->layout:"absolute" is refering a previous request, it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler. Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead.
  6. My congratulations, if we had this disclosed, Unigui would have a much larger community ....
  7. It happens to me and I don't know how to reproduce the error
  8. If I knew how this was happening I would try to correct it myself, since there are errors in Unigui that occur randomly. How can I find the object with the name O1CE6?
  9. What is the reason for this error happening, can anyone tell me? Thank you! Event:click, Object: O1CE6 not found in session list. It could be timed out, refresh page and try again
  10. But how do I add a FastReport file with the FR3 extension? The problem is in mime_0_type, I don't know what to put in it.
  11. I need to download an FR3 file (FastReport) and a bank file with the extension .REM (Text file), I'm using Hyperserver + IIS, and I can't download it, does anyone know why?
  12. If I change the MainForm in that part MainForm.UniEdit1.setValue (sender.codeEditor.selection ()) and put a Frame works too?
  13. It can be on the server side, I wanted to take the selected text and execute a command in the bank with it
  14. I have a UniSyntaxEdit component and I would like to get only the selected text, would I have it?
  15. I am available, my contact eduardosuruagy@gmail.com
  16. I also have the same problem and haven't updated it yet!
  17. I make a backup of a bank and then restore it in another folder and still have some more processes. I'm automating the process of registering a new customer. I also make a copy of a specific folder on my server and I create it in another folder of my new client then this whole process crashes my system, I tried to put a Timer even then still tarve.
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