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Everything posted by 55143681

  1. Dear :

    I have study your QR example,

    I want to use it very much.

    but,when I build that with xe10.3.3.+unigui1514,
    I have an error,
    maybe a parameters problem,

    the error is"Can not run project unless a host application is defined.Use the run|Parameters..Dialog box" 
    How to setup that?thank you.

  2. I build the qr project with xe10.3.3 cbuilder+unigui1514, The error is "Can not run project unless a host application is defined. Use the Run|Parameters.. dailog box" How to do?Help,thank you.
  3. UniMain call UniForm1,UniForm1 call UniForm2, there is no error. UniMain call UniFrame1,UniFrame1 call UniForm2,build error ,why?
  4. xe10.3.2+unigui1508 cbuilder UniMain call UniFrame1,UniFrame1 call UniForm1, build error ,why?see the code below:frameCallForm.zip frameCallForm.zip
  5. In my Main Page,I call a UniFrame whose parent is a UniTabSheet, In the new UniFrame,I want to click a button to call a free form, but I have an error where I build the project, can I call a new free form from a UniFrame? void __fastcall TUniFrame2::UniDBGrid1ColumnActionClick(TUniDBGridColumn *Column, int ButtonId) { switch (ButtonId) { case 1: { //Here is the error TUniFormRoleFunc *newForm=new TUniFormRoleFunc(UniApplication); newForm->ShowModal(); break; } default: { } } }
  6. See: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\Grid - ActionColumn
  7. I use UniDBGrid to show my data and my table have four fields, I want to add a button at the end of every line, for example, in the fifth field, and if I click the button, I can call a new form and show the line's every field text, How to do that?
  8. A autowidth way: UniDBGrid1->ClientEvents->ExtEvents,see the Ext.data.Store page, add store.load event as follow: function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { sender.grid.columnManager.columns.forEach(function(col){col.autoSize()}) }
  9. Dear: my friend has bought your unigui a few days ago, and He changed the password, but now, He can not login in anymore and he can not setup with the new password, He has send many mails to your helpdesk, and has do something as you say, but ,He can not use your product any more, Please help, His email is:wujunping@sina.com, I suggest you help him change a new password,and try everything ok,then send mail to him, thanks.
  10. I think UniComboBox2->Clear() will set UniComboBox2->Text="" UniComboBox2->Items->Clear(); will delete all the list items, But in xe10.3.3+unigui1514,UniComboBox2->Clear() do not set UniComboBox2->Text="" and cleare all the list items.
  11. Thanks,cbuilder version: void __fastcall TMainForm::UniFormCreate(TObject *Sender) { UniHTMLMemo1->JSInterface->JSAddListener("initialize", "function(edhtm){ const bodyArea = edhtm.getEditorBody();bodyArea.style[\"background-color\"] = \"#B3FFD9\";bodyArea.style[\"font-family\"] = \"Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"; bodyArea.style[\"font-size\"] = \"34px\"; }"); }
  12. The answer is: void __fastcall TMainForm::UniFormCreate(TObject *Sender) { UniLabel1->JSInterface->JSConfig("style","\"white-space:pre\""); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMainForm::UniBitBtn1Click(TObject *Sender) { UniLabel1->TextConversion=txtRegular; UniLabel1->Caption="abc 123"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. click the button,comes out a new frame,in the new frame there are three unicheckBoxes,check any one and click the button to judge is any one has been checked,the result is error.see the new demo pro.zip
  14. Can you tell me how to write the sentence with cbuilder? UniLabel1.JSInterface.JSConfig('style', ['white-space: pre']);
  15. 1:should be UniLabel1 -> TextConversion = txtHTML; UniLabel1 -> Caption ="<pre> abc 123</pre>";
  16. I want to add some spaces among UniLabel's caption, for example, UniLabels's caption="abc 123" but, actually,that can only display one space,"abc 123", why?
  17. In my mainForm ,I have a UniPanel and a button,if I click the button,it create the frame and set frame's parent to UniPanel. In my frame,I have a UniCheckBox and a button,when I click the button,It judge if UniCheckBox1 is checked, But the judge result is error.
  18. Dear: We are trying to work in a scrum model, Every day ,we talk about the work before a board, I want to design a board, the board has two parts,one is the base board,the other is the tag. the board can be devided into some rows and some cols, and the tag is a small window,should display some little tips,such as the start_date,the stop_date,the progress ,etc,maybe the tag should composized by some unicontrols,such as unilable,uniedit... If someone want to add a tag to the base board,the system should dynamic create a new tag. and the tag can be drap to another area according the tag event's status I want to know how to have a base board and how to Design the tag.
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