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Everything posted by 55143681

  1. with chrome,there comes out many "Voices",but no sound. with "chinese 360" ,there are only two microsoft "Voices",works well.
  2. If I want to have this type project, which type project I should create? A desktop project or a mobile project?
  3. 1、my demo:d_demoddd.zip 2、forum's demo:ECharts0514.rar I have try to copy the forum's demo,but I still have the error, I don't know that whay I have lost, Help Please. d_demoddd.zip ECharts0514.rar
  4. The Files are in the run path.
  5. Then your desktop functions are a,b,c,d,e,f, But your mobile functions are only a,b, do not have c,d,e,f. In another word,your project has a grid, your desktop version have five fields, but your mobile version have only 3 fields.
  6. There are some buttons in the bottom of the Form, click any button will load a corresponding txt file(base json data) and draw a chart. procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var options: TStringList; begin options := TStringList.Create; try options.LoadFromFile(Format('option_%d.txt', [TUniBitBtn(Sender).Tag + 1] ) ); UniSession.AddJS(Format('var option = %s', [options.Text])); UniSession.AddJS('myChart.setOption(option, true);'); Self.Caption := Format('%s - %s', ['ECharts', TUniBitBtn(Sender).Caption]); finally options.Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin UniTimer1.Enabled := True; end;
  7. Good choice,can you give me a detail demo and introduce?
  8. Hello Sherzod: I create a new Project to test the demo, I have copy echarts.js to debug/win32/files but I have a error. Can you spent some time to check for me? thank you. d_demoddd.zip
  9. mhmda: Can you share the code again? The old link is outtime. I need a multifunction listview, Include image\title\memo\button ...etc.
  10. I see , you mean that I open my project with my phone in mobile mode, if I want to see more ,I can swith to desktop mode with my phone, Is that right?
  11. What is your destination? what is the role?
  12. Well, finish, Thank you Sherzod. UnimVideo1->Stop(); UnimVideo1->Url=UnimList1->Text; UnimVideo1->JSInterface->JSCode(UnimVideo1->JSName + ".media.dom.src=\""+ UnimVideo1->Url +"\";") ; UnimVideo1->Play();
  13. UnimVideo1 has JSName,but UnimVideo1->JSInterface does not has JSName, Is that just UnimVideo1->JSName???
  14. for Delphi: UnimVideo1.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.media.dom.src="'+ UnimVideo1.Url +'";'); for Cbuilder: UnimVideo1->JSInterface->JSCode(#1".media.dom.src=\""+ UnimVideo1.->Url +"\";"); #1 should be what in cbuilder?
  15. Test with unigui1517,the error still be there,Can you help me? Sherzod.
  16. A: To CastleSoft: all the code works well except example 2,if I add that, can not come out the mainForm, all the others works well. 2) For a custom Time validation on a UniEdit control add the following beforeinit code: function beforeInit(sender, config) { var timeTest = /^([1-9]|1[0-9])[0-5][0-9])(\s[a|p]m)$/i; Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, { // vtype validation function time: function(val, field) { return timeTest.test(val); }, // vtype Text property: The error text to display when the validation function returns false timeText: 'Not a valid time. Must be in the format "12:34 PM".', // vtype Mask property: The keystroke filter mask timeMask: /[\d\s:amp]/i }); Ext.apply(sender,{ name: 'departureTime', vtype: 'time', msgTarget : 'side' }); } B:To Sherzod where to add validitychange? Report post Posted February 6, 2018 Hi, One possible solution I think, using validitychange event for this: 1. CustomCSS: .isValid { border-color:green; } 2. function validitychange(sender, isValid, eOpts) { var me=sender.inputEl; if (isValid) { me.addCls('isValid') } } C: To all How to make that works for UnimEdit?
  17. How to control the sounds? up and down, thank you
  18. Hello Fred Montier: Can you upload your screen print code here? I want to study it,but I can not download that from https://t.me/uniguiexpress thanks a lot.
  19. I find some samples both have MainmForm and MainForm, can can be accessed with phone and desktop, How to make a project like this, A desktop project added with a MainmForm can do this? A mobile project added with a MainForm can do this?
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