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Everything posted by stiaan

  1. I made sure UniGUi was mentioned wherever possible. With UniGUi Delphi is the most complete IDE!
  2. Much appreciated. Should be added to the knowledge base for future reference, especially for people like me that loves Apache. ;-)
  3. Hi Good info here. Do you you perhaps have a reference article or something outlining the Apache/Windows 2008 issue? Regards Stiaan
  4. Hi Farshad Unfortunatelly, we are not using Microsoft NLB with UniGUI. I would have liked to try that though. What I was getting at is that the design priciples used in a Sharepoint environment should work the same for UniGUI. I hope you agree with this statement??? Regards Stiaan
  5. Hi Farshad I agree that stability should be a priority. I'm just looking at the rate of release between Extjs 5 and 6 and it seems that Sencha is moving fast, which means that UniGUI must stay up to date as well. I suggest you make use of this community to help with the extjs6 port and testing. I'm willing to help and it will cost you $0... Regards Stiaan
  6. This sounds very good indeed. I suspect you have already looked at it? Is this a rewrite of UniGUI? I hope not!
  7. Hi We deployed a large Microsoft Sharepoint enviromnent for one of our corporate customers. The setup we did was able to handle 30000+ connections and ran on VMWare hosts. I would follow the same approach as Sharepoint is based on .NET which is even more resource intensive that Delphi/UniGUI/mormot. What we did was to have 3 web frontends. Between these three frontends we had Microsoft NLB enabled. (You could look at a F5, but the cost is enourmous.) These frontends then connected to the rest of the sharepoint farm components. Also note that the database setup was key to the whole solution. The database itself ran on a MSSQL failover cluster. The hardware we had for that was 16 cores with 128GB RAM with enterpise storage connected. The solution was able to handle the connecting clients easily. If you plan to do reporting, I would advise having a seperate reporting server. If you plan to have specific jobs that must run at specific times, I would suggest having a seperate server for that as well. So my advise would be: 1. Make sure that the NLB between the UNIGUI frontends are setup correctly, especially if you are going to use virtual machines as front ends. VMWare for example needs extra configuration to be able to do NLB. 2. Make sure that the database server have enough resources. No delays should be on the storage side. Also keep in mind that constant database maintenance must be done to keep it optimized. You will therefor need a good DBA. 3. Reporting must be done on a seperate server 4. Scheduled or other tasks must also be done on a seperatele server. 5. Database backups must be done whenever the expected connections will be at it's lowest 6. If you need to do database synchronization between database/sites, you might consider using MSSQL or Oracle. 7. If you plan to run on the internet, I would suggest putting the frontends in a DMZ. I would also suggest using a reverse proxy solution to bump up security. I hope this will help a bit, as I have had great success with this type of architecture. Regards Stiaan
  8. Hi I would just like to get some idea of what the roadmap is to keep up to date with Sencha. I see that ExtJs V6 is to be released, and UniGUI is still on V4. Is that something that you can comment on please. I don't see it as a major risk, but keeping up with Sencha does make sense. Regards Stiaan
  9. Hi Farshad Thank you for the info. I do understand that the trial is ment for "trial" purposes only. As I would like to make people aware of UniGUI, I try to get a functional trial version running. So I just give the URL so that people can check it out. So far it has been successful and people are amazed that Delphi now can "live" in a browser with amazing quality. UniGUI is by far the easiest and best web develppment tool in my opinion. Deployment is the only drawback, but one can overcome that easily. Regards Stiaan
  10. Even the Ext directory that needs to be in the root?
  11. Hi Can I please get an idea what the trial limitations are? I need to know what can be set, for example can the listening port be set in the standalone server version? Much appreciated! Stiaan
  12. Hi I have deployed a UniGui Trial (Delphi XE8 Upd1 compiled) application to a server. I have encountered a couple of issues that I would like to bring to your attention. 1. Even setting the ExtRoot and UniRoot folders programmatically, it still required me to create a link in the root called D:\ext- that points to the actual Ext folder. Why is it looking the the root of my installed drive for the Ext folder even though I have set it: procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var INI : TMemINIFile; wPort : Word; sExtRoot, sUniRoot : String; begin INI := TMemINIFile.Create( StringReplace( ParamStr(0), '.exe', '.ini', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase] ) ); wPort := INI.ReadInteger( 'CONFIG', 'PORT', 8077 ); sExtRoot := INI.ReadString( 'CONFIG', 'EXTROOT', '' ); sUniRoot := INI.ReadString( 'CONFIG', 'UNIROOT', '' ); INI.Free; Self.ServerRoot := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(paramStr(0))); Self.UniRoot := sUniRoot; Self.ExtRoot := sExtRoot; 2. Setting the port in the trial version does not work. Is this a trial limitation? procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var INI : TMemINIFile; wPort : Word; sExtRoot, sUniRoot : String; begin INI := TMemINIFile.Create( StringReplace( ParamStr(0), '.exe', '.ini', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase] ) ); wPort := INI.ReadInteger( 'CONFIG', 'PORT', 8077 ); Self.Port := wPort; Regards Stiaan
  13. Awesome! Thanks!
  14. Hi I have downloaded and installed FMSoft_uniGUI_Plus_0.98.50.1144_Trial.exe on XE5 succeasfully. I have opened MDEMO to evaluate. It did open with some property issues, but compiled fine. Running the MDEMO also worked well. The issue I experienced is that while I was busy with MDEMO, I got session timeouts after about 1 minute, even while I was busy evaluating! Is this a trial limitation? Regards Stiaan
  15. Thanks for the update. Testing...
  16. Hi The component install and is working fine on UniGUI .95 and XE5. Thanks again for the effort in sharing! Stiaan
  17. stiaan

    Column filtering

    Hi Salvatore Much appreciated! Stiaan
  18. stiaan

    Column filtering

    Hi This is exactly what I'm looking for. Are you willing to share the code, as i think most of the people using UNIGUI would want this at some point. Regards Stiaan
  19. Hi I get this error: [MODULE_MISS]"zrender/tool/color" is not exists! I have downloaded ZRender, but I'm unsure on where to install the required files. Please advise. Regards
  20. Hi I was just wondering if there is any way of having UniDBGrid column filtering? I have searched the forums, and it seems to be a future request only. Thanks! Stiaan
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