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Everything posted by albertovesx

  1. Validate input acording to a pattern predefined
  2. Semper share this: If you want TUniEdit that requires a non-empty value: Open UniEdit's ClientEvents and edit ExtEvents property Add the following line in the "OnBeforerender" event: sender.allowBlank=false; But, it would be useful to have this as property and change this value on runtime. As optional display a message sender.emptyText='text to display when the field is empty'; Best regards
  3. Component: UniDBImage Native support for JPG images.
  4. Farshad Mohajeri, can all these features be included in the framework? I mean, properties that we can change using object pascal directly
  5. Patmap, your sample works pretty well. Thank you so much.
  6. For the advanced users. Is there any posibility to use this javascript in UNIGUI app? https://gist.github.com/Wolfy87/1710727 https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/01/using-the-fullscreen-api-in-web-browsers/ or http://johndyer.name/native-fullscreen-javascript-api-plus-jquery-plugin/
  7. are you programing it only with UNIGUI? or are you combining UNIGUI with other tools? By the way, your app looks great.
  8. You are using some component that is not part OF UNIGUI framework.
  9. Adan, could you, please, share an example of how to use flexpaper? http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1193-create-pdf-and-show/?hl=flexpaper&do=findComment&comment=5034
  10. Right click is not working with version 0.92.0
  11. Guillermo Paulino, ¿Cómo agregaste un icono al panel? How did you add an icon to the controlpanel?
  12. try to put the panel in the center in design time and then set all anchors to false.
  13. Check you libraries scopes and rebuild your application. Also, check your delphi libraries paths. For example, now in XE2 windows is winapi.windows.
  14. Properties Grid.HeaderTitle and Grid.HeaderTitleAlign can be modified at runtime?
  15. memoferprf, why dont you just use a standalone uniguiapplication + wine in linux?
  16. I would like to hide the labels that are over the pies on tunichart with pie serie, but keeping the frame with labels that is located beside the graph. How can I do this?
  17. I installed version and now everything is right.
  18. Library 32 bits Installer set: $(fmsoft)\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi20133 The correct must be: $(fmsoft)\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2013 Jus to inform to people who dont know this issue. Best regards
  19. Thank you. Your code is very useful. But again all this code would be easier with support for jpeg in unidbimage
  20. Hi Jpeg images are one of the most used for database application. However vcl and unigui dont have native suport for this format (I dont know why). Is is posible tha unidbimage could handle jpg images? Best regards
  21. You can declare them inside mainmodule type TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule) procedure UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } globalVariableForEachSession: String; end;
  22. delphi xe2 After update to 0.91 I got the following exception after call uniform.showmodal. Config Option: O85->maximizable:false<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. The demos or new projects do not show me this. Do you have any idea about this? EDIT: Well, after searching for a solution I found that the form that I try to show has a dbgrid with columns asociated with fields. Only If I remove all the columns the problem disappears. Its not a problem of the datasource beacause if I clear datasource property the problem remains. Very extrange. procedure TExtThread.JSCode(JS : string; JSClassName : string = ''; JSName : string = ''; Owner : string = ''); var I, J : integer; begin if (* added *)(JS<>'')(* added *) and (JS[length(JS)] = ';') then begin // Command I := pos('.', JS); J := pos(IdentDelim, JS); if (pos('Singleton', JSClassName) = 0) and (J > 0) and (J < I) and (pos(DeclareJS, JS) = 0) and not ExistsReference(copy(JS, J-1, I-J+1)) then raise Exception.Create('Public property or Method: ''' + JSClassName + '.' + copy(JS, I+1, FirstDelimiter('=(', JS, I)-I-1) + ''' requires explicit ''var'' declaration.'); I := length(Response) + 1 end else // set attribute if JSName = '' then raise Exception.Create('Missing '';'' in command: ' + JS) else begin I := pos('/*' + JSName + '*/', Response); if I = 0 then raise Exception.Create('Config Option: ' (* added *)+JSName+'->'(* added *)+ JS + '<br/>is refering a previous request,' + '<br/>it''s not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead.'); if not(Response[I-1] in ['{', '[', '(', ';']) then JS := ',' + JS; end; insert(JS, Response, I); if (pos('O' + IdentDelim, JS) <> 0) and (pos('O' + IdentDelim, JSName) <> 0) then begin if Owner <> '' then JSName := Owner; RelocateVar(JS, JSName, I+length(JS)); end; end;
  23. 0.90.0 build 976 Delphi XE2 I received the following message when I try to see the active sesions using http://theip:port/server on old and new projects. An Exception has occured in application: Access violation at address 006CC010 in module 'Project1s.exe'. Read of address 00000070 Restart application is there someone who is having the same problem or its just my installation? Because everything else works fine.
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