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Marlon Nardi

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Marlon Nardi

  1. If you are interested our component has this functionality: https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Sample https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmmap Route Origin to Destination Sample code: Route Complex (Multi Points) Sample code:
  2. Neste caso você também consegue, porém irá ter que fazer de forma manual - In this case you can do it too, but you will have to do it manually ' if (column.dataIndex == ''1'') { '+ ' tip.update('' '+ ' <b>Dica 5</b> '' + record.data[parseInt(5)] + '' </br> '+ ' <b>Dica 6</b> '' + record.data[parseInt(6)] + '' </br> '+ ' ''); '+ ' }'+
  3. Sim você consegue fazer com este mesmo exemplo, você vai utilizar o index de sua Column, neste seu caso o index vai iniciar na posição 5 -- If you can do the same example, you can use your column index, in which case the index will start at position 5 ' if (column.dataIndex == ''5'') { '+ ' tip.update('' '+ ' <b>Descrição Coluna 5</b> '' + record.data[parseInt(5)] + '' '+ ' ''); '+ ' } '+ ' if (column.dataIndex == ''6'') { '+ ' tip.update('' '+ ' <b>Descrição Coluna 6</b> '' + record.data[parseInt(6)] + '' '+ ' ''); '+ ' } '+
  4. https://financeiro.app Add in UniDBGrid -> ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['viewready'] Sample: dbg.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['viewready'] := 'function viewready(sender, eOpts) '+ '{ '+ ' sender.view.tip = Ext.create(''Ext.tip.ToolTip'', { '+ ' target: sender.view.el,'+ ' delegate: sender.view.cellSelector, '+ ' trackMouse: true, '+ ' showDelay: 50, '+ ' hideDelay: 50, '+ ' renderTo: Ext.getBody(), '+ ' listeners: { '+ ' beforeshow: function updateTipBody(tip) { '+ ' gridColums = sender.view.getGridColumns(); '+ ' column = gridColums[tip.triggerElement.cellIndex]; '+ ' record = sender.view.getRecord(tip.triggerElement.parentNode); '+ ' if (column.dataIndex == ''3'') { '+ ' tip.update('' '+ ' <b>Descrição</b> '' + record.data[parseInt(3)] + '' </br> '+ ' <b>Categoria de Despesa</b> '' + record.data[parseInt(11)] + '' '+ ' ''); '+ ' } else { '+ ' return false; '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ ' }); '+ '} ';
  5. News All components are compatible with the Delphi 10.3 Rio and latest version ExtJS 6.7.0 - uniGUI 1525 https://store.falconsistemas.com.br News UniFSToast - Add New method CloseAll(); UnimFSMap (mobile) - Fixed Bug in Load JSON Polygon; UniFSConfirm - CSS improvements for mobile; Installer improvements;
  6. Hi @Jassiv Guerrero Simple UniDBGrid link DataSource read column bd: <span> <div class="media-left"> <img class="media-object" alt="48x48" style="width: 48px; height: 48px;" src="\imagens\componentes\unifalcon.png"> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading"><b>UniFalcon <span title="última atualização" class="label label-warning">Up 02/01/2020</span></b></h5> <p>Pacote de componentes unigui da falcon sistemas.</p> </div> </span> the style of grid is provenient of component UniFSTheme:
  7. If you are still interested, you can use UniFSMap. Sample code:
  8. News UniFSMap - Added support for Routes (Directions) Sample Google Maps https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmmap Route Origin to Destination Sample code: Route Complex (Multi Points) Sample code: For support and new features send e-mail to: suporte@falconsistemas.com.br - https://store.falconsistemas.com.br
  9. As requested by some users, follows the example of using FontAwesome5 (https://fontawesome.com/) with uniGui. This example is also available in the UniFalcon package. For those who download this example and do not have the UniFalcon package (https://store.falconsistemas.com.br) some controls are not available. FontAwesome5.rar
  10. Hi d.bernaert, I find your point very valid and very useful too, to get a sense of what is happening. But as the other colleagues put it here, when you are going to use TMS not everything is flowers. With uniGui, you can do wonders, I'm extremely happy with uniGUI, I can do everything with it, and what doesn't exist in uniGui I create, we recently received a big investiment in our company, and all thanks to uniGui. Now one thing that I find very useful on your part, there are some super important things to develop in uniGui that should be better followed, I believe Farshad must be designing something. Farshad you have done an amazing job so far, keep it up, focus on critical uniGui things, we need you.
  11. News All components are compatible with the latest version Fixed bugs reported and news features. The big news of this version, was the addition of a new theme, Crystal, super light and clean theme, also added an example project with login screen main menu with creation of frames and form from the new menu, this project is included within the UniFalcon package in the FSThemeCrystal folder. Sample Theme: https://themecrystal.falconsistemas.com.br/ UniFSTheme - A new theme, Crystal has been added for new versions of uniGUI. UniFSToast - Fixed timeout bug and minor other enhancements. UniFSMap - Polygons and Polyline generation improvements, performance improvements. UniFSiGrowl - Mobile compatibility improvements. UniFSToggle - Fixed bug in event handling, performance. UniFSConfirm - Added new Question features with more options, Bug Fixes. For support and new features send e-mail to: suporte@falconsistemas.com.br - https://store.falconsistemas.com.br
  12. Also if you are interested, there is this other option, Web and Mobile https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/ https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmtoggle
  13. News All components are compatible with the latest version ExtJS - uniGUI Equinox 1510 Fixed bugs reported and news features in: UniFSComboCombox - bug itemindex UniFSMap - Added Support Search Box, Add compatibility last version API maps, News samples of marker UniFSEdit - Fixed problem mask Added new samples in the samples folder (Google Maps). For support and new features send e-mail to: suporte@falconsistemas.com.br https://store.falconsistemas.com.br https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmmap
  14. News All components are compatible with the latest version ExtJS - uniGUI Equinox Fixed bugs reported and news features in: UniFSToast - bug toast in MainModule UniFSConfirm - Added exclusive ScreenMask, New Option for CharCase in Prompt UniFSMap - Added suport to MarkerClustrer, Added news events in map, and refactored to more perfomance Added new samples in the samples folder. For support and new features send e-mail to: suporte@falconsistemas.com.br https://store.falconsistemas.com.br
  15. News All components are compatible with the latest version ExtJS 6.7.0 - uniGUI Equinox 1501 Fixed bugs reported and news features in: UniFSConfirm - fixed z-index, add feature of charcase UniFSEdit - fixed bug tooltip UniFSKendoUI - fixed bug export graphic in png, svg and pdf UniFSGoogleChart - fixed bug in initialization Installer.exe - News features for support and new features send e-mail to: suporte@falconsistemas.com.br https://store.falconsistemas.com.br
  16. Hi Donald Thank you, for questions and support you can send email to suporte@falconsistemas.com.br If I understood your question, all my systems use secure connection. If you are referring to my CDN TLS you can change it, it is not mandatory. UniFSCommon.pas -> comment out the directive {$ DEFINE CDN_FALCON} -- When you comment on the {$ DEFINE CDN_FALCON} directive, the components stop fetching the JS and CSS files from the CDN and seek in fetch the JS and CSS files from the local uniGui installation folder, ie the falcon folder should be located of the uniGUI installation folder, both on the server and on your local machine. the falcon folder is inside the UniFalcon folder. - Quando você comenta sobre a diretiva {$ DEFINE CDN_FALCON}, os componentes param de buscar os arquivos JS e CSS do CDN e buscam os arquivos JS e CSS da pasta local uniGui, ou seja, a pasta falcon deve estar localizada na pasta de instalação uniGUI. , tanto no servidor como na sua máquina local. a pasta falcon está dentro da pasta UniFalcon. Sample:
  17. Hi @canestraro If you are interested: FGoogleCharts -> Gauge -> https://store.falconsistemas.com.br if you want to develop: Google Charts API -> https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/gauge
  18. Thanks @rasaliad Yes, the package UniFalcon contains this components. [01] - FSiGrowl (Web e Mobile) [02] - FSKendoUI (Web e Mobile) - Free [03] - FSMask (Web) - Free [04] - FSButton (Web) [05] - FSMap (Web e Mobile) [06] - FSColorPicker (Web) [07] - FSEdit (Web) [08] - FSToggle (Web e Mobile) [09] - FSMenuButton (Web) [10] - FSComboBox (Web) - Free [11] - FSCalcEdit (Web) - Free [12] - FSGoogleChart (Web e Mobile) [13] - FSTheme (Web) (News Themes - Vulkan, Future and Crystal for new versions of UniGui ) [14] - FSToast (Web e Mobile) [15] - FSConfirm (Web e Mobile) [16] - FSPopup (Web) [17] - FSQrCode (Web e Mobile) the value of the complete package, with source code and installer is $ 85.00 dollars. if you want to renew the components after 8 months, the cost of the renovation is only US $ 29.00 dollars. https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Att,
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