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Marlon Nardi

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Marlon Nardi

  1. I understood @morphine, You can also do it this way. Chart.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {rotation: "auto", color:"green", font:"18px Tahoma"}}'; Chart.ChartProperties.Values['axisDefaults'] := '{labels: {rotation: "auto", color:"green", font:"18px Tahoma"}}';
  2. Hi @morphine, Thanks 🤜🤛. For you to change the font of the label, change the parameters of Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults Example: Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {font: "8px Tahoma", visible: true, position: "insideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:n3}'', value) #"} ';
  3. News https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Added new project sample Kriging Map in TUniFSMap; https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmmap kriging.js is a Javascript library providing spatial prediction and mapping capabilities via the ordinary kriging algorithm. Kriging is a type of gaussian process where 2-dimensional coordinates are mapped to some target variable using kernel regression. This algorithm has been specifically designed to accurately model smaller data sets by assigning a prior to the variogram parameters.
  4. In case you are interested, there is this component in the UniFalcon package (Web and Mobile): https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/ Project Sample: https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmsignature
  5. Thanks my friend for your interest. I'm currently finishing some tests with it before going into production. It took me longer than expected because along the way there were some critical bugs in other components that I had to fix before. We are accelerating on new components and improvements to current components. 🤜🤛
  6. News https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Added support for multiple Upload components on the same screen in TUniFSMultiUpload; Added support for filtering file types for upload in TUniFSMultiUpload; Added new property Icon (Icon default, Icon Sending, Icon Spin) in TUniFSMultiUpload; Fixed alignment bug, and responsiveness in TUniFSMultiUpload; Added new properties to change tooltip texts in TUniFSEdit; Fixed bug when viewing the password when there are many edit components on the screen in TUniFSEdit; Fixed signature clear method in TUniFSSignature; Optimized QRCode generation in TUniFSPix;
  7. Excelente contribuição @Charles Holmes 👏👏👏, vai ajudar muita gente.
  8. open this example project to validate that it works on your iPad. https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmcamera
  9. Download component free, with full source code: https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/
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