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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by playsoft

  1. Not Working. ContainerAPP.JSInterface.JSConfig('cls', ['CR']);
  2. Hello, there is a possibility of leaving some version of UniGUI for Lazarus ? @Farshad Mohajeri
  3. I tried to adapt these for mobile but I couldn't ... when you have a little time and can be kind enough to analyze I would be very grateful ...🤗
  4. I need to do this on mobile, but I couldn't adapt the model. can you help me with a small example? 🙂
  5. Hello, did you improve the example? I'm using but the image quality obtained in the cut is very low. Any idea?
  6. Congratulations to Flávio, I'm a RadCore user and I only have one thing to say. SENSATIONAL.
  7. I'm trying to install on delphi 10.4, change the uniguiOS.dpk to unigui27, uniGUI27m; but the following error happens when compiling the package.
  8. I installed the version -, created a new project by selecting the Apache Module option in the Wizard. When compiling the error happens.
  9. Hello, this is not working, I am using a version procedure TfrmCliente.UniFormScreenResize(Sender: TObject; AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin UniLabel1.Caption:='Screen Size is = '+Format('%d x %d', [aWidth, aHeight]); Left:=(AWidth-Width) div 2; Top:=(AHeight-Height) div 2; end;
  10. Brother thank you very much, it worked perfectly.
  11. It did not work, please give a light .... rsrsrs, it follows attached what I did. FrameKeyDown.zip
  12. Brother, thank you very much, I'll be waiting for you then. If you can call me on Whastapp or Telegram or skype +55 (69) 99250-3445 Skype: junior.jaru Thanks again, I'll be waiting.
  13. Brother can you share an example of this by courtesy?
  14. Hello again, I now need to press the f2 key for the click of the btnTest button since the frame does not have the onkeydown event. If someone can put it to work, please share the solution. Attached example Att, Playsoft +55 (69) 99250-3445 FrameKeyDown.zip
  15. Hello, I would like to know how to use the ENTER KEY to change the focus of the edit instead of TAB in a frame, since onkeydown and monitoredkeys do not exist in the frame.
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