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Everything posted by mierlp

  1. Nice work have been donen @Erich L How or with which components did you create the menu ?
  2. hi Attached a little example of my main form and opening a second form. When opening the second form (Main Menu -> Tables -> Treatment it quickly jumps to left and then centered I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong or which setting to correct! mijnBSR.zip
  3. hi Lot's of us here on the form are using uniGui from the beginning. I was wondering how you're application GUI looks ..for seeing and inspirion what can be done with uniGui...some screenshot would be wonderfull. Regards Peter
  4. Thanks for the explanation Hayri. I'm going to try to implement you're code.
  5. Hi, Is in not possible to copy text to the clipboard using: dbmemo.SelectAll dbmemo.CopyToClipboard Regards Peter
  6. Thanks Option 2 works...but you have to put this code on every uniTabsheet from the UniPageControl
  7. hi, I was wondering if there's already a better and easier way to set the background color of a pagecontrol? I first time i asked was in 2014 and Mohammad had this solution : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4712-q-pagecontrol-background-color/ It works...but it's not the way you want to do this. Regards Peter
  8. Very..very nice development ...question...is the Messenger part real messaging or a database entry with polling?
  9. Hi Marlon Looks great...which components did you use to connect with Active Directory? Regards Peter
  10. Hi I'm developing a small database tool for our festival which contains the importend Phone numbers. Is it possible to use phone dialing from a smartphone. What i would like to is when i need someone from the list,...click a button and the number must be dailed. Can this be done with uniGui
  11. Hi, I spend a lot of time to build and test the result i need with this GUI. After trying and trying i can't find out why it's not working. It's nothing more than a mainform (uniServerModule.MainFormDisplay=mfPage) and all other Forms need to open within the FormMain.UniContainer. So the form will be maximazid. Each form contains a uniPanel_Main with all the components and must be centered (that works) Attached also a example project. Whatever i try i can't get the frmTableBank opened to the max, show NO border (that's still not working properly) and center the panel. When frmTableBank is maximized the mainform is not visible anymore. When playing around with the LayoutConfig properties i still didn't got the result i need. I think it's a combination of properties...but can't figure out which one Who can help me or modify the code/properties to Regards Peter TEST.ZIP
  12. Hi Lema, I just created a fresh test project (see attachment) and now it's working. I got the error in a existing big project where i added the GMap functionality....so i have to see what's differenbce between the test project and the existing project. BUT...if have 1 question...is it possible to ad a marker / infowindow based on the given address or do you have to reverseGeocoding first before to adding a marker / infowindows Regards PEter Gmap.zip
  13. Hi Lema, THanks...that's the correct file. I just want to use some geocoding and looked at the example...but missing something? So i created a form which contains the UniGmap. The OnShow events contains : UniGmap.Initialize; Put a editbox on the form for entering the addres and a button to do the search with this code : UniGMap1.Geocoding(UniEdit_Address.Text) I got this Ajax error _rsov_(O4BF,22);var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address": "standaardmolen 86 weert"}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { ajaxRequest(O50B, "Geocoder", ["lat="+results[0].geometry.location.lat(), "lng="+results[0].geometry.location.lng() ]); } else { ajaxRequest(O50B, "Geocoder", ["Geocoder failed due to: " + status]); } } );
  14. Hi, Is there a version for XE-7 and how to install..? Regards Peter
  15. Hi Would be great if you can add the following properties to a PageControl and TabControl : color of the tabsheet / background tab height tab width
  16. Hi, for creation of a large pdf file i would like to show a progress indicator How can this be done ? Regards Peter
  17. Hi Thanks for all the tips/suggestions ...i'm going to try some things to see if i got it working Regards Peter
  18. Yep..I need to access the printer on the browser side at the customer location.
  19. Hi Thanks for the answer....i know this solution and already use it in my application. But we have a pratical issue for the users. For a music festival they get about 2500 accreditations request in 3 weeks and they need to print a single request. When first generating a pdf ...then view and then print...it cost to much time. That's why i need to directly print the request.
  20. hi All my reports are stored in a database. I load a report when i need one and genereate report and direct print the report (frxReport.Print). This works when my program is a stand-alone server and use it on a local machine. Now i created a .dll and running it on my IIS server. The same option does not work anymore (oke..no printer installed on server). What do i need or how to support direct send report to the users local printer ? For the frxReport properties like ShowDialog, ShowProgress are disabled. Regards Peter
  21. hi is there a way to clear all the selected rows in a dbgrid. Normally you can use: uniDBGrid.SelectedRows.Clear Greetz Peter
  22. Hi For creating a username in my application i use the customer e-mail address. Is there a example how to check if the entered e-mail address has a valid syntax with @ and . Regards Peter
  23. I also use FastReport for pre-defined report. But in my case i need a solution a customer can create a report...that would be great. Suggestions ?
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