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Everything posted by Ario.Paxaz

  1. Hi How to can disable Ctrl+F In browser? Best Regards.
  2. Hi I manage it by set Nil in closing form .and always open one form. Best regards. http://uupload.ir/view/aa7j_example2.rar
  3. Hi I don't understand,Why you set Windowstate to wsMaximized? If you set Windowstate to wsNormal ,you'r form open exactly in UniContainerPanel. Best Regards.
  4. Hi I solved it. It is enough add link of it group to Unilable caption and set Textconversion to txtHTML. <a href="https://t.me/joinchat/link of group ?subject=Subject">SendMessage</a> Best Regards.
  5. Hi How to can open Telegram ,and send message for a special group that I have it's link? Best Regards.
  6. Hi The character position have been replaced in any show. for (a) position (d) showed,and in (d) position another character showed. and in next time, all character position change. Best Regards.
  7. Hi Thank you for rapid answer. And How to can use keyboard with accident character? Best Regards.
  8. Hi How to can use keyboard with accident character? and who to move Keyboard.png from root directory to the files directory? Best Regards.
  9. Hi OnAfterrender like this now. function afterrender(sender, eOpts) What is must be change for use it? Best Regards.
  10. Hi Can I Save UniDbgrid Column Width Values to Ini and Reread them Separately for any user ? Best Regards.
  11. Hi Are you see (Clientside Alignment - Layout Fit ) in demo folder? C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\Clientside Alignment - Layout Fit Best Regards.
  12. Hi Standalone like below. program Project1; uses Forms, ServerModule in 'ServerModule.pas' {UniServerModule: TUniGUIServerModule}, MainModule in 'MainModule.pas' {UniMainModule: TUniGUIMainModule}, Main in 'Main.pas' {MainForm: TUniForm}; {$R *.res} begin ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; Application.Initialize; TUniServerModule.Create(Application); Application.Run; end. and Standalone/ISAPI like the first post.compare them,and add anything that is less. Best Regards.
  13. Ario.Paxaz


    درست شده است.
  14. Ario.Paxaz

    Use Captcha

    Hi I use captcha component.that implemented in the forum. and it use some files that copied in files folder. But I have some error in my log files [HandleFileRequest[]]:Access denied: cb=gapi.loaded_1. [HandleFileRequest[]]:Access denied: cb=gapi.loaded_0. Is it error for access set? Captcha Component http://uupload.ir/view/wmnz_tunicaptcha.rar
  15. Hi if you Comment out First line to turn in you'r project,it goes into an ISAPI module. and it is enough . Best Regards.
  16. Hi I want print UniImage,How to I can do it? Best Regards.
  17. HI I use ActivateKeyboardLayout command,But don't apply. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ActivateKeyboardLayout($409, 0); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin ActivateKeyboardLayout($429, 0); end; What i can do it? Best Regards.
  18. Ario.Paxaz


    Hi When I write below code in ClientEvents.ExtEvents on keydown for uniedit1 ,the control go on the next by enter key. function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) { if (e.getKey() == 13) { e.keyCode = e.TAB; return e.keyCode; } } Now I write below code,and put it in KeyDown event of UniEdit1.But don't apply. UniEdit1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['keydown']:='if (e.getKey() == 13) {e.keyCode = e.TAB;return e.keyCode;}'; Which event must be used? Best Regards.
  19. Thanks .It's Worked. No,Its Sample Only Best Regards.
  20. Hi I copy it ,and work very good. But my question is : when i want use it dynamic,Which event must be use ? As you see in my pic ,I use it in onchange of uniedit,but it don't work. Best regards.
  21. Hi My Friend give me below code function change(sender, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { var separator = ","; var int = sender.value.replace ( new RegExp ( separator, "g" ), "" ); var regexp = new RegExp ( "\\B(\\d{3})(" + separator + "|$)" ); do { int = int.replace ( regexp, separator + "$1" ); } while ( int.search ( regexp ) >= 0 ) sender.setValue(int); } and i put it in ClientEvent.ExtEvent.change.and it done very faster than my issue. But when add it to my code by dynamic ,it don't work. Where it must be add ? Best Regards.
  22. Hi Farshad I write a test case for add separator in uniedit,when user fill it with number. And I use same issue for UniDbEdit too. Best Regards. UniEdit_SeperatorOnEdit.rar
  23. Hi Upload you'r sample in a upload site.for example : http://uploadboy.com/ and then send link by Link button. But I think this link help you :http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1741-formatted-input-for-uniedit/?p=7294 Best Regards.
  24. Ramadan is name of blessing its name of love and care its name of Dua so make your prayers and remember me and all brothers and sister in Iran and all World in your prayers.
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