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Everything posted by md9projetos

  1. md9projetos


    In fact I never had noticed before that the ALT+ is kept when you come back to the site.
  2. md9projetos


    Oliver Morsch I use ctrl+ for everything,Really did not crossed my mind this way,but it really helped. I think many users will really do that, I think I divide my brain when I programmin and When I´m living. Farshad, If You can ,in the next version include one a little bit myope thema and other for Disable people. Of course not that was not being able to read,but it makes your eyes tired after some ours. Thanks, Marcello
  3. md9projetos


    I´m thinking of having a magnifier button. So the user chosses how much % he want the whole thing bigger. And onbeforecreate I adjust the size of everything. But it is more a programmer solution than a Web Designer solution,So I don´t know if it s going to work.
  4. md9projetos


    I also think the fonts off all themes to bit two small,and have the same doubts. Did you make any progress? In fact as we get older,the letters gets smaller.
  5. By the way Zig Zig,I also have received an axe in the head this weak. UNIGUI X INTRAWEB is becoming something Like Palmeiras x Corinthians or Fenerbahce x Galatasaray. I prefer to still talk only for the Tech side. I won´t bite the hand that have feed me once,during years Intraweb was the best we had. This week I have become the worst secret agent ever. See this: https://forums.embarcadero.com/message.jspa?messageID=845497
  6. For me it is a shame that the compiler work different in different plataforms. O all the criticism received by Object pascal,specially for those that like "Magic" languages like Python, the only one that really bothers me is having to destroy things by hand,when they go out of scope, and worsely just on Windows. http://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/automatic_reference_counting_for_delphi.html
  7. Farshad, You´re very lucky that they really don´t beleave in the Internet. At least it seems they have canceled that "ASP.NET MVC by Embarcadero" named Relax. If you don´t know how to do something,better let somebody else do, and ASP.NET MVC is an error by itself,does not need a pale copy. They should start bundle UNIGUI,altough it didnt seem to have helped INTRAWEB very much in the last 15 years. Marcello
  8. para quem tem muita coisa desenvolvida em Delphi,sem dúvida é a única altermativa para desenvolvimentos de aplicações RIA. Intraweb não é RIA. Elevate é tipo assim:década de 90. Mesmo se vocÊ quiser mudar de linguagem,provavelmente só vai se sentir a vontade com ferramentas Microsoft(o que gera preocupações com os seus direitos autorais e proteção de código),o resto é tudo no estilão MVC,no qual eu particurlarmente não gosto e não acho produtivo.
  9. Really beuatifull,I would only rethink the way you use the mask. Since it is a WebSite and not a WebApp you probably don´t even need it users will not complain about waiting a millisecond. But if its going to stay maybe a Black background would be better.
  10. Thank you. I´m also getting used to JavaScript itself.
  11. Hi, I would like to change the text of a UniLabel with the text of a recent changed UniEdit,but there is not an OnExit ,or an afterchange event. Thanks, Marcello
  12. I have just installed a trial version of Berlin,and installed UNIGUI without any problems. It is the first Delphi I install in this machine. Mine is UNIGUI complete.
  13. Pergunte no Forum em PortuguÊs. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/forum/25-portuguese/
  14. Its very hard to be a software producer these days. People want everything,cheap(better if its free and with source),powerfull,that runs everywhere. But unfortunatelly in the real world things are not so easy. I´m happy UNIGUI is a commercial product,because at least there are people working on it on a daily basis. So those who want UNIGUI to be even powerfull than it already is should do 2 things: 1-Start saying to the whole world that you´re producing stunning applications with it,because as much UNIGUI sells as much resources FM Software will have to inject in it. 2-I Really think UNIGUI will benefit for using Real Thin Client instead of Indy. It will make difference ,lets say when you 600 connections or more,it will probably much easier to acomplish load balancing (no need to use sticky load balancing servers). But guess what:It will take some months to implement,and of course it would make UNIGUI more expensive. Even DataSnap uses Indy instead of RTC,So even DataSnap could scale more than what it does. But do you really think that lets say if UNIGUI costs U$ 400 dollars more people would pay for it,I guess no. Even though it would give us an enourmous advantage. But all this free framework and open source projects give us the idea that languages and frameworks should cost nothing or at most , less than 4 goodyear tires. But how much do you charge for your clients,lets be honest UNIGUI is cheap for what it does. Probably people from Switzerland,Netherlands,Germany would complain. We South American will cry like little babies,specially us Brazilians,because our salaries have decreased,and we´re almost slaves of the goverment.I´m myself unemployed at the moment,but it is not a FM Soft problem. UNIGUI is already stable,and if you Don´t plain to use it for more than 500 users without Load balance it has a performance more than acepptable,one can implent himself load balance if he wants by creating its own broker,using RTC load Balance components, and so on. I myself don´t think that systems should be multi-tenant,Node.js is not for Web APPS its for websites and WebStores,So Idon´t even know why people is so upset ,I see people saying UNIGUI should be RestFull. ERP´s are stateful by nature,it would be an enourmous working for nothing. ASP.NET MVC is slow and consumes memory,CPU,and bandwith as a drunk man,Microsoft is rewriting it from scratch so it can be at least acceptable. Their main intention is to use in Azzure farms,where at least for them resources ,and bandwith are not a concern. So I think UNIGUI development should not be driven by FAD,and we should care and ask for what we can pay for,because if Angular, Ember,React.JS,Backbone,Django were so good we would probably being using them already. Marcello
  15. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ElasticLoadBalancing/latest/DeveloperGuide/elb-sticky-sessions.html https://www.nginx.com/products/session-persistence/ http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/load_balancing.html http://www.chaosincomputing.com/2012/05/sticky-sessions-are-evil/ Don´t know if they´re so evil but it worths reading.
  16. See the answer on Apache. I´m really far from needing a load balancer. But also interested in the results. http://serverfault.com/questions/23178/http-load-balancer-with-header-based-routing
  17. I used to use Rave Reports Code Based,using logic,no Bands. Only canvas,no GDI Handles enourmous comsuption.
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