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Everything posted by jahlxx

  1. Hi. Wich option is better to deploy? Apache module, or hyperserver? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I'm getting this error when trying to u`load a new version of my aplication: Failed to deploy new binary: No se puede crear un archivo que ya existe. Translated from spanish, is something like can't create a file that already exists. Is the first time I see that error. Any idea? It's urgent. Thanks.
  3. I think that you should test with apache 32 bits
  4. Have you tested with AllowOverride None?
  5. Sorry!! Maybe you didn't understand me or I did't explain ok. Thanks for your temporary solution. I meant that the solution should be as simple as assign text to the property of the element. That's all. Perhaps is a bug og UniGUI that will be corrected in later builds. Sorry again friend.
  6. Ok, Thanks. So complicated for a simple task. Should be: series3.title := 'my title';
  7. please, see attached. test.zip
  8. Ok Works. The problem is calling to SetTitle procedure. When call, the behaviour is as explained before. If don't call to that procedure, AxisA and AxisB are shown.
  9. Ok. Title is shown. Not like in Chart.js, but is OK for me. AxisA is shown, but unformatted: AxisB, is not shown. My code is: UniChart3.Axes.AxisA.Title := 'Test Vertical'; UniChart3.Axes.AxisB.Title := 'Test Horizontal';
  10. Ok. It works, Thanks. I think that is a extrange for an easy task, but works. And what about this kind of labels? (see image) This is done with Chart.js. Is possible with unichart? I prefer don't use external utils is I can do them with standard components. Thanks.
  11. build 1454 my code is simple: series3.title := 'my title';
  12. Hi. How can I change the serie title of a chart in run time? Tested on bar series, but don't work. The title doesn't change, is allways the title defined at design time. Thanks.
  13. Hi. Is possible to know the dbgrid name and / or datasource name in the columnsort event? Thanks.
  14. Hi. I have a problem with fileupload buttons with uni_emerald theme. OK button is not shown (see image). This is urgent please. Someone can hekp me? Thanks.
  15. Is necesary a test case for this? This is an image of the toolbar: For both buttons I added this, and that is the result: function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { container.insert(pos, {xtype: 'tbfill'}); }
  16. Hi friend. This works with one toolbutton. But, what about id I need 2 buttons right aligned? I've tested, and the result is not ok. Any way to do it? Thanks.
  17. Ok. where? mainmodule? servermodule? And just putting a timer and setting that property to true? With no aditional code? Please clarify. Thanks.
  18. Hi. Is possible unlimited ajaxTimeOut and sessionTimeOut ? Thanks.
  19. Try: ip_address/my_app_1/hyper_app.dll/server ip_address/my_app_2/hyper_app.dll/server
  20. I have some apps in same server without problem. My Alias lines are similar to yours, bat have some diferences. You can try the way that I do, perhaps works for you: Alias /my_app_1 "C:/my_app_1" Alias /my_app_2 "C:/my_app_2" If don't work, try this: <Directory "C:/my_app_1"> Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex hyper_app.dll </Directory> Alias /my_app_1 "C:/my_app_1" <Directory "C:/my_app_2"> Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex hyper_app.dll </Directory> Alias /my_app_2 "C:/my_app_2" I hope this helps.
  21. Hi. testing SMExport, is OK. If create the component in runtime, no problem, but when place a excelexport component (non visual) in a form, I get this error: Cannot assign a nil to a TFont Anyone knows to solve it? Thanks.
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