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Everything posted by dindinudin

  1. dear Farshad does uniGUI mobile for Sensa Touch using DLL in the server side , like uniGUI for web? regards
  2. if i have to pay, how much? and what kind of service and product do i get ? i am not hesitate to pay and purchase support service. regards
  3. dear all, i found this article about downloading file : http://examples.extjs.eu/?ex=download would anyone explain how to implement in UniGUI ? regards
  4. hi all, i am using UniGUI 0.93 + Delphi XE3 + Isapi + Apache 2.2 how to save picture to local storage Android device using UniGUI+PhoneGAP ? when I using UniGUI+PhoneGAP (become APK File) , it does not save to local storage Android device. i have tried : 1.using UniSession.SendStream method. result : with Chrome Browser save to local storage Android device, with apk application nothing happen. code : procedure TMenuFrm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var S : TFileStream; begin S:=TFileStream.Create('d:/picture/world.jpg',fmOpenRead); try UniSession.SendStream(S, 'world.jpg'); finally S.Free; end; end; 2.using UniLabel1.Caption:='<a href="'+'pic/world.jpg'+'" download>Click here to download</a>' result : with Chrome Browser save to local storage Android device, with apk application showing the picture only. 3. UniLabel1.Caption:= '<form><input type="button" value="Download Now" onClick="window.location.href=''pic/world.jpg''" ></from>'; result : with Chrome Browser showing the picture only, with apk application showing the picture only. reference may be related : http://docs.phonegap.com/en/edge/cordova_file_file.md.html#File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6417055/download-files-and-store-them-locally-with-phonegap-jquery-mobile-android-and-io http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254033/phonegap-download-file-from-url-to-sdcard help me please best regards
  5. dear all, How to resize TUniSpinEdit Button or TUniDBSpinEdit Button ? i need to make it more wider or taller. thank you in advance regards
  6. when i save the picture with chrome browser in android device, it save on local device storage. but when it wrap by phonegap (eg. apk file) it save on server cache folder. How to save file in local storage android device when it wrap by phonegap? regards i found this, may be related. but i don't know how to implement : http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.1.0/cordova_storage_storage.md.html#localStorage
  7. dear Farshad Mohajeri & Patmap what kind of script above ? how could i get help or reference about script above ? regards i am starting learning UniGUI , thank you Farshad for UniGUI
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