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Everything posted by Volk65

  1. Hi All! I need to intercept a link call in UniHTMLMemo or UniHTMLFrame components. For example, the database generates such a link <a href="MyTagName=6574">Bla..bla..bla< / a>. When I click on the link I have to get to a procedure like OnAjaxEvent, or something else and get "MyTagName=6574" Is that possible?
  2. Thanks mohammad! Is it possible to redirect the function "getInnerTpl: function()" to OnAjaxEvent and return "<div style=..../div>? Sorry, I'm not good at JS.
  3. UniDBLookupComboBox can I change the color / background of the rows in the drop-down list? For example, as in UniDBGrid there is an ondrawcolumncell event.
  4. I use Google chrome But I tried it in Firefox-everything was displayed correctly. And in Google chrome-wrong
  5. Hi! 1. I have UniPageControl without pages 2. I call a procedure (Form.AddPage). The procedure adds a UniTabSheet, create a URLFrame on the TabSheet, and sets the URL property ... As a result, the first page of the report is displayed normally, and the second page is very small (see image). The example shows this defect very clearly. In the example there are two pages, but there can be many of them (not two). Test7.rar
  6. +1 It is really necessary functionality.
  7. I already tested https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lukehorvat/5607821/raw/6fe2113b4946b36e8bcdf10a3904560ef9a00758/excel-grid-plugin.js (Not working) test6.rar
  8. Yes. I saw that too. But the first link did not open. And I wasn't sure if it was still relevant. If the second link is the actual script, I'll try. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lukehorvat/5607821/raw/6fe2113b4946b36e8bcdf10a3904560ef9a00758/excel-grid-plugin.js
  9. I looked... and not found For example: "How to activate cell editing in UniDBGrid" http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/10306-how-to-activate-cell-editing-in-unidbgrid/
  10. Hi! UniDBGrid: I Need to start editing the cell by pressing Key>32. How to do it?
  11. Don't quite understand the question
  12. Hi al! Need advice. There is a DB. There is a large directory that is updated rarely. If each session opens data from this directory every time-this is an extra load on the server. The idea is this: 1. To place component to access the directory in the module, ServerModule. 2. Once an hour, on a timer to refresh data from the server. 3 All sessions turn to ServerModule, where the data is already loaded into memory. 4. As a data source in ServerModule I want to use TDataSetProvider. I see one problem (and I don't know what's going to happen) - when a session is started to read data from ServerModule and at that moment triggered a timer to update the data. Is this algorithm a good idea or a bad idea? If there is another (correct) solution, then tell me how to do it correctly.
  13. I did that. Is that right? 1.ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> beforehide function beforehide(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender; ajaxRequest(me, '_hide', []); } 2. OnAjaxEvent procedure TRootFrame.UniFrameAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var RetVal: Integer; begin if EventName = '_hide' then FrameMessage(FM_HIDE, 0, 0, RetVal); end; Thanks. It works.
  14. When I change UniFrame.Visible True or False. I need to call my procedure, for example: procedure OnFrameVisibleChanged(....); UniFrame does not have events like the form: OnShow, OnHide.
  15. Hi all. How to track change the visibility of the UniFrame? When changing to visible:=True|False;
  16. Hi. I understand that two questions in one day is too much! The user clicks: http:\\brokenserver.com?prm1=val1&prm2=val2 And in the browser, when opened, the user sees: http:\\brokenserver.com BUT, inside UniApplication I have access to UniApplication.Parameters. I found the topic: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7629-hide-parameter/ but there it is necessary to hide every known parameter, but in the future there may be many such parameters. How to hide everything at once?
  17. Hi One small problem in MainModule - no property access Cookies: PS: implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIApplication, UniGUIVars, ServerModule, UType, Variants, uni_Data_Module, UProc, XCrypt2, UniGUIForm;
  18. Hi. If I understood you correctly: function TUniReport.ExportReport: Boolean; var Exp1: TfrxPDFExport; Exp2: TfrxJPEGExport; AUrl : string; P: Integer; OldFName, NewFName: String; begin Result:=False; case FExportType of retPDF: begin Exp1:=TfrxPDFExport.Create(nil); try Exp1.Background := True; Exp1.ShowProgress := False; Exp1.ShowDialog := False; -- Get a new file name in the cache !!! Exp1.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl, True); Exp1.DefaultPath := ''; FRF.Export(Exp1); -- Now display this file in a special form to view the PDF frm_UReport_Preview.UniURLFrame1.URL:=AUrl; frm_UReport_Preview.ShowModal; frm_UReport_Preview.Caption:=FRepName; Result:=True; finally Exp1.Free; end; end; If you want to transfer the file to the client instead of displaying it: UniSession.SendFile(Exp1.FileName, SendAsFileName);
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