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Everything posted by irigsoft

  1. Hello, For all cases I use Google chrome console and search for what i need. I didn't find any documentations for css.
  2. Hello, You can use HTML in uniDBGrid, just enable and use SQL like this: Select '<H1 style="youre css styles">' + MyColumn + '</H1>' from Mytable
  3. How do You create component, any example ? I use this, but create it in Mainmodule: //add AdoQueryServerUses // search adoquery if Exist UniMainModule.FormAdoQuery := TAdoQuery (FindComponentEx ('AdoQueryServerUses_' + MainForm.Name)); If UniMainModule.FormAdoQuery = nil then begin UniMainModule.FormAdoQuery := TAdoQuery.Create (uniMainModule);//TuniForm (MainForm)); UniMainModule.FormAdoQuery.Name := 'AdoQueryServerUses_' + MainForm.Name; end;
  4. If this work, maybe You problem is here: 1. Where are the components of your query / table, who is the owner? 2. It is created dinamically or it's created in form creation ?
  5. So, try to this: Create uniMainModule variable like: FormIsClosed : Boolean; When Close Form then set it True. Add In AfterScroll: If not FormIsClosed then begin //You logic here end; This is not a solution to the global problem, but it can help you work around the error message
  6. can You try it to set to False and look if then fire a event when closing form ?
  7. Hello, when Form is closed, all components are destroyed if FreeOnClose is Enabled. How is in Your application ?
  8. So, why the problem with browsers buttons is so important ? Web is not VCL And many browsers make things worse by security reasons. I googling for disable browser's address bar and see that was possible before, but now is not. I make for my clients if they want to work like VCL then browser after login go to Full Screen and add in Mainform Button to exit of fullscreen. All forms are in Pagemode and all look like one ModalForm.
  9. The problem with that is only if You want to make things in Client-side else on Server -side only Delphi is enough
  10. I'm not sure how to make it all work without making different designs for different platforms, but here's my solution: 1. I have a VCL application - ERP 2. Another VCL application with different user designs - POS software 3. Now add a uniGui server with the capabilities of POS software, but for the web At the moment I only have one web server and it works like this: 1. The created designs are used by POS (this helps me to create dynamic elements and functionality) 2. I wrote an Android application using webview And the result is: I have a mobile platform and without coding it works on mobile devices and web browsers. If a User of VCL POS software goes to the WEb, I simply add the uniGui web application and give them the ability to work in a browser without losing their functionality. If the user wants to work in a mobile device, I make a design for a mobile device (to optimize the space in the mobile device). I have my own designer and I write the designs in XML files, and this allows me to encode one design + functionality once and it works equally on all platforms
  11. On what platform will be used this application, mobile device ?
  12. I add some user code to minimize form: procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'minimize' then begin top := Screen.Height - 100; Left := 10; width := 100; height := 20; end; end;
  13. Why is Your need to hide address bar ? Minimize is not work even without full screen.
  14. Fullscreen mode can start only from click event (by security reasons). So in Your mobile device after login browser will go to full screen. Other possible solution is to use Android webview (Create Android app)
  15. Please use this for all dbgrid in Your custom css: .x-grid-item { height: 200px; }
  16. Sorry, this must be added in procedure TYourForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); and this in TYourForm.Script: function launchIntoFullscreen(element) { if (element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(); } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) { element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) { element.msRequestFullscreen(); } } function exitFullscreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } }
  17. No, I use this when click on login button: //if has settings if (StrToBool (UniServerModule.SistemSettingsList.Values ['WebFormInFullScreen']) = True) //only for desktop //AND (UniApplication.UniPlatform = [upDesktop]) then begin UniButtonLogIn.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['click'] := 'function click(sender, eOpts){ launchIntoFullscreen(document.documentElement);}'; end;
  18. Hello, did You try to use FullScreen ? Is this ok for You?
  19. just for information: In my example i use html manipulation in SQL query and not needed extend in database field.
  20. I test it with memmory records in Google chrome and You must add in Button click uniEditUser.Text := ''; uniEditPass.Text := '';, to ignore lastvalue in record.
  21. I use this in my mssql script to manipulate text in column: SELECT ('<H2 style="color:blue;text-align:center;">'+ Products."Name" + '</H2>' + CASE WHEN CONVERT (varchar (250) , STUFF ( (SELECT CHAR (10) + '|||' + REPLACE (ParamName,'-','') + CHAR (10) + ParamValue FROM OderDataArt WHERE OderDataArt."ID_Art"=Products."ID" FOR XML Path ('')),1,1,'')) <> '' THEN '<h3>' + REPLACE (CONVERT (varchar (250) , STUFF ( (SELECT CHAR (10) + '|||' + REPLACE (ParamName,'-','') + CHAR (10) + ParamValue FROM OderDataArt WHERE OderDataArt."ID_Art"=Products."ID" FOR XML Path ('')),1,1,'')) ,'|||','</br>') + '</h3>' ELSE '' END + '<ul><ul><h3 align="right">Price: ' + CAST (ROUND (Products."Price",2) as varchar (20)) + ', ' + lower (Products."Val") + '</h3></ul></ul>' '...... Maybe You can insert standart css format in column data
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