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Everything posted by irigsoft

  1. If You rename this dll to otrsys_old.dll, will You have this errors ?
  2. Can You remove from hyperserver directories?
  3. Maybe this will help: https://reqbin.com/req/javascript/uzf79ewc/javascript-post-request-example I have used this to communicate from my uniGui application (in Browser) to other Android application (server) on device.
  4. Is it possible in unigui to use (or apply) this Progressive Rendering: https://dev.to/ryansolid/server-rendering-in-javascript-optimizing-performance-1jnk
  5. Ok, now I understand the problem. Thank You.
  6. All the problems with my example are CORS. What payment gateway are you using, if I may ask? I developed a self-service terminal and integrated Stripe's Checkout
  7. @Frederick, can I ask you why you need to load google.com into your URL? What exactly needs to be achieved? maybe XMLHttpRequest will be better or use iFrame in your page.
  8. If this is Your error ?: here is why: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Same-origin_policy , https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS , https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-cors-protocol Maybe this is some kind of solution: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-cors-access-control/lhobafahddgcelffkeicbaginigeejlf , https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102819/disable-same-origin-policy-in-chrome
  9. what is the purpose of this dll? where do you use it in the code?
  10. I am sorry, only with that I could help. If @Sherzod can adapt my code to your needs, I guess it will be useful.
  11. maybe that's the reason, but if you try Sherzog's example, it will happen too.
  12. I have (and test) it on my mobile phone Browser and Google Chrome.
  13. I don't know why the browser generates an Ajax error. you may be trying a specific url (like google.com) and this hidden URL replacement is not OK for this website (or browser, can You try with other browser ?) I only use it in my application to remove some parameters. Maybe my example is not suitable for your purposes. But I'm sure it's suitable for the video example
  14. I use this to clear data in parameters: newURL := UniSession.ARequest.Referer; newURL := StringReplace (newURL,'&MyParams1=' + UniMainModule.CommandLine.Values ['MyParams1'],'',[rfReplaceAll]); newURL := StringReplace (newURL,'&MyParams2=' + UniMainModule.CommandLine.Values ['MyParams2'],'',[rfReplaceAll]); UniSession.ARequest.Referer := newURL; You can use just add params, like example: var Yourparam1, Yourparam2 : String; Yourparam1 := 'Name1=value1'; Yourparam2 := 'Name2=Value2'; newURL := 'https://www.google.com/?' + YourParam1 + '&' + Yourparam2; UniSession.AddJS(......
  15. Okay, I'll tell you how I did to make this work in my application: I open a url with parameters and after logging in these parameters disappear. procedure TMainForm.UniFormActivate(Sender: TObject); var newURL : String; begin newURL := 'https://www.google.com' UniSession.AddJS( // Current URL: UniSession.ARequest.Referer 'const nextURL = ''' + newURL + ''';' + 'const nextTitle = ''' + UniServerModule.Title + ''';' + 'const nextState = { additionalInformation: ''Updated'' };' // This will create a new entry in the browser's history, without reloading + 'window.history.pushState(nextState, nextTitle, nextURL);' // This will replace the current entry in the browser's history, without reloading + 'window.history.replaceState(nextState, nextTitle, nextURL);' ); end;
  16. If You try with replace this: 'window.open("", "view"); f.submit(); ' with this: 'window.open("www.youraddress.com","_self"); f.submit();' or this: 'window.open("?","_self"); f.submit();' more info: https://www.google.com/search?q=window.open+in+same+tab+jquery&oq=window.open+same+tab&aqs=chrome.2.0i19j0i19i22i30l4.7006j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  17. No, when you open a page in the browser, the first is to send a javascript check from the client to the server and the answer this session does not exist This session ID 2QOCfAX4gF1097104B2 maybe was created before log file is created. There is no reason to worry !
  18. Okay, I think there's a better way, just by creating some kind of Windows service for that purpose. I was created different application (like Windows service) and this service have auto backup, create reports, auto generate operations and documents, sending sms, email and so on.
  19. Hello, how will this automatically generated report bring you the information? How will it be visualized or do you want it to be exported to a file? Why not create a separate service to do this?
  20. Thank You. I am of the same opinion that the initial delay is permissible, but I hope for some help in optimizing the display of the components themselves in the form. Since the next charges take 3-4 seconds and I would like to optimize it at least in half
  21. Hello again. I do a test case with some of the components, but the speed is different when loading the first session (less than 2 seconds). In the real project I have many other components, all of them invisible (images, panel, group boxes, bitbtns, labels). Do I have a way to move all these components to some hidden panel to speed up real project, or add some javascript in this components?
  22. @Sherzod,If we forget about charging time the first time. Can you tell me what to look for to optimize the time between FormCreate and OnReady for each subsequent session. If I have many components and all of them, I create them dynamically, which is the best way to optimize the rendering time of the form.
  23. I am sorry, is not possible. The code is complex and test case is not possible to be created.
  24. Yes, Always when I start my Standalone application, first session is so slow. I have to say that: my MainForm is created very quickly, I have a button on it, after clicking on this button, I create the next form (I use this next form as the main form). In simple words: I don't have an login form, my basic form is made as an login form. All that situation is between Form Create and OnReady on this second form.
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