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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. Using RadCORE (BASE Project) to migrate a native uniGUI application. Contacts: Flávio Motta mikromundo@gmail.com +55 85 998621405( whatsapp ) https://t.me/projetoradcore
  2. Projeto RADCORE Acelere e facilite o desenvolvimento e/ou migração de suas aplicações para web usando DELPHI + uniGUI. Vídeo demonstrando recursos visuais do RadCORE, RadTICKET e RadFOOD. O código fonte do RadCORE é repleto de recursos exclusivos que permitem de maneira simples aplicar responsividade em seus projetos pré-existentes aproveitando 100% das suas regras de negócio, inclusive se você usa componentes de terceiros e sem precisar usar html/css/js ( templates ). Você não precisa removê-los !!! Esse é o conceito principal do RadCORE: Você não vai instalar nenhuma nova biblioteca de componentes e não vai remover o que você já tem. Pode usar os recursos exclusivos de banco dados( lookups dinâmicos, atributos dinâmicos para uniDBGrid etc.. ) ou não, você fica no controle. English version: Accelerate and facilitate the development and / or migration of your applications for web using DELPHI + uniGUI. Video demonstrating visual features of RadCORE, RadTICKET and RadFOOD. The source code of RadCORE is full of exclusive features that allow in a simple way to apply responsiveness to your pre-existing projects taking advantage of 100% of your business rules, even if you use third-party components and without having to use html / css / js (templates). You do not need to remove them !!! This is the main concept of RadCORE: You will not install any new component library and will not remove what you already have. You can use the unique database features (dynamic lookups, dynamic attributes for uniDBGrid etc ...) or not, you are in control. Mais informações: More information: Flávio Motta mikromundo@gmail.com +55 85 998621405 https://t.me/projetoradcore Since now Thank you all and especially FARSHAD ( FMSOFT family ) for the incredible work with uniGUI.
  3. I just received feedback from a friend ( @belo ) who tested the example above in .1541 and there was no problem. I will update my version of uniGUI and give feedback.
  4. I'm not really using it on ON CREATE. I will post a TEST CASE. The problem with Synchronize is that I am trying to adjust uniScrollBOX. ( I don´t use synchronize in this sample ) I explain in the attached video. Thanks in advance. 146059114_UniScrollBoxTestCASE.mp4 TestCase_ScrollBOX.rar
  5. Thanks @Farshad Mohajeri I will check this and post a feedback !!!
  6. Hi..About this: Could anyone give an explanation? How to use correctly and avoid the error: "ProcessEventQueue: worker is not assigned"
  7. Thanks @picyka I will test to see if it was what I was looking for.
  8. yes. @Sherzod I tried with several words and did not find what I wanted. But I will try again. Sorry for the delay in the response.
  9. Sorry for the amateur video. But I demonstrate here another feature that accompanies the RadCORE project. R E S P O N S I V E N E S S https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2DBMof_bGI&feature=youtu.be RadCORE is a base project with more than 80 procedures / functions that tries to streamline web development using DELPHI + uniGUI. https://www.radcore.pro.br Several videos demonstrating other features. Contact: mikromundo@gmail.com +55 85 99862-1405 Flávio Motta
  10. How can I customize the uniDbGrid navigation bar? Aligning and / or creating other buttons and calling the respective navigation events.
  11. Good morning ... thanks buddy..but it will be the same ... Look at this ... I can do the first pagination ... grouping ... But I want to give the client an option to select several fields for possible grouping .. so you have to turn off / on the paged ... Then from the second it no longer works
  12. I would to change PAGED in runtime, but don´t work. dbgSearchCRUD.WebOptions.Paged := not dbgSearchCRUD.WebOptions.Paged;
  13. In the DEMOS...CellStyle... I put the code: // My EXAMPLE - BEGIN if Acol = 0 then begin TUniDBGrid(Sender).Text := AnsiLowerCase( Column.Field.AsString ); //TStringField( Column.Field ).DisplayText.Replace( TStringField( Column.Field ).DisplayText , AnsiLowerCase( Column.Field.AsString ) , [rfReplaceAll] ) ; end; // My Example - END Thanks for read ... I got it with attribs.style.cls... Thanks again !!!
  14. Thanks again...but I don´t use OnGetText... I don´t use FIELDSEDITOR..All dinamic load.
  15. Thanks @Hayri ASLAN but I can change in specific field. Thanks @alfr do this .. But don´t change. That's why I made the post. I tried several ways within the OnDrawColumnCell event. I tryed this too: TStringField( Column.Field ).DisplayText.Replace( TStringField( Column.Field ).DisplayText , Text , [rfReplaceAll] ) ;
  16. I can adjust (via DELPHI) several properties in the OnDrawCell of a uniDBGrid, but I cannot change the CHAR CASE. Any tips?
  17. Made with RadCORE( DELPHI + uniGUI ) https://1drv.ms/u/s!AovhnjIbioMAuhul-PwIzQl7NdSH?e=TnCJHC
  18. Hi, i read this ( and others ) posts But dont´t work for me. How can I apply a correct session time out control, because the native is not working correctly or am I doing something wrong?
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